Desparate Housewives


New Member
JabbaJawz said:
I cried when they took the baby, too!!

Oh it wasnt just me?!?! Thank goodness lol. My husband walked into the living room about the time I was wiping tears away and just shook his head. I think he just blames it all on my pregnancy, but Gaby did a GREAT job during that scene. It was touching.


Witchy Woman
Shannie0308 said:
Oh it wasnt just me?!?! Thank goodness lol. My husband walked into the living room about the time I was wiping tears away and just shook his head. I think he just blames it all on my pregnancy, but Gaby did a GREAT job during that scene. It was touching.

I can honestly say that that's the first time DH has ever made me cry. Gabrielle's screaming broke my heart.

Matthew and Danielle were slick weren't they. Makes me wonder how much Matthew had to do with Caleb's first incident. Andrew going to burn down Brie's house? :yikes:


New Member
MysticalMom said:
I can honestly say that that's the first time DH has ever made me cry. Gabrielle's screaming broke my heart.

Matthew and Danielle were slick weren't they. Makes me wonder how much Matthew had to do with Caleb's first incident. Andrew going to burn down Brie's house? :yikes:

The whole Matthew and Danielle scheme does make you wonder about that boy. But his mother, I cannot believe her solution is kill her son. :jameo:

The previews sure do want you to believe Andrew is going to start a fire, I can't wait. For the first time in months I am looking forward to a DH.


Witchy Woman
Shannie0308 said:
The whole Matthew and Danielle scheme does make you wonder about that boy. But his mother, I cannot believe her solution is kill her son. :jameo:

She's a nut job for sure. But then..we knew that from the start.

The previews sure do want you to believe Andrew is going to start a fire, I can't wait. For the first time in months I am looking forward to a DH.

Andrew is a little shiat. I'm looking forward to it too. :yay:


New Member
MysticalMom said:

I haven't watched it yet. :lmao:

Well then I won't mention the six main characters who die in the earthquake.
workin hard said:
You think? I wasn't sure what to make of that especially the way she found out about it. That sux!
Oh I definately think he diverted his trips and such... as to how far he took it... that would make for a most interesting story line for next season.
kwillia said:
Oh I definately think he diverted his trips and such... as to how far he took it... that would make for a most interesting story line for next season.

Yes it would especially since they have come off the "perfect couple" ya know. :smile: