Diddy raided


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Trump a few minutes ago "Where are the children Kamala?"

He also said "Hollywood is watching."
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The day music died


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FBI Seize 'Horrific' Obama 'Freak Off' Tapes Featuring Underage Justin Bieber The FBI are scrambling to cover up “damaging” footage of the Obamas and other VIP elites engaged in depraved sex acts with minors including underage popstars, according to witnesses who were present during some of their worst excesses. Described as worse than Frazzledrip, the scope of the FBI investigation is being kept under a tight wrap because the authorities are desperate to protect the powerful names implicated in Diddy’s blackmail operation. Unfortunately for the elite, whistleblowers including those closest to Diddy and his entourage are coming forward to expose what they know about sex crimes perpetrated at his infamous Freak Off parties attended by a Who’s Who of Hollywood and D.C.


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In 2014, Saturday Night Live aired a disgusting skit depicting Barack Obama kissing Justin Bieber. For starters, I want everyone to keep in mind the Satanic pedophile cabal hides truth in plain sight via their movies, TV, shows, etc., — this is a ritual for these Satanists. They believe they have to show the masses what they’re doing — even if it’s in their entertainment shows and movies depicted as fiction and/or satire — to obtain power. They believe that if you accept what they’re doing even if it’s under the guise of fiction or alleged comedic parody, they gain power from that. So now that you know that, let’s talk about how Obama was not just a crack smoking ****** groomed to be a Manchurian candidate for decades — he’s also a pedophile. We learned in 2016 from Wikileaks that he shipped $65K worth of pizza and hotdogs — aka most likely child sex slaves as pizza and hotdogs are code words for that — from Chicago via clandestine channels on the taxpayers’ dime for a private White House party. He also threw a secret Alice in Wonderland party at the White House when he was President. The cabal uses Alice in Wonderland references as codes for child sex trafficking too among other things. One of Hillary Clinton’s — who also is a Satanic pedophile and a child sex trafficker — code names is Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Obama also allegedly had a personal child sex slave named Maggie Nixon.


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Diddy's bodyguard claims that his arrest goes beyond just him, implicating all the politicians in New York City, including Mayor Adams, whose house was raided along with those of other officials. He also suggests that the wave of resignations within the city is linked to the Diddy investigation.