DIE - Diversity, Inclusion, Equity


PREMO Member

Chick-fil-A Faces Growing Backlash Over ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ Efforts

DEI is a set of principles that large corporations, government agencies, and schools have increasingly incorporated into their work environments, often mandating employees receive such training. However, these principles are rooted in Marxism, according to prominent critics including Christopher Rufo and James Lindsay, that are essentially vehicles for “left-wing racialist ideology and partisan political activism.”

“They are designed to replace the system of academic merit with a system of race-based preferences and discrimination—which, in many cases, explicitly violates federal civil rights law,” wrote Rufo for his Substack page earlier this year.

The Chick-fil-A announcement was highlighted this week by several prominent conservative accounts. According to McReynolds’s LinkedIn page, he was hired as Chick-fil-A’s vice president for “Diversity, Equity [and] Inclusion” in late 2021.

“We have a problem,” wrote Joey Mannarino, a conservative host in highlighting Chick-fil-A’s prior announcement, on Twitter Tuesday morning. “Chick-Fil-A just hired a VP of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. This is bad. Very bad. I don’t want to have to boycott. Are we going to have to boycott?”

He also wrote: “The Left is going crazy again over the Chick-fil-A boycott that conservatives are considering. They’re mad because we’ve FINALLY gotten effective at boycotts. Any company that is pushing the trans stuff on our kids or the DEI stuff, we are going to pick the worst offenders.”

“So Chick-fil-A has a diversity, equity and inclusion division,” added columnist Todd Starnes on Tuesday. “Well, that explains the fried cauliflower sandwiches and kale salad.”
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Oh for god's sake. See, this is where the Republicans lose me. They can't just oppose the obvious evil, they have to start nitpicking and overcorrecting. There is nothing inherently wrong with diversity, inclusion, and equity - those are things we as a society should embrace. But the Democrats lose their hivemind and go to extreme Left, then Republicans lose *their* hivemind and go extreme Right.

Let's see what CFA does with their DEI person before we start lighting the torches. The corp I work for has one and all she does is send out emails on Juneteenth and create online classes about how to treat people with basic respect and courtesy. It's a make-work throwaway job you give to your cousin's kid.

If CFA starts running commercials with trannies and children in BDSM gear, THEN we can dig out the pitchforks.


PREMO Member

Warner Bros. Discovery Ousts Top Diversity Exec Karen Horne

In a worrying trend, a number of DEI execs have also exited in recent weeks at other studios, including Netflix’s Vernā Myers and Disney’s Latondra Newton.

Horne’s departure was announced internally on Wednesday, per an L.A. Times report published Friday. She was SVP of diversity, equity and inclusion in North America, having joined the company in March 2020.

The company’s DEI program will still be led by Discovery’s chief global diversity, equity and inclusion officer, Asif Sadiq. In a memo to staffers obtained by TheWrap, he wrote that Horne’s departure was part of a reorganization and a “new approach” to DEI initiatives.

Sadiq wrote that the company is shifting to “designated leads who are tasked solely with employee-related initiatives in each region,” in contrast to Horne’s “broad DE&I portfolio beyond employee-related initiatives.”

He praised her work and announced the company would be looking at “internal and external candidates” to take over the vacated position.


PREMO Member

LinkedIn Should End ‘Diversity in Recruiting’ Feature: “Discrimination by algorithm is still discrimination”

Equal Protection Project calls on LinkedIn to disable the DIR feature which injects race and other protected statuses into the candidate pools promoted by LinkedIn’s algorithms: “Discrimination by algorithm is still discrimination, and LinkedIn needs to stop.”

LinkedIn is one of the most influential platforms for seeking employment and recruiting employees. LinkedIn offers various programs and tools for both candidates and recruiters/employers, with a core promise of non-discrimination in all aspects of the process.

But that’s a promise to which LinkedIn does not live up, instead, embedding discrimination in the platform through the “Diversity in Recruiting” (DIR) feature. DIR, according to LinkedIn’s own descriptions on its website, utilizes demographic information, provided by users who give LinkedIn permission to use such demographic data, to create diverse pools of candidates to present to recruiters/employers. These diverse pools by their very nature differ from whatever other pool of candidates the algorithms would present based on factors such as education, experience, and so on. DIR is intended to add race and other protected categories into what the algorithms pull and present.

The Equal Protection Project (EPP) wrote to LinkedIn in late April 2023, calling on LinkedIn to disable the DIR feature as it violated LinkedIn’s own non-discrimination policies, and also implicate federal and state anti-discrimination laws. We heard nothing back from LinkedIn, and the DIR feature continued to operate.

On July 5, 2023, after the U.S. Supreme Court issued its Opinion in the Harvard/UNC cases, we again wrote to LinkedIn calling on it to disable the DIR feature. The full letter is embedded at the bottom of this post. Here is an excerpt [footnotes omitted]:

We write to follow up on our letter of April 25, 2023, in which we called on LinkedIn Corp. (“LinkedIn”) to disable the “Diversity in Recruiting” (“DIR”) feature on its platform. The DIR feature utilizes the personal demographic information of LinkedIn users to “surface qualified members” in order to “diversify the group of candidates displayed to recruiters …. from companies that have made public commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion.”1 To date, we have received no response from you, and the DIR feature appears to remain in use by LinkedIn.

We once again call on LinkedIn to disable the DIR feature, particularly in light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision in Students for Fair Admissions Inc. v. President & Fellows of Harvard College, __U.S.__ (2023) (“Students for Fair Admissions”). In Students for Fair Admissions, the Supreme Court reaffirmed that drawing “[d]istinctions between citizens solely because of their ancestry” is “odious to a free people whose institutions are founded upon the doctrine of equality,” and declared that preferences based on racial classifications constitute invidious discrimination in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, which the Court noted would also constitute a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Majority Op. at n.2). It therefore is more imperative than ever that LinkedIn discontinue the use of the DIR feature.
In addition to legal requirements, LinkedIn has made contractual promises of non-discrimination that are consistent with Students for Fair Admissions. Yet your platform contradicts those promises by embedding racial and other protected classifications into the job recruiting process through the use of algorithms that drive the DIR feature. In light of the Supreme Court’s pronouncement in the Students for Fair Admissions cases that “[e]liminating racial discrimination means eliminating all of it,” we again call on LinkedIn to disable the pernicious DIR feature.


Well-Known Member
So when does the Babylon Bee run a story on the DEI administrator for the Amish community?
(I wonder what that would look like?...something less 'plain' on Tuesday afternoon??)


Well-Known Member
Does this mean that all of those executive level DEI positions and departments that corporations "created" are going to be disappearing soon?


Well-Known Member
I'm implementing something a little different though: "PIE"

Perversity, Inequity and Exclusion

Everyone likes pie.
Can I come to your next session?...I suspect your seminar on "Awareness & Confronting PIE" will prove memorable.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Can I come to your next session?...I suspect your seminar on "Awareness & Confronting PIE" will prove memorable.
You typoed it. It's "Awareness and Promoting PIE".

It will be immediately followed by "Effective Uses of Passive-Agressive Behavior in the Workplace". Always a favorite. If you sign up for both you'll get to attend the mini-seminar: "Sexual Harassment in the Office: Proven Methods for Hitting on Co-workers While Still Avoiding HR Attention".


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Will you and SGI be the only ones there? :gossip:
Of course not! Attendance is mandatory for our entire company staff. Besides, SGI and I hate each other...so no funny bizness happening there.

I may even give my popular demonstration on how to chase the receptionist around her desk.
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Well-Known Member

LinkedIn Should End ‘Diversity in Recruiting’ Feature: “Discrimination by algorithm is still discrimination”

Equal Protection Project calls on LinkedIn to disable the DIR feature which injects race and other protected statuses into the candidate pools promoted by LinkedIn’s algorithms: “Discrimination by algorithm is still discrimination, and LinkedIn needs to stop.”

LinkedIn is one of the most influential platforms for seeking employment and recruiting employees. LinkedIn offers various programs and tools for both candidates and recruiters/employers, with a core promise of non-discrimination in all aspects of the process.

But that’s a promise to which LinkedIn does not live up, instead, embedding discrimination in the platform through the “Diversity in Recruiting” (DIR) feature. DIR, according to LinkedIn’s own descriptions on its website, utilizes demographic information, provided by users who give LinkedIn permission to use such demographic data, to create diverse pools of candidates to present to recruiters/employers. These diverse pools by their very nature differ from whatever other pool of candidates the algorithms would present based on factors such as education, experience, and so on. DIR is intended to add race and other protected categories into what the algorithms pull and present.

The Equal Protection Project (EPP) wrote to LinkedIn in late April 2023, calling on LinkedIn to disable the DIR feature as it violated LinkedIn’s own non-discrimination policies, and also implicate federal and state anti-discrimination laws. We heard nothing back from LinkedIn, and the DIR feature continued to operate.

On July 5, 2023, after the U.S. Supreme Court issued its Opinion in the Harvard/UNC cases, we again wrote to LinkedIn calling on it to disable the DIR feature. The full letter is embedded at the bottom of this post. Here is an excerpt [footnotes omitted]:

Let the lawsuits begin .


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Of course not! Attendance is mandatory for our entire company staff. Besides, SGI and I hate each other...so no funny bizness happening there.

I may even give my popular demonstration on how to chase the receptionist around her desk.
Meeting held at the Island Tiki Bar, and attended by the Island Dancers?
