DIE - Diversity, Inclusion, Equity


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Shapiro's position on DIE:

Stossel's studies: (full interview of professor who has dramatically shifted his position--VERY articulate!)

Warren Buffet: It is a waste of time...

So,...if having to sit through DIE training...you may wish to fortify your mind against this ridiculous falsehood.

Maintain Opportunity, Reward merit & innovation, Value loyalty, Profit from effort, Invest in ideas that work..and have worked for generations.


PREMO Member
Six California college professors are suing the state over diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) requirements they say force them to take the government’s view on “politically charged” topics.

The professors, from three Fresno-area community colleges, are being represented by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), which filed the lawsuit in federal court last week. The professors say the requirements are unconstitutional under the First and Fourteenth Amendments.

“I’m a professor of chemistry. How am I supposed to incorporate DEI into my classroom instruction?” said Reedley College professor Bill Blanken. “What’s the ‘anti-racist’ perspective on the atomic mass of boron?”

The lawsuit says that Blanken does not believe that DEIA principles should be incorporated into his chemistry classes, saying he believes that it would be “pedagogically unsound and disruptive” to do so.



PREMO Member

Bosses Refuse To Train Or Critique Diversity Candidates

We have other bankers, who happen to be minorities, not the super protected kind, but they applied through normal channels and do the same duties as any other juniors. It's just that all 3 of these people who have been hired through Women/Black DEI programs do close to nothing, have an excuse to take days off or "work" remotely for 2-3 days every week, still haven't learned the needed skill sets and worse all encourage each others crap performance.

Now honestly, I blame my bosses. I don't know why they can't just treat these three lumps like everybody else, because the rest of us would get pushed out for this type of crap. But because they never get talked to, or even staffed on anything vaguely important these days, it sends a clear message to all three that they can do whatever they want and it's pissing off the rest of the team, including me, greatly. Even if they are all bottom bucket and get $10K bonuses, that is too much to take out of someone else's bonus pool for these people.

I'm mostly venting but our entire team is pissed off by it and even the two younger MDs are very frustrated by it because they're more likely to get staffed with the Diversity 'Tards. Is there any way to take this up with our group head or strategize among each other so we can go back to HR and say "Guys, this isn't working, these people aren't working, and we need actual bankers". I've been working a lot lately and it sucks not being able to pull an Analyst in to help because no one has ever made an effort to train them or get them up to speed on expectations so they will certainly fail if given a real task.


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PREMO Member

Bosses Refuse To Train Or Critique Diversity Candidates

We have other bankers, who happen to be minorities, not the super protected kind, but they applied through normal channels and do the same duties as any other juniors. It's just that all 3 of these people who have been hired through Women/Black DEI programs do close to nothing, have an excuse to take days off or "work" remotely for 2-3 days every week, still haven't learned the needed skill sets and worse all encourage each others crap performance.

Now honestly, I blame my bosses. I don't know why they can't just treat these three lumps like everybody else, because the rest of us would get pushed out for this type of crap. But because they never get talked to, or even staffed on anything vaguely important these days, it sends a clear message to all three that they can do whatever they want and it's pissing off the rest of the team, including me, greatly. Even if they are all bottom bucket and get $10K bonuses, that is too much to take out of someone else's bonus pool for these people.

I'm mostly venting but our entire team is pissed off by it and even the two younger MDs are very frustrated by it because they're more likely to get staffed with the Diversity 'Tards. Is there any way to take this up with our group head or strategize among each other so we can go back to HR and say "Guys, this isn't working, these people aren't working, and we need actual bankers". I've been working a lot lately and it sucks not being able to pull an Analyst in to help because no one has ever made an effort to train them or get them up to speed on expectations so they will certainly fail if given a real task.
He sounds extremely racist. I bet he's a white supremist.


PREMO Member

Businesses Ditch ‘Diversity’ Initiatives In Droves Amid Economic Uncertainty

The total percentage of American organizations with a DEI budget dropped 4 percentage points, from 58% in 2022 to 54% in 2023, while the number of organizations with a DEI strategy fell 9 points in that same time frame, according to a report from consulting firm Paradigm. DEI initiatives in the workplace gained huge traction following the death of George Floyd, which encouraged companies to divert resources to the practice, but now “external forces,” including tightening economic conditions as well as public and judicial pressure, are pushing back on those efforts.
“After two years of unprecedented investment sparked by 2020’s racial justice movement, this year, global momentum around DEI slowed,” according to the report from Paradigm. “There are a number of headwinds contributing to this shift: the first is economic uncertainty that not only led to reduced spending across the board, it also firmly shifted the power balance back to employers.”

Despite the decline in funding, there was a 6-point increase in the number of companies that had a senior DEI leader and an 8-point increase in organizations that had goals related to representation for women in leadership from 2022 to 2023, according to Paradigm. A total of 20% of companies in 2023 had goals related to increasing employment related to race or ethnicity, which is a 4-point increase year-over-year.

The shift follows concerns from companies that the Supreme Court could target DEI and race-based hiring in the workplace the same way it struck down race-based admissions at colleges and universities earlier this year. A pair of decisions by the Supreme Court in June involving Harvard and the University of North Carolina cumulatively ruled that using race as a factor in college admissions is not permissible under the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

“Over the past several months, we’ve heard from a number of HR leaders who are de-emphasizing data and analytics as a part of their DEI efforts, in response to the changing legal landscape and increased scrutiny on DEI efforts,” according to the report from Paradigm.

Only 26% of companies examine the final results of hiring by race or ethnicity, while 33% analyze promotions in the same manner, according to Paradigm. Around 36% of organizations measured the attrition rate of their employees by race or ethnicity.


PREMO Member

Diversity, Equity, and Delusion

A little bigotry, for a treat. It’s been over ten months since I wrote about America’s vibe shift, and a great release of the regressive worm-brained hold on culture — the thought policing, the stylish self-loathing, and the relentless bigotry in service, we were told for years, of ending bigotry. At the top of 2023, emboldened by Elon Musk’s Twitter revolution, exhausted Americans rejected the historic quantities of bullshit they were made to endure throughout the 20-teens and early 2020s, and the culture war was paused. At the time, I used the word “détente.” A brief, strange quiet followed, and then there was a year of backlash.

It’s possible reaction to the One Party State’s Stasi crap was always inevitable, regardless of who owned Twitter. But what we know for sure is this: unshackled by a new, freer social media landscape (or, at least in terms of political speech), cultural reactionaries lit up in righteous fury with their former prison guards, concluding in these final weeks of 2023 with a firestorm of popular outrage surrounding “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” or DEI, the racist, sexist operating philosophy of the prior zeitgeist, which has now metastasized at every major institution in the country. Last week, following and in some sense catalyzed by the disastrous congressional hearing of Harvard’s president and unofficial DEI chief Claudine Gay, this backlash reached a fever pitch, at which point Elon entered the chat. “DEI must DIE,” he posted on Twitter to his 166.8 million followers. “The point was to end discrimination, not replace it with different discrimination.” The sentiment, already popular and widely shared among prominent figures throughout the technology industry, the government, and even certain corners of our media, is now ubiquitous. Still, can DEI truly be stopped, or have the apostles of this twisted faith already won?

Let’s start with a steelman. What is DEI? Proponents argue America’s outcomes, roughly defined in terms of income and positions held at high-status companies and institutions, reveal a bias against women and a handful of struggling racial minority groups. Given no explicitly bigoted laws or policies exist, this “white supremacist” bias is determined implicit, and faced with so frightening and formidable a specter as this invisible, all-powerful white supremacy, a blunt, essential course of action has been prescribed in boardrooms across the country. Our medicine: a brute force rearrangement of income and demographic outcomes to be more reflective of the broader national population, regardless of merit, background, or even the demographic breakdown of men and women applying for any given role. The philosophy of DEI is considered new, but it’s existed for many decades, in one form or another. Long ago, you were probably introduced to it by its birth name: “Affirmative Action.”


PREMO Member

Bates College Faculty Subjected To ‘Toxic’ DEI Struggle Sessions By Administrators

Taylor provided several emails from a fellow professor, Loring Danforth, who feared for his termination. Danforth expressed fear at Taylor’s firing, saying he felt “trapped in an alternate reality” due to his fear of being targeted by students for speaking on race, a topic he studied, wrote, and lectured on for several decades at Bates and other institutions.

This nightmarish “alternate reality” soon became real for Danforth. A classroom discussion quickly became a struggle session after a student asserted Bates College was on stolen Penobscot land. Danforth, being a seasoned teacher, asked the student to explain what she meant. “Do you mean legally? Technically? Morally? Historically? Traditionally?” Danforth asked. In an attempt to further discussion, he followed up with the question: “Do Native Americans own the land your parents’ house in Connecticut is on, or do your parents own it?”

But instead of engaging in the discussion or thinking critically about her assertion, the student reported Danforth to the DEI office for opposing Native American land claims. That led to another reprimand by the DEI office and the dean of faculty. Ironically, Danforth is a proud supporter of Native Americans, as was shown in his email with Keith Taylor; “I’d argue it’s my right to oppose them [Native American land claims]. But in fact I support them.” Professor Danforth refused to provide comment.

That same email between Taylor and Danforth described an incident over text where Dean of Faculty Malcolm Hill reprimanded Danforth for supposedly perpetuating racism on campus. That was after Danforth was again reported to the DEI office for stating that “race was a social construction” to the offense of a black staff member. As a result, Danforth, who correctly pointed out that the social construction of race is “a fundamental concept and expression” in anthropology, was again reprimanded by Hill. Only after Bates President Clayton Spencer stepped in did Hill back down and apologize to Danforth.

Over a series of emails and text messages, several professors discussed potential punishments for DEI infractions, including being forced to “absorb literature about racism” or even be subjected to mandatory sensitivity training, which, if refused, could lead to further punishment.

Bates’s DEI reporting system has significantly cowed professors in the liberal arts. Several students I interviewed believe free speech at Bates was already nonexistent but think professors are largely responsible for allowing this toxic culture to take its current form.


PREMO Member

Diversity, Equity, and Delusion

Last week, following and in some sense catalyzed by the disastrous congressional hearing of Harvard’s president and unofficial DEI chief Claudine Gay, this backlash reached a fever pitch, at which point Elon entered the chat. “DEI must DIE,” he posted on Twitter to his 166.8 million followers. “The point was to end discrimination, not replace it with different discrimination.” The sentiment, already popular and widely shared among prominent figures throughout the technology industry, the government, and even certain corners of our media, is now ubiquitous. Still, can DEI truly be stopped, or have the apostles of this twisted faith already won?

Woke Activists MELTDOWN Cry Racism Over Diversity Hire Harvard President RESIGNING As DEI BACKFIRES!​



PREMO Member

What the most narcissistic resignation letter of all REALLY reveals: MAUREEN CALLAHAN mercilessly skewers Claudine Gay's self-pitying farewell to Harvard... where hilariously, she's the REAL victim cruelly dethroned by bigots

Claudine Gay may have resigned, but that doesn't mean she's sorry.

The resignation letter she released Tuesday afternoon is a doozy. Truly, it's one for the books, lengthy and self-pitying and utterly shameless, signed by Gay herself — sans irony — as the sole author!

Really: Are we to believe she wrote this on her own?

Then again, this sayonara is so unoriginal, so predictable in its grievances, it's quite possible.

Let's start with the subject line: 'Personal News'.

Is it? Is it really 'personal news' when you have been making national headlines for months and dragging the world's top university down with you, first for failing to condemn antisemitism before Congress, then over well-founded accusations of plagiarism, then for a cover-up orchestrated on your behalf by Harvard Corporation, and then for six more instances of plagiarism emerging the morning of your resignation?

Most would agree that this story is bigger than Claudine Gay.

Except, that is, for Claudine Gay.

'When I became president', she writes, 'I considered myself particularly blessed by the opportunity to serve people from around the world who saw in my presidency a vision of Harvard that affirmed their sense of belonging'.

Harvard Law graduated the first black American president decades ago. It's fair to assume that top minds the world over aren't applying to Harvard to feel 'seen' and 'validated'.

If this resignation letter proves anything, it's that Claudine Gay is an unoriginal thinker, a terrible writer, and a supremely unserious person. She was never up to this job, because in her mind, her race and gender were reason enough to deserve it.

'Frightening', she writes, that for the past few months she has been 'subjected to personal attacks and threats fueled by racial animus'.
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PREMO Member

Saira Rao 'Genuinely Terrified' by Zionist Doctors Treating Muslim and Black Patients

If you ask a university professor if people can be racist against whites, they'll say that it's not possible. The whole country was founded and built on whiteness, and therefore whites have all of the privileges. Whites are the oppressors, and therefore anything you say that might be construed as racist is just speaking truth to power.

Sairo Rao managed to garner a book deal out of being an anti-white racist. She's declared that "whiteness is terrorism" and that white people wake up every day and choose violence. For $2,500 Rao, "who identifies as Indian American," will come to dinner at your house and tell you and seven other white women how racist you are.

Rao has come to the terrifying realization that many American doctors and nurses are Zionists, and she fears for their Muslim and black patients.

Rao was backed up by Rupa Marya, co-author of "INFLAMED: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice."

The presence of Zionism in US medicine should be examined as a structural impediment to health equity. Zionism is a supremacist, racist ideology and we see Zionist doctors justifying the genocide of Palestinians. How does their outlook/position impact priorities in US medicine? https://t.co/4TPOJVmqQd
— Rupa Marya, MD (@DrRupaMarya) January 2, 2024

Aaaaaand cue the trolls who cannot have a substantive debate about Zionist ideology but instead reduce the critique to ad hominem attacks calling me an anti-Semite. We see the playbook. It’s not working. Address the issue. If you can.
— Rupa Marya, MD (@DrRupaMarya) January 2, 2024

"Address the issue. If you can," she says while locking down replies.

Given the EPIC levels of Antisemitism from progressives right now, and the actions progressives in the medical community have taken towards Trump Supporters in the past 8 yrs I would be very leery of the the reverse


PREMO Member
🔥 The Associated Press published an angry article yesterday with a Republicans Pounce!-style headline: “Harvard president's resignation highlights new conservative weapon against colleges: plagiarism.

It can only be a weapon against ‘colleges’ if they plagiarized somebody. Just saying.

Now that she got her Christmas bonus, Harvard’s President Claudine Gay, no pun intended, resigned yesterday in a long, rambling, resentful, single-spaced, two-page letter that was immediately published to the entire Internets, probably before it even got to HR. (I can’t believe you even thought this, but for your information they checked: Claudine did NOT copy any of her resignation letter from former Penn President Liz McGill’s letter. Happy now?)

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Ms. Gay (if that’s her real name), survived an initial barrage calling for her resignation over her atrociously smug performance at her Congressional testimony last month. Controversy arose after the top educator smugly refused to agree that genocidally calling for jews to be wiped off the face of the Middle East violated Harvard’s so-called speech policy, a tautly-enforced policy that can get a student expelled for accidentally calling the University’s president Mister Gay, for just one example, and don’t even ask what happens if you whisper “what is a woman” anywhere on Harvard’s campus.

They drag you into the Skull & Bones club’s back room and nobody ever sees you again, that’s what.

Anyway, Claudine somehow survived the worst that the Anti-Defamation League could dish out, and the shady Harvard Corporation’s anonymous board issued a rock-solid plebiscite of support, or whatever they call it. But then two influencers got involved: Harvard alum, Pershing Capital CEO, billionaire, and major donor Bill Ackman, and even more triggering for the Left, “conservative activist” Christopher Rufo piled on.

Both men claimed to have whistleblower information proving Claudine was a chronic plagiarist, which apparently is just what you don’t want to be if you’re president of a major Ivy League University.

Well, after millions of people started looking over her writings, it turned out that Claudine might have possibly borrowed a phrase or two from other academics and could have forgotten to mention it, from time to time. It started with her PhD dissertation. And it apparently continued through pretty much everything the so-called academic ever wrote, which in her defense is not very much, certainly not when compared to previous non-black Harvard presidents.

For instance, Claudine is the only Harvard president in history who’s never written a book. So? Books are overrated. And books are racist. Who cares.

You probably think I’m planning a victory lap since, in C&C’s December 10th roundup, I correctly predicted this would happen. “Gay’s a goner,” I said. “Claudine Gay will be gone soon,” I said. Fortunately, no one took the bet, because what would I do with Bud Lite stock shares?

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But sorry to disappoint you: no, I am NOT taking a victory lap. How could you even think that? I’m not gloating. I’m taking Claudine’s side on this thing. I mean, this is clearly racism. There is no way it wasn’t racism! It proves beyond a doubt that the Ku Klux Klan is alive and riding the hills of America every single night. Literally riding; they’re riding, all over the place.

And, as she pointed out in her letter, Claudine’s coerced cancellation proves that the entire system is organized against black women of color, especially extra-black women of color sporting short-cropped hair, an austere, sexually ambiguous appearance, and wearing fat-framed Malcolm X glasses. Which all proves their essential blackness.

So you can easily see: This wasn’t just racism. It was systematic racism, which is literally one billion trillion times worse than regular racism.

Now, lots of dumb conservatives argue, hey, the first of the three Ivy League presidents to be hounded from office was Liz McGill of Penn State, and she is white. No, she’s not. She’s not white. She’s obviously black like Claudine. See? Black:

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But let us not quibble over specifics. What’s done is done. America has proven herself irredeemably racist again in firing — for no reason — an under-qualified diversity hire who never did her own work. Instead of arguing, let’s focus on the future. Claudine needs a new job at Harvard. I’m thinking maybe something in ethics? Or, maybe she could be an editor at one of the school’s academic journals? Or how about being a career counselor?

And then there was one. An ominous article appeared in Business Insider yesterday, headlined:

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As to MIT President Sally Kornbluth, well, she’s black too! It’s more racism! Racists!

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Okay, okay, maybe Sally isn’t one hundred percent black. I’m not saying that she is or isn’t. But for the sake of argument, let’s say Sally is an American Indian just like U.S. Senator Liz “Pocahontas” Warren. Whichever, black, white, or Indian, Sally is intersectional, since she also claims to be Jewish, so it’s impossible for her to be anti-semitic.

I suppose they’re checking Sally’s articles now too.

It’s all such a shame, but the worst effect of Claudine’s untimely resignation is how unfortunately it hurts the whole movement toward diversity, equity, and inclusion. Just consider the unhappy statistics so far:

  • The first black female president of Harvard has now resigned as a serial plagiarist after the shortest tenure in the school’s history.
  • The first black female Supreme Court Justice does not know what a woman is.
  • The first black female Vice-President can’t stop laughing like a hyena — I think it might be Tourette’s Syndrome — and she ‘enjoys’ the lowest approval rating of any Vice-President in American history, and that includes VP Spiro Agnew, who resigned in disgrace in 1973 after being convicted of bribery and tax evasion.
I’m just saying it doesn’t look too good for DEI. Maybe things would look better if they were allowed to choose some conservative ladies of color. It’s almost like it’s not really about diversity at all, but is really just about marxism.

Never mind, I’m talking crazy again.

Not looking too good for the Diversity Hires