Good book says 2 men ought not lay togetherSimon Dunn, 35, Australian Olympic bobsledder and rugby player, died suddenly and unexpectedly AT HOME, where he was found. That’s about all we know.
The Daily Mail’s report on the story strongly hinted that his death was self-caused, by repeatedly referencing Dunn’s sexual preferences (gay) and suggesting being gay made participating in organized sports hard for him. It disclosed his relationship status (recently broken up), and repeatedly mentioning unidentified and unnamed “mental health struggles.”
I guess THOSE details aren’t as private as Simon’s cause of death.
The reporter seemed to be just guessing though, as the article was whitewashed of any actual facts about his death, or even any particular details about Dunn’s various alleged troubles. In the time I had, I could not find any evidence in social media of Dunn struggling with anything at all; to the contrary, he appears to have been popular, well-loved and doing great.
Of course, you never know.
In addition to championing LGBTQIA+ rights, Dunn was also a champion for covid vaccines. It perhaps doesn’t show his very best self, but in his enthusiasm to safeguard the world, he could at times be kind of hard on unjabbed folks.
Simon was single. We offer our sincere regrets to Simon’s family.
☕️ DIRECTED SIMULATIONS ☙ Thursday, January 26, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
The biggest Project Veritas reveal ever, maybe; FDA watch; good news from the California case; bobsledder SADS; great news on Ukraine’s corruption; and another trans teacher
Sorry to hear thatwe will be burying my best friend on the 4th. "suddenly" cant be emphasized enough.
we will be burying my best friend on the 4th. "suddenly" cant be emphasized enough.
What are the odds?
I have no respect for YOU Tom Hanks!
I have no respect for YOU Tom Hanks!
I have no respect for YOU Tom Hanks!
I wouldn't give him the privilege.Tom can kiss it.
Nothing will work because there is nothing to fear except fear itselfTypical liberal bullshit.
Let me put it this way - let's say the world was at risk for spreading Ebola or hemmorhagic fever, and if you got it, you'd start bleeding from the eyes and nose.
You know - like in the movies.
Would you wear a mask like you've been wearing in the past couple years -
Or would you wear the full body suit thing?
Because these things don't really do anything. Seriously. It's like catching minnows with a big fish net. It doesn't STOP anything.
It's like those sneeze guard screens at the stores. It DOESN'T STOP ANYTHING. It's like restaurants that make you wear a mask in the waiting area, but totally take them off when you sit.
Or the countless persons WEARING them, but below their nose.
I am thoroughly convinced that aside from quarantining, nothing we have done makes ANY DIFFERENCE. Making judgment on people not masking? You might as well wear one, but on top of your head.