Diminishing Biden


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New details emerge about Biden’s mental state — and the steps staffers take to shield the ‘10am to 4pm president’

White House aides have been meticulously working behind the scenes throughout his presidency to minimize his exposure to situations where his cognitive slip-ups could flare up in public and to adapt the day-to-day of the presidency to the needs of an octogenarian.

The commander-in-chief is seen as prone to absent-minded gaffes and fatigue outside of six hours a day — between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. — and while traveling abroad, Axios said in a new report.


PREMO Member

White House photographer blows whistle on Biden's cognitive health as he reveals aides knew for MONTHS he was not fit for office

After Joe Biden's horrendous debate performance, current and former aides are saying the quiet part out loud and revealing what the President is like behind the scenes.

The White House and campaign blame a 'cold' for Biden's low and, at times, hard-to-understand speaking voice. Others say this is what the President is like on a day-to-day basis now.

Former White House deputy director of photography Chandler West wrote in an Instagram story: 'It's time for Joe to go.'

'I know many of these people and how the White House operates,' West added. 'They will say he has a 'cold' or just experienced a 'bad night,' but for weeks and months, in private, they have all said what we saw last night — Joe is not as strong as he was just a couple of years ago.'

Biden's campaign tried to brush-off the issue and claimed the car crash performance was merely a 'slow start.'

Joe Biden’s Close Aides Hid Him from Others Inside the White House

The Axios report said, “Biden’s behavior stunned many in the White House in part because Biden’s closest aides — often led by Jill Biden’s top aide, Anthony Bernal, and deputy chief of staff Annie Tomasini — took steps early in his term to essentially rope off the president.”

“Even the White House’s residence staff, which serves the first family in the mansion’s living quarters, has been kept at arm’s length. A former residence official told Axios that Jill Biden was ‘so protective of the president, and then Anthony just protects her, and they often wouldn’t let us do anything for them,'” the report said.

“The separation between the family and the residence staff was so big, so divided,” the former official told the outlet. “It’s not supposed to be and usually isn’t, even in the Trump White House.”

According to the report, Bernal and Tomasini and other close aides had “easy access” to the Biden residence area of the White House, which some residence White House staff found unusual, and showed the tightness of the circle around Biden.

Former WH Photographer Spills the Beans, Details How Biden Aides Hide His Decline From the Public

The dam is crumbling. On Saturday, we brought you the story about how some officials admitted anonymously that Joe Biden is “dependably engaged” during the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.—before or after that, not so much. It’s called “sundowning,” and it’s not what you look for in a commander-in-chief.

Now a new report Sunday describes more tactics used by the Biden inner circle to shield the declining president from the scrutiny of the press or even the White House staff.

The most damning of the allegations comes this time not from secret sources but from former White House deputy director of photography Chandler West, who posted a post-debate Instagram story that was sharply critical of his former boss. Axios reporter Alex Thompson writes that the outlet has obtained the screenshots:



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During a fundraiser in New Jersey on Saturday, Biden claimed that he won over more undecided voters than former President Donald Trump post his disastrous debate performance.

Biden insisted that the malfunctions he suffered during the 90-minute gaffe-filled debate actually impressed undecided voters rather than deter them from voting for him.

Insert laugh track here.

“Research during the debate shows us converting more undecided voters than Trump did, in large part because of his conduct on Jan. 6,” Biden told the crowd. “People remember the bad things during his presidency.”

The 81-year-old’s bad debate night prompted the country, including Democrats, to call on Biden to drop out of the race, citing his old age and mental acuity.



PREMO Member

Bernstein on Biden: Everyone Knew -- Including Reporters

Of course everyone knew. Joe Biden has exhibited cognitive dysfunction in public throughout his presidency, perhaps most especially over the last year. Americans could see that for themselves simply by watching Biden, and perhaps more tellingly, how those around Biden treated him while in public -- like a lost child.

But that's especially true of the corrupt media that chose to cover for Biden rather than report on him. That includes Carl Bernstein, the journalistic eminence grise of Watergate, who appeared on CNN last night to discuss the scope and breadth of the cover-up. Bernstein talks about the willful gaslighting of the team around Biden and the media's amplification of gaslighting in an attempt to convince Americans not to believe their lyin' eyes.

Suddenly, now that the emperor has been exposed as naked, Bernstein has "sources"!

Isn't it convenient to discover these sources now? The reason Bernstein and other media outlets are finally discussing it is because the debate exposed their cover-up for their preferred political candidate. And this has been going on for much longer than a year, contrary to Bernstein's claims. Remember this amazing moment from April 2022 -- two years ago -- when the Easter Bunny prevented Biden from talking to reporters at the White House?


Well-Known Member

Bernstein on Biden: Everyone Knew -- Including Reporters

Of course everyone knew. Joe Biden has exhibited cognitive dysfunction in public throughout his presidency, perhaps most especially over the last year. Americans could see that for themselves simply by watching Biden, and perhaps more tellingly, how those around Biden treated him while in public -- like a lost child.

But that's especially true of the corrupt media that chose to cover for Biden rather than report on him. That includes Carl Bernstein, the journalistic eminence grise of Watergate, who appeared on CNN last night to discuss the scope and breadth of the cover-up. Bernstein talks about the willful gaslighting of the team around Biden and the media's amplification of gaslighting in an attempt to convince Americans not to believe their lyin' eyes.

Suddenly, now that the emperor has been exposed as naked, Bernstein has "sources"!

Isn't it convenient to discover these sources now? The reason Bernstein and other media outlets are finally discussing it is because the debate exposed their cover-up for their preferred political candidate. And this has been going on for much longer than a year, contrary to Bernstein's claims. Remember this amazing moment from April 2022 -- two years ago -- when the Easter Bunny prevented Biden from talking to reporters at the White House?
He - AND Woodward, whom I saw discussing the same thing the other night - are too late to the party.

The LATEST Democratic meme is to say he had a bad night, and everything is fine again.


PREMO Member
The LATEST Democratic meme is to say he had a bad night, and everything is fine again.

Yeah because the campaign stop the next day ... Oh look how bright and awake Joe is

yeah that was between the hours or 10 and 1600


Beloved Misanthrope
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Joe Biden's Big Interview With George Stephanopoulos Is Out, and It's an Absolute Trainwreck

Credit to Stephanopoulos for pressing the issue about Biden being "exhausted." As pointed out, he came back from Europe 12 days before the debate. After a very light schedule, he then retreated to Camp David for nearly a week, not appearing in public again until the night of the debate. That idea that jet lag, something that the president previously blamed for his faceplant, was a factor simply doesn't add up.

As to the idea that he "had a cold" that was so severe it only affected him the night of the debate (he showed no symptoms of one at a rally the next day) and somehow caused him to have numerous mental collapses — that likewise doesn't add up. The White House can't get its story straight, and you can tell they are now trying to massage things into a coherent message. It's not working.

Regardless, as somewhat coherent as that first clip sounded, it didn't take long for the trainwreck to commence.

Biden insists ‘no one more qualified to win this race than me’ in wandering ABC interview

President Biden failed Friday to stem growing pessimism about his political future in a rambling 22-minute interview with ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos — during which many of the same issues that marred the Democrat’s debate performance last week resurfaced.

Biden, 81, gave multiple excuses for his shocking performance at the first presidential showdown against Donald Trump, saying that he was “exhausted” and “sick” with a “bad cold” before whining that he let Trump’s remarks “distract me” — and forgetting whether he had watched footage of his meltdown.

The president also claimed that his frequent errors on the CNN debate stage in Atlanta June 27 were a “bad episode” rather than a sign of permanent deterioration, but declined to submit to a cognitive exam to prove that statement.

“Look, I have a cognitive test every single day,” Biden said. “Every day, I’ve had tests. Everything I do. You know, not only am I campaigning, I’m running the world. And that’s not — it sounds like hyperbole, but we are the central nation of the world.”


PREMO Member

ABC News Pundits React in Horror to Biden Interview With Stephanopoulos: ‘Aging is Not Like a Broken Bone – It Doesn’t Get Better’

Joe Biden did his much talked about interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC News tonight and it was a worst case scenario for Democrats.

While Biden did not make any flubs that would force him out of the race, he still came across as old, feeble and out of touch with the reality of the election, meaning that he is just as weak a candidate as he was yesterday and he is not dropping out. Democrats are stuck with him.

After the interview was over, Stephanopoulos went to his fellow ABC News pundits for comment.

The looks on their faces said it all. Look at this. They look like they’re at a funeral.

Joe Biden interview: President makes bizarre claim about inventing computer chip during make-or-break ABC interview

The president at one point told George Stephanopoulos that 'we used to have 40 percent of computer chips. We invented the chip, the little chip, the computer chip. It's in everything from cell phone to weapons.'

The first microchip was invented by Texas engineer Jack Kilby in 1958. Biden may have been referring to his administration's efforts to bring chip production back to the US after COVID-related supply chain shortages.

But his debate fiasco and subsequent flubs mean critics within his own party are waiting to pounce on any unspecific ramblings as evidence of Biden's unsuitability to run - including a claim made yesterday that he is a black woman.

Biden also rejected taking an independent medical evaluation that would show voters he is up for serving another term in office.

'Look, I have a cognitive test every single day,' Biden said, referring to the tasks he faces daily in a rigorous job. 'Every day, I´ve had tests. Everything I do.'


PREMO Member

Biden Completely Disconnected From Reality in ABC Interview

We got the first clue that something was very wrong when ABC News aired a clip of Joe Biden's interview with George Stephanopoulos at 6:30 p.m. on Friday.

The partisan Democrat interviewer asked Biden why his debate performance was so bad after six days of rest at Camp David. Biden threw out some prepared talking points: He'd been very sick. He was tested for COVID and "for infections." He clutched his heart when he said the last part. (None of this explained why a very sick Biden was sent to a diner after the debate to gladhand supporters.)

Stephanopoulos asked Biden whether he had watched any of the debate. Biden couldn't remember: "I don't think I did."

Biden: I Got Distracted by Trump ‘Shouting’ While I Was Talking During Debate

Biden responded, “Well, it came to me that I was having a bad night when I realized that, even when I was answering a question, even though they turned his mic off, he was still shouting. And I let it distract me. I’m not blaming it on that. But I realized that I just wasn’t in control.”

Elsewhere in the interview, Biden also gave other reasons for his poor performance in the debate, like being sick and tired, not following his instincts when it came to preparation, the toll of his first term in office, and said the blame solely falls on him for having a bad night.

Fact Check: Biden Falsely Claims Trump Told People to ‘Put Bleach’ in Their Arms

CLAIM: During an interview with ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos, President Joe Biden repeated a false claim that former President Donald Trump told people to “put bleach” in their arms.

VERDICT: FALSE. Trump was talking about experimental ultraviolet (UV) light technology and how it is used as a disinfectant and questioned whether it might be possible to “inject” into the human body.

During an interview with Stephanopolous on Friday, Biden claimed Trump was a “congenital liar” and referenced how Trump told people “to put bleach” in their arms in order to “deal with” COVID-19.

“The man is a congenital liar. As I said, they pointed out in that debate, he lied 27, 28 times. Whatever number, over 20 times,” Biden said. “Talk about how good his economy was, how he brought down inflation. This is a guy, who unlike all the other presidents, other than him is Hoover, lost more jobs than he created. This is a guy who told us to put bleach in our arms to deal with COVID. Over a million people died.”

The White House transcript at the time showed that Trump said:

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. So I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of, it you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous – whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light – and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that too. It sounds interesting.
ACTING UNDER SECRETARY BRYAN: We’ll get to the right folks who could.
THE PRESIDENT: Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it soundsd – it sounds interesting to me.

When asked if Trump had been referring to a disinfectant being “injected into a person,” Trump explained that “it wouldn’t be through injection.”

Though Trump never suggested people should inject bleach, several Democrats have continued to repeat this false claim.



Just sneakin' around....
Biden claims he was exhausted. I fully and truly believe that. When you're in cognitive and physical decline like he is, just going the the bathroom is enough to relegate you to the recliner and a nap. He cannot perform the duties of President, now or in the future, and only now are his followers admitting to it. They've known all along, but covered for him. Can't figure out why, because a weak President is a weak nation, and they are dragging us all down by continuing to support Biden.


Well-Known Member

Bernstein on Biden: Everyone Knew -- Including Reporters

Of course everyone knew. Joe Biden has exhibited cognitive dysfunction in public throughout his presidency, perhaps most especially over the last year. Americans could see that for themselves simply by watching Biden, and perhaps more tellingly, how those around Biden treated him while in public -- like a lost child.

But that's especially true of the corrupt media that chose to cover for Biden rather than report on him. That includes Carl Bernstein, the journalistic eminence grise of Watergate, who appeared on CNN last night to discuss the scope and breadth of the cover-up. Bernstein talks about the willful gaslighting of the team around Biden and the media's amplification of gaslighting in an attempt to convince Americans not to believe their lyin' eyes.

Suddenly, now that the emperor has been exposed as naked, Bernstein has "sources"!

Isn't it convenient to discover these sources now? The reason Bernstein and other media outlets are finally discussing it is because the debate exposed their cover-up for their preferred political candidate. And this has been going on for much longer than a year, contrary to Bernstein's claims. Remember this amazing moment from April 2022 -- two years ago -- when the Easter Bunny prevented Biden from talking to reporters at the White House?

So where's the book he should have written a year ago .? He carried on the lie until Biden exposed it himself on live TV.