Divorce Attorney Recommendation


New Member
Can anyone recommend a divorce attorney in the Calvert area? I don't need a cut throat, everything has been settled and agreed upon, I just need to do the paper work.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Can anyone recommend a divorce attorney in the Calvert area? I don't need a cut throat, everything has been settled and agreed upon, I just need to do the paper work.

Go to the courthouse, pick up the papers, fill them out, send a copy to your spouse with proof of receipt, they send a letter to the court saying they received them, you will be notified of a court date.

Total cost: $130 or something like that.


New Member

Do you know if I can file with the court without a legal separation? My only concern is that there is specific verbiage I need to file about the property and reverting back to my maiden name. I want to make sure it is adequate to file on my/our own.


Thats how them b*tch's R
I believe in MD you have to be legally separated for a year before you can file for divorce.


New Member

Do you know if I can file with the court without a legal separation? My only concern is that there is specific verbiage I need to file about the property and reverting back to my maiden name. I want to make sure it is adequate to file on my/our own.

This is the place you come to ask questions this critical in nature?

Are you nuts?

Go to the courthouse...get the information you need regarding paperwork filings. Talk to actual human beings who provide the services you need for a living.


New Member

No nuts at all. Just trying to get information before I go to the court house. It's good hear from the peanut gallery when it comes to life's experiences. Unfortunately my situation is very unqiue.


Well-Known Member
This is the place you come to ask questions this critical in nature?

Are you nuts?

Go to the courthouse...get the information you need regarding paperwork filings. Talk to actual human beings who provide the services you need for a living.

No, are you nuts?
They were asking for the name of a divorce lawyer. They werent asking instructions on how to obtain a divorce. You must really be a very unhappy person.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Do you know if I can file with the court without a legal separation? My only concern is that there is specific verbiage I need to file about the property and reverting back to my maiden name. I want to make sure it is adequate to file on my/our own.

Call pretty much any divorce lawyer and tell them you want to do an uncontested pro se divorce. Ask them how much they will charge for a consultation. Don't let them talk you into some big deal - divorce really can be easy and uncomplicated, and it's better if you can keep it that way.

My understanding is that your separation/divorce agreement can simply be a paper you've typed up outlining who gets what and specifying that you've been living apart with no hanky panky for at least a year. Then you both sign it and have it notarized. But ask that in your consultation.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This is the place you come to ask questions this critical in nature?

Are you nuts?

Go to the courthouse...get the information you need regarding paperwork filings. Talk to actual human beings who provide the services you need for a living.

Shut up and go away. Don't you have puppies to kick or something?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Go to the courthouse...get the information you need regarding paperwork filings. Talk to actual human beings who provide the services you need for a living.

PS, dumbass, the court clerk will not and can not give you any advice regarding divorce. They can point you to the rack where the forms are located, accept your filing, and that's about it. Larry and I just did this about a year ago so I'm pretty familiar with the process.


New Member

Thank you, I knew you were speaking from an educated experience and I appreciate the information.


New Member
I just did this last month. It is easy and cheap. You should draft up a separation agreement that details all of the agreed upon terms (retirement, house, etc) then both of you sign it and get it notarized. Then print out the forms from the website. Fill them out and file. It costs $135 then you will need to pay to have the papers served or sent certified mail. Once he files an answer and you show proof that he was served they will give you a court date. You have to show up with a witness the day of court. He doesn't have to attend as long as it is not contested and you have been separated for a year.

Then go out an celebrate!!! :buddies:


Adopt me please !
Go to the courthouse, pick up the papers, fill them out, send a copy to your spouse with proof of receipt, they send a letter to the court saying they received them, you will be notified of a court date.

Total cost: $130 or something like that.

YUP - I did my own not long ago - easy peasy .....


Adopt me please !

No nuts at all. Just trying to get information before I go to the court house. It's good hear from the peanut gallery when it comes to life's experiences. Unfortunately my situation is very unqiue.

Considering you are saying "very unique" - maybe you better talk to a lawyer and not do it yourself like I did.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Considering you are saying "very unique" - maybe you better talk to a lawyer and not do it yourself like I did.

I think having an amicable divorce is unique. I didn't realize how unique until Larry and I sat in the courtroom watching everyone else.


Active Member
Other Sources of Info

I think the time requirement for separation changed in October 2011 (Maryland Senate 2011 Bill 139).

I filled out the divorce papers myself, but before I filed them at the courthouse, I took them to a lawyer to make sure that my interests were protected, and had a few questions addressed about the division of property and filing taxes.

You may also want to do a search of the IRS website for divorce considerations. (Publication 504 to start with).

If you need to contact companies to start/stop utilities, I found that a LOT of companies will waive the transfer fee if it is a change due to a divorce. I saved a few hundred dollars.


Active Member
The county does provide free legal services. If you go by the court house, they can tell you where and when.

Usually if you schedule with their office, a lawyer will give you one free consultation and will pretty much answer any questions you ask. I was surprised how much info I got for free. I drew up my own documents and I think I paid a lawyer to review them. Didn't cost much.