Do Ladies Wear Slips Anymore?


RBF expert
I wasn't being a smart ass :confused:

still trying to figure out how anyone was supposed to know it was a smartass comment :lol:

World English Dictionary
undergarment (ˈʌndəˌɡɑːmənt)

— n
any garment worn under the visible outer clothes, usually next to the skin

:yahoo: finally, someone explained it to me! Always wanted to know what my mama had been making me wear since I was 2! :love:

I also never implied I didn't know what social mores were, so quit acting like you outsmarted me by quoting an article. Hence the joke...with the play off words... :doh: oh nevermind ....Use big words all you like. My generation may not wear slips, but we can google any answer and/or solution faster than it takes for y'all to find your readers.


professional daydreamer
still trying to figure out how anyone was supposed to know it was a smartass comment :lol:

:yahoo: finally, someone explained it to me! Always wanted to know what my mama had been making me wear since I was 2! :love:

I also never implied I didn't know what social mores were, so quit acting like you outsmarted me by quoting an article. Hence the joke...with the play off words... :doh: oh nevermind ....Use big words all you like. My generation may not wear slips, but we can google any answer and/or solution faster than it takes for y'all to find your readers.

Just wait. You'll be old some day. :evil:


Dream Stealer
So is anyone going to flash their skivies or is this just going to be a word battle?

I will! Just wait a few minutes..its going to take me awhile to peel off the 37 layers of clothes it takes to camoflauge my heiney and be a proper lady :dye: im wearing punch pants tap pants..but much heavier duty and therefore much more ladylike.


Hot Flash
So, do I need to throw away my cute Tap Pants or not?

Actually, it's a rhetorical question. I like 'em, they are cute, and they camoflage my panty lines and provide some discretion to flimsy fabric.

I'm gonna keep 'em and wear 'em proudly. :biggrin:

I wore those pretty little tap pants...back in the day.

Then I hooked up with a guy who wore boxers.

I think they are sexy. :lol:

How times have changed.

Whatever floats your boat.

I never notice what other people are wearing (or not) underneath their clothing.


So...question.....if people can see your legs through your skirt cause the sun is shining on that a big deal? It isn't like they don't know I have legs? Or am I missing something? :confused:

I like Spanx and seamless skivies to smooth lumps and bumps.

I only wear pantyhose in the winter and when I do they are black. Any other time, I'm usually tan via the sun or spray tanning.


I bowl overhand
So...question.....if people can see your legs through your skirt cause the sun is shining on that a big deal? It isn't like they don't know I have legs? Or am I missing something? :confused:


If you're a lady, yes.. big deal.

I assume in your case this doesn't apply, so no, not a big deal.



Adopt me please !
With the way people dress these days, I can't imagine that being able to see the outline of a woman's legs through her dress/skirt is that bad really.

I don't wear skirts or dresses much, but when I do I tend to wear a half slip to block the between-the-legs view. I guess I must be old fashioned too?