Do Ladies Wear Slips Anymore?


RBF expert
I didn't get that from her posts, and I don't understand how you got that from her posts. Maybe there's a reason you're taking it so personally?


I guess it is due to laziness, or a lack of availability of slips in most stores, or perhaps even from a desire to feel you must not conform?

So, I guess what I've learned is some women think it's okay for their skirts to creep and to show their under-roos to g-d and everybody and other ladies don't. :shrug:

The women who don't wear slips choose not to because it's not fashionable in thier minds to wear a slip because they would rather show their underwear or lack there of and let their skirts creep up.

I don't have anything to hide or be ashamed about, I just don't appreciate that she thinks I prefer to show off my goods just bc I don't own a damn slip :shrug:

You see someone backlit, wearing a skirt. You can see legs through the skirt. This person must not mind that her silhouette can be seen, because there are garments made to prevent this. No undergarment=person does not mind that you can see her silhouette. :shrug:

Why is it always assumed ALL of the skirts produced in the world are not lined, are see-through, and I'm standing in a field with Princess Di and sunlight is shining up my hoo-haw??!! I am simply trying to point out that I do not have these wardrobe malfunctions you guys seem to think the 'slipless sluts' have on a daily basis. :coffee:


professional daydreamer
I wear long black skirts and dresses. When I am in a certain light people can see my legs. So what?

Is it safe to assume that you don't mind if others can see your legs? This is the point I'm getting at. Not that it's a bad thing. Just that it doesn't matter to you.
Where did I ####in' say that? Where? Please please please find that post and quote it for me.

Where the #### did I say YOU said that? Please please please find that post and quote it for me.

All I'm saying is that you mentioned how they're not worn because they're not 'fashionable' but you failed to mention the reasons that were actually given as to why they aren't worn.


professional daydreamer

I don't have anything to hide or be ashamed about, I just don't appreciate that she thinks I prefer to show off my goods just bc I don't own a damn slip :shrug:

Why is it always assumed ALL of the skirts produced in the world are not lined, are see-through, and I'm standing in a field with Princess Di and sunlight is shining up my hoo-haw??!! I am simply trying to point out that I do not have these wardrobe malfunctions you guys seem to think the 'slipless sluts' have on a daily basis. :coffee:

I think it's your problem if you took her comments personally, because those women obviously exist. Or do you disagree with that statement?

I don't think anything was assumed, except by you.


professional daydreamer
Where the #### did I say YOU said that? Please please please find that post and quote it for me.

All I'm saying is that you mentioned how they're not worn because they're not 'fashionable' but you failed to mention the reasons that were actually given as to why they aren't worn.

You are flippin impossible to communicate with. I'm done. Have a nice ####in' life.


Lawful neutral
Ladies room is a little hostile today. Whatever happened to girls having tickle fights? :ohwell:


aka Mrs. Giant

I don't have anything to hide or be ashamed about, I just don't appreciate that she thinks I prefer to show off my goods just bc I don't own a damn slip :shrug:

Why is it always assumed ALL of the skirts produced in the world are not lined, are see-through, and I'm standing in a field with Princess Di and sunlight is shining up my hoo-haw??!! I am simply trying to point out that I do not have these wardrobe malfunctions you guys seem to think the 'slipless sluts' have on a daily basis. :coffee:

Then why are you worried about it? If it's not you showing your bits then why be upset? :confused:

I agreed in an earlier post that lined skirts do eliminate the need for a slip.

If the under-roo showing doesn't apply - then why :jameo:?

I swear, you need a dictionary. You also need reading comprehension 101.

And I stick by my opinion - it is an opinion...that the ladies who do show their under-roos just don't care that they are showing. It's a big whoop to them. No big deal. A whatever.

Wouldn't you agree with that?

And I also agree with the article posted in this tread: over the years, it's become acceptable to show your undergarments in public (thongs above jeans, bra straps hanging out), a change in (as the article stated) social "mores" aka social tradition/social ways. (I defined it for you).

Can you agree with that?

So, now I know, slips are passe because it's perfectly acceptable to show your drawers in society, spanx are an accepted substitute by social tradition (social mores), and that more lined skirts are readily available (though not applicable in the cases of the see through summer skirts).

If you don't show your drawers in society, then the whole thing doesn't apply to you, does it? :confused: So why get your panties in a wad? :shrug:


New Member
Then why are you worried about it? If it's not you showing your bits then why be upset? :confused:

I agreed in an earlier post that lined skirts do eliminate the need for a slip.

If the under-roo showing doesn't apply - then why :jameo:?

I swear, you need a dictionary. You also need reading comprehension 101.

And I stick by my opinion - it is an opinion...that the ladies who do show their under-roos just don't care that they are showing. It's a big whoop to them. No big deal. A whatever.

Wouldn't you agree with that?

And I also agree with the article posted in this tread: over the years, it's become acceptable to show your undergarments in public (thongs above jeans, bra straps hanging out), a change in (as the article stated) social "mores" aka social tradition/social ways. (I defined it for you).

Can you agree with that?

So, now I know, slips are passe because it's perfectly acceptable to show your drawers in society, spanx are an accepted substitute by social tradition (social mores), and that more lined skirts are readily available (though not applicable in the cases of the see through summer skirts).

If you don't show your drawers in society, then the whole thing doesn't apply to you, does it? :confused: So why get your panties in a wad? :shrug:

Solution. No panties! YW


RBF expert
I think it's your problem if you took her comments personally, because those women obviously exist. Or do you disagree with that statement?

I don't think anything was assumed, except by you.

Of course those women exist, but those on here are simply saying they are not those women. Its easy to take offense because Mig doesn't want to believe someone when they say their skirts aren't see-through and they don't like showing their panties.

p.s. it's underwear. apparently y'all have your unfashionable grannie panties in a twist.