I am a SAHM. We have a 3 year old son and our twins will be 2 in a couple months.
I consider myself lucky that I do not HAVE to work outside of the home at this time. Our plan is to have me go back to work once all 3 kids are in school. Things may not work out that way, but that is the plan for now.
I am up at 6am everyday with the twins (they go to bed early and wake up early). I wish sometimes I could sleep past 6:30 but I cannot stay in bed all morning, I feel like the day is wasted.
I somehow manage to keep a very clean house probably 90% of the time, have dinner on the table at 5:30pm, twins in the bath by 6pm and in their cribs by 6:30pm.
During the days we have a pretty structured routine. I have a full playroom in our basement, we have learning time, etc.....On nice days like we have had today and yesterday, we spend most of it outside....Come in for lunch, snacks, etc...
I also take care of all the finances, bills, banking...The whole works. I do all the grocery shopping. I basically keep the house up and running.
I take the trash to the transfer station, rake the leaves, mow the lawn, and I do most of these things simply b/c I enjoy it.
I have thought about getting a part time job in the evenings to keep my sanity but with my fiance's hours and overtime, I cannot commit to any job really.
I do feel as thought b/c I get to stay home, I should take on these responsibilities, I would not expect my fiance to come home after working 12 hours and make dinner.
I wouldn't trade my "job" for anything else in the world. I have alot of friends who had to go back into the work force after having children and I just believe that you have to do whatever works for you. (JMO).
Off to make dinner, barbecue chicken breast on the grill tonight. Can you believe this weather??? Where is winter?!