Do you respect Stay at home Moms

Do you respect Stay at Home Moms

  • Yes

    Votes: 87 87.0%
  • No

    Votes: 13 13.0%

  • Total voters


I'm on a limb here.... I know several SAH moms and some are good, caring individuals that are aggressively involved in the nurturing and early education of their children. On the other hand, I know of some women who use the kids as an excuse to stay home all the while they keep pumping out kids so they never have to step up to the plate and get a job. What I really don't understand is why some of the SAH moms don't get a job even after the kids start school full-time. I have some buddies that complain about their wives not showing the effort to at least get a P/T job after the kids are off to school.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
DealWithIt said:
I have some buddies that complain about their wives not showing the effort to at least get a P/T job after the kids are off to school.
What a crappy attitude.

And I'm sure *he* is going to take off work when the kid is sick, and take over half the housework, laundry and cooking?

Raising kids and keeping a home together IS a job. And if you don't believe me, try it some time.


24/7 Single Dad
I ain't voting. Respect for someone has nothing with their choice of careers. The people I respect the most don't care what other peoples opinion are. They've learned that monetary gain doesn't = success, but finding fulfillment in the life they live does.
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Salt Life
aps45819 said:
Monetary gain doesn't = success.
I have to disagree. But I also agree with you, because you may have someone who gets paid entirely too much just for sitting on their behinds. :lol:


Lobster Land
I voted yes. In my ideal world, like I grew up in, very few Mom's worked. Kids were taken care of, the neighborhood policed itself and Dad earned enough to pay all the bills. Unfortunately the world has changed since those good old days and look where it's gotten us.


24/7 Single Dad
Chasey_Lane said:
I have to disagree. But I also agree with you, because you may have someone who gets paid entirely too much just for sitting on their behinds. :lol:
all money gets you is "things". While "things" are nice, they break, wear out and become obsolete. Then you have to get new "things". If you need "things" to be succesful and happy, you'll never be either because ther'll always be another "thing" you need.


curiouser and curiouser
aps45819 said:
I ain't voting. Respect for someone has nothing with their choice of careers. The people I respect the most don't care what other peoples opinion are. They've learned that monetary gain doesn't = success, but finding fulfillment in the life they live does.
Wow, I actually agree. :lol: I think that the way in which a person measures success speaks volumes about the type of person they are, and life they lead.


New Member
aps45819 said:
all money gets you is "things". While "things" are nice, they break, wear out and become obsolete. Then you have to get new "things". If you need "things" to be succesful and happy, you'll never be either because ther'll always be another "thing" you need.

:clap: I will never have a job more important then the one I am doing right now, raising my kids. And I have heard the kids need you just as much when they are in school as they do when they are home :shrug: I plan on being a SAHM for as long as I can. I want to be here when they are sick, I want to be in their school all the time, helping as much as I can. :yay:


New Member
I am a SAHM. We have a 3 year old son and our twins will be 2 in a couple months.

I consider myself lucky that I do not HAVE to work outside of the home at this time. Our plan is to have me go back to work once all 3 kids are in school. Things may not work out that way, but that is the plan for now.

I am up at 6am everyday with the twins (they go to bed early and wake up early). I wish sometimes I could sleep past 6:30 but I cannot stay in bed all morning, I feel like the day is wasted.

I somehow manage to keep a very clean house probably 90% of the time, have dinner on the table at 5:30pm, twins in the bath by 6pm and in their cribs by 6:30pm.

During the days we have a pretty structured routine. I have a full playroom in our basement, we have learning time, etc.....On nice days like we have had today and yesterday, we spend most of it outside....Come in for lunch, snacks, etc...

I also take care of all the finances, bills, banking...The whole works. I do all the grocery shopping. I basically keep the house up and running.

I take the trash to the transfer station, rake the leaves, mow the lawn, and I do most of these things simply b/c I enjoy it.

I have thought about getting a part time job in the evenings to keep my sanity but with my fiance's hours and overtime, I cannot commit to any job really.

I do feel as thought b/c I get to stay home, I should take on these responsibilities, I would not expect my fiance to come home after working 12 hours and make dinner.

I wouldn't trade my "job" for anything else in the world. I have alot of friends who had to go back into the work force after having children and I just believe that you have to do whatever works for you. (JMO).

Off to make dinner, barbecue chicken breast on the grill tonight. Can you believe this weather??? Where is winter?!


New Member
I also wanted to add that I do make a little bit of money selling on eBay and participating in online panels and completely surveys and such.

I recently got a $35 check for participating in a 90 minute chat session about household cleaners. Not much, but that covers a water bill and it was fun!

I sell most of our children's clothing on eBay, don't make much, but enough to make it worthwhile.


New Member
You know, there is a learning curve to being a SAHM. I am much better at it now then I was 8 years ago. Maybe if you know a crappy SAHM she is still learning her job :shrug:
My mom was a SAHM. Of course back then, they were referred to as housewives. :lol: The summers were a blast because mom always did things with us. The house was always spotless and dinner was on the table every evening at 4:30 when Dad got home.

I wish I could be a SAHM. I would try my hardest to emulate what my mom did. :yay:


Nice lady!
vraiblonde said:
What a crappy attitude.

And I'm sure *he* is going to take off work when the kid is sick, and take over half the housework, laundry and cooking?

Raising kids and keeping a home together IS a job. And if you don't believe me, try it some time.

:yeahthat: All of my children are in school full time now and I still stay at home. I'm very involved with their schools, volunteer for anything to do with them that I can, and I'm the one the working moms send their older kids (non daycare kids) to when there is no school. :yay:


professional daydreamer
I have a great deal of respect, admiration and envy for most stay at home parents, whether they be mom or day. It really depends on whether or not that parent is at home parenting, or watching tv all day.


Well-Known Member
Sharon said:
What's the matter with that? :confused:

I don't know of anyone who dies wishing they'd spent more hours at the office. Granted, everyone wishes they could play more. Given the choice of being loved and appreciated by your family vs. a corporation that will replace you in the next week or so, I know what I'd pick and I still have MY identity. If you think men are gonna go 50/50 on domestic responsibilities while there's a woman around, you have a lot to learn. :lmao:

Maybe I misunderstood Vrai's post..I thought by "kept a good home" she meant a clean home....and not the total package (kids, spouse, etc.). I just don't want to be remembered for having a spotless house. To me, that means I wasted too much time cleaning and not enjoying life. I'd much rather be outside with nature and animals, etc. instead of just inside making sure my house was spotless. I would much rather be home with my kids while they're little, but when they're school aged I'm probably going to want to go back to work. I want to be able to use the education I paid for...even if it's part time until the kids get to high school or something. BTW, my boyfriend and I split all the household stuff pretty evenly. Sure, I cook most of the time, and do the majority of the laundry...but he does alot of dishes, takes out the trash, helps clean the bathroom, puts laundry away sometimes. I like that I can count on him to work with me, and not expect me to do it because 'I'm the woman.'
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