professional daydreamer
Cowgirl said:Maybe I misunderstood Vrai's post..I thought by "kept a good home" she meant a clean home....and not the total package (kids, spouse, etc.). I just don't want to be remembered for having a spotless house. To me, that means I wasted too much time cleaning and not enjoying life. I'd much rather be outside with nature and animals, etc. instead of just inside making sure my house was spotless. I would much rather be home with my kids while they're little, but when they're school aged I'm probably going to want to go back to work. I want to be able to use the education I paid for...even if it's part time until the kids get to high school or something. BTW, my boyfriend and I split all the household stuff pretty evenly. Sure, I cook most of the time, and do the majority of the laundry...but he does alot of dishes, takes out the trash, helps clean the bathroom, puts laundry away sometimes. I like that I can count on him to work with me, and not expect me to do it because 'I'm the woman.'
When gurl was little, I was a Domestic Goddess. When you have every day to do a little here and there while baby/toddler/spizwink is napping or having a little play alone time, you can keep things caught up. I long for those days. With everyone in the house working or going to school, we have to rush to get chores out of the way so we can have play time. I think it's much easier on all concerned if one parent can stay home and take care of all that.