Do you think police in Southern Md. are respected?


New Member
BS Gal said:
I'm not going into it. Let's just say they were non-responsive and when they did show up, they TOTALLY screwed up, even according to their own department.

So another member of the department said the responding officers totally screwed up? Who told you this?

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
JohnnyReb said:
So another member of the department said the responding officers totally screwed up? Who told you this?

What don't you understand about my post?


New Member
BS Gal said:
What don't you understand about my post?

I do understand you don't want to get into the details, which is why I asked you a question which would allow you not to get into details but provide us with an idea of why you are unhappy with the level of service you received.

So another member of the department said the responding officers totally screwed up? Who told you this?

The above does not require you to reveal any specifics...


New Member
BS Gal said:
I'm not going into it. Let's just say they were non-responsive and when they did show up, they TOTALLY screwed up, even according to their own department.

I am sorry you had a bad experience. I know a lot of Cops in Calvert and St. Mary's and what I know is they are pretty good guys. I hope your situation was the exception not the rule. I guess everyone could have a bad day, I am sorry for you the officer or officers had a bad day at your expense!


New Member
BS Gal said:
I'm not going into it. Let's just say they were non-responsive and when they did show up, they TOTALLY screwed up, even according to their own department.

Tom doesn't want to hear that, in his book officers never make mistakes, have bad days, shot dogs out of fear, or are just plain not in the mood to do their job.

I personally DON'T like you were told that, because it isn't professional. You handle the situation the best you can but you never rat out a co-worker to somebody on the outside of the work group, no matter what profession you are in.

I get things from others in my job that are completely and utterly screwed up all the time and I mean beyond belief. I have to sit there and shudder over the embarrassment it is going to cause me when I fix it but I do and never mention the foul up to anyone on the outside. Even if I have to get cake on my face at a later time for the delay in action. I never say, it was another person's delay in action, I just say I got this on such and such date for action and acted on it on such and such date. Secretly, I know the truth and that is all that matters to me, so I don't feel the need to further explain anything, just fix it right as it comes. But I do feel that law enforcement should be above all and make mistakes that are very very few and far between because the mistakes can cost people freedom, lives, etc.....

I have noticed a huge lack in work ethic across the board in many fashions, not just law enforcement, but even to the minimum wage worker at a fast food restaurant. I’m not sure what exactly is the cause, but I want to say it is the lack of organizational skills, maybe, and that we do live in the All About Me generation.
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BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
JohnnyReb said:
I do understand you don't want to get into the details, which is why I asked you a question which would allow you not to get into details but provide us with an idea of why you are unhappy with the level of service you received.

The above does not require you to reveal any specifics...
They were unresponsive many times and when they did respond, they didn't follow directions, which were given to me to give to them by their own department.


New Member
BS Gal said:
They were unresponsive many times and when they did respond, they didn't' follow directions, which were given to me to give to them.

I would call stuff like this into the duty officer working in that department. After a couple citizens call and the same officer seems to get the same complaint, it just might trigger them to a problem. :shrug:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Pandora said:
I would call stuff like this into the duty officer working in that department. After a couple citizens call and the same officer seems to get the same complaint, it just might trigger them to a problem. :shrug:
It wasn't just one officer.


New Member
I like how Internet bullies ask questions in karma, yet never sign the question.

Anyway bsgal, you can complain or let them screw up the next time. Maybe next time it is something that is bigger. :shrug:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Pandora said:
I like how Internet bullies ask questions in karma, yet never sign the question.

Anyway bsgal, you can complain or let them screw up the next time. Maybe next time it is something that is bigger. :shrug:
No, next time I will handle it myself.


Cops are like people in every other job, Some take their job with pride and others it'a just a job. You have nice well rounded ones and you have egotistical pricks. You have some that are respectable and you have some that are rude. And you have some that are smart and some that are stupid and couldn't find their ass with both hands.
With this being known the biggest problem is that badge of honor sheot.
The good cops know this one cop is off the wall, the courts know this cop is off the wall, but none of the other cops will speak out or stick up for the citizen when this cop gets out of line. The courts know the cop is a problem because in court people are always addressing the same problems with the same cop. Mean while this egotistical cowboy retarded SOB gives all the good cops a bad name.


Well-Known Member
Pandora said:
Tom doesn't want to hear that, in his book officers never make mistakes, have bad days, shot dogs out of fear, or are just plain not in the mood to do their job.

But I do feel that law enforcement should be above all and make mistakes that are very very few and far between because the mistakes can cost people freedom, lives, etc..... QUOTE]
Pandora said:
This is a bunch of bull crap. Don't pretend to know what I want to hear. Cops make mistakes all the time. Just like doctors..lawyers..govt. workers..judges..every facet of society.

My only thing about the last thread..going to the dog all of you people put your faith in the truth being told by this Joe Mattia, who we now know is a liar.

The thing I said in the beginning of that thread is we shold wait till the investigation is complete before we go hanging the guy. Now it looks like the guy did his job!

Fact is I do disagree with you about cops being above all. They are human. When they make mistakes they should be re-trained not to make them.

However, when cops behave criminally, they should be held to a higher standard and punished harsher than the normal Joe!


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE=gumbo]Cops are like people in every other job, Some take their job with pride and others it'a just a job. You have nice well rounded ones and you have egotistical pricks. You have some that are respectable and you have some that are rude. And you have some that are smart and some that are stupid and couldn't find their ass with both hands.
With this being known the biggest problem is that badge of honor sheot.
The good cops know this one cop is off the wall, the courts know this cop is off the wall, but none of the other cops will speak out or stick up for the citizen when this cop gets out of line. The courts know the cop is a problem because in court people are always addressing the same problems with the same cop. Mean while this egotistical cowboy retarded SOB gives all the good cops a bad name.[/QUOTE]

One of the most intellegent posts I have seen!


New Member
tom88 said:
This is a bunch of bull crap. Don't pretend to know what I want to hear. Cops make mistakes all the time. Just like doctors..lawyers..govt. workers..judges..every facet of society.

My only thing about the last thread..going to the dog all of you people put your faith in the truth being told by this Joe Mattia, who we now know is a liar.

The thing I said in the beginning of that thread is we shold wait till the investigation is complete before we go hanging the guy. Now it looks like the guy did his job!

Fact is I do disagree with you about cops being above all. They are human. When they make mistakes they should be re-trained not to make them.

However, when cops behave criminally, they should be held to a higher standard and punished harsher than the normal Joe!

I didn't pretend to know what you want to hear; I expressed my opinion about you. You say don't judge the officer, yet, you are calling Joe a "liar." That in itself is a pretty bold and judgmental statement. Fair is fair and to expect respect from one end of the spectrum and not the other is hypocrisy.

I never said cops are above all. I said that given their position and the power they do hold, they need to check twice, three times if that is what is needed to reduce the amount of error.


Highlander's MPD
Pandora said:
I didn't pretend to know what you want to hear; I expressed my opinion about you. You say don't judge the officer, yet, you are calling Joe a "liar." That in itself is a pretty bold and judgmental statement. Fair is fair and to expect respect from one end of the spectrum and not the other is hypocrisy.

I never said cops are above all. I said that given their position and the power they do hold, they need to check twice, three times if that is what is needed to reduce the amount of error.

Was it Tom who identified Joe as a liar? I think that came out in the investigation somewhere, right?

That's funny. Cops don't have time to check twice, three times before they make a decision in a lot of cases. The monday morning quarterbacks can check twice, three times but that's a luxery the officers don't always have

Just my 2 cents.


New Member
tom88 said:
Do you have respect for police officers in the County you live in or do you feel they do a poor job?

Explain your answer?

I have not had any problems w/the police *knock on wood* The one and only time that I actually was involved w/them was in Ocean City, Senior Week 2002, all of us went out in a Suburban(like 15-17 of us) and we were driving down coastal highway and they pulled us over for a noise violation.
We had alcohol in the car but we didn't get in trouble they just had us dump it out in the bushes. Everyone was 21 except myself and 2 other people.

So, I don't have any issues w/cops, but some can be nice as pie w/o a uniform on and then when they are on duty seem like completly different people. I notice this w/military too, so I don't just label cops being this way!


New Member
By and large, I feel the officers that patrol down here earn the respect they get pretty well (and I give it to them too). In fact, based on what a friend living in VA says about VA cops (both state and local), I think we've got it pretty good here. And with the new "fees" the people in VA got hit with for driving infractions, we're even better off :)

Probably what perplexes me the most is jurisdiction. Like why you see the CCSO heavily in one area, and the next, nothing but MDSP (well, only when MDSP *wants* to be seen. Those interceptors are like phantoms I say...). I know MDSP has state-wide jurisdiction, but they seem to "vanish" as soon as you get into the neighborhoods and into some streets. Even more so, how MDSP manages to get away with pulling people over in VA (on the other side of the WWB, usually). Lawyers, I reckon.

Probably the only run-in I've ever had with them was a speeding ticket, on one of the well-known speed traps in the area. But we're all due for one of those at some point in time I figure.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
The officers of the law in Southern MD have my respect by and large. My personal experience has been very positive. With that said, there are individuals who don a uniform, made it through training, drive a customized criminal apprehension vehicle, who loosely interpret the law. These individuals do not negate the image of the dutiful, overall. They usually stand out, as we have witnessed on more than one occasion. Unfortunately, like most families, these individuals tend to gather protection, right or wrong.