Do you think police in Southern Md. are respected?


Well-Known Member
madMAX said:
Nope, but I am married to one. :huggy:
Well doesn't that mean that your spouse should have known your windows were too dark, and fixed them before you got a ticket?


New Member
tom88 said:
Well doesn't that mean that your spouse should have known your windows were too dark, and fixed them before you got a ticket?
The spouses and officers and their relatives are apparently above the law. They are "special" and should not have to abide by the laws the others do. Bet she gets the ticket cancelled.


New Member
The spouses and officers and their relatives are apparently above the law. They are "special" and should not have to abide by the laws the others do. Bet she gets the ticket cancelled.

She should have slept with him. Hey could have put those tinted windows to good use. Call 911 and make him come.


Well-Known Member
I have gotten brakes for speeding from police officers. I haveutmost respect for them even if they felt they should give me a ticket. I have only been pulled over three times in my life, and have never gotten a ticket. I am always polite and apologize for my violation.

My thought though, is speeding is one thing, kinda like everyone does it so if a cop gives somone a break, well thats kinda what we as the public hope and expect. But a cop who knowingly, violates a law, such as altering their vehicle, then I think that crosses a line. I think that is an abuse of their authority. Your vehicle should be within the law.


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protectmd said:
I completely agree, respect is earned, never given. You might have been given a badge at that academy, but they gotta EARN respect from the community... not their peers. Cleatus the slack jawed yokel riding around in his nice shiney new crown vic asking local kids smoking cigarettes if they have anything illegal going on isn't a good investigative technique. lol. If they just had got done murdering their neighor do you think that they would honestly confess right then and there?

No, I think that you should respect them until they give you a reason not to.
It is not just the officer you are showing respect to, it is the badge and wha it stands for.


New Member
Nicole_in_somd said:
In all three counties I have not had any problems. In fact when I did run into an officer, they were polite and very helpful.

Both county and state. Why?

Hmmmm. Do you show them your Avatar?


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Jeff said:
My pleasure. And it's nice to know there is some kind of reward or enticement for them showing up while off duty. I listen to the scanner alot and know it happens all the time. I often wondered about that.

I have called the police a few times for accidents and other incidents I have witnessed and most often when the police show there main concern is that everyone is alright. It takes a certain kind of person to be able to do that day in/day out year after year and not get burned out. I am sure the job has it's rewards but someone like myself looking at it from the outside can never fully appreciate nor understand just how you folks can do it and not have it affect you drastically.

Good post.


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madMAX said:
Yep, I agree! I got a ticket this morning for my windows being too dark. The azzhole cop (new to the force, obviously because his id number is very high up there) and he told me that they are almost legal, but nonetheless they are not, and he says that he has to write a ticket with each stop he makes because he has to answer to his sargent. What a bunch of BULL!!!!!! I am guessing he didnt know what the FOP tags on my truck meant!

FOP does not mean you can break the law. My father has FOP tags too but that does not make him any better than anyone else


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BS Gal said:
And THAT should give you special privileges? You need to obey the law like the rest of us.

EXACTLY. I HATE when the "wives" of officers think they have some sort of privilages over the "regular" people.

See that more than anything.

ok just so we are clear NOT all officer spouses do that.
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New Member

Originally Posted by protectmd
I completely agree, respect is earned, never given. You might have been given a badge at that academy, but they gotta EARN respect from the community... not their peers. Cleatus the slack jawed yokel riding around in his nice shiney new crown vic asking local kids smoking cigarettes if they have anything illegal going on isn't a good investigative technique. lol. If they just had got done murdering their neighor do you think that they would honestly confess right then and there?

The son of sam was caught because of parking tickets. I am sure some New Yorkers back then would have said that parking tickets aren't a good police tool either. FYI, kids "smoking" cigarettes is a crime. Police officers aren't "given" badges at the police academy, they earn them.

The conotation of "Cletus the Slack Jawed Yokel" shows disrespect. I agree that respect must be earned, but when you start having a negative attitude about police to begin with, I doubt we will ever truly earn your respect. We should have to earn it but not come to it at an altered scale!

Further, how many murderers have confessed to killing someone to you? How would you have any idea how or why someone would confess to a killing?


smcop said:
Originally Posted by protectmd
I completely agree, respect is earned, never given. You might have been given a badge at that academy, but they gotta EARN respect from the community... not their peers. Cleatus the slack jawed yokel riding around in his nice shiney new crown vic asking local kids smoking cigarettes if they have anything illegal going on isn't a good investigative technique. lol. If they just had got done murdering their neighor do you think that they would honestly confess right then and there?

The son of sam was caught because of parking tickets. I am sure some New Yorkers back then would have said that parking tickets aren't a good police tool either. FYI, kids "smoking" cigarettes is a crime. Police officers aren't "given" badges at the police academy, they earn them.

The conotation of "Cletus the Slack Jawed Yokel" shows disrespect. I agree that respect must be earned, but when you start having a negative attitude about police to begin with, I doubt we will ever truly earn your respect. We should have to earn it but not come to it at an altered scale!

Further, how many murderers have confessed to killing someone to you? How would you have any idea how or why someone would confess to a killing?

:howdy: smcop


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smcop said:
Originally Posted by protectmd
I completely agree, respect is earned, never given. You might have been given a badge at that academy, but they gotta EARN respect from the community... not their peers. Cleatus the slack jawed yokel riding around in his nice shiney new crown vic asking local kids smoking cigarettes if they have anything illegal going on isn't a good investigative technique. lol. If they just had got done murdering their neighor do you think that they would honestly confess right then and there?

The son of sam was caught because of parking tickets. I am sure some New Yorkers back then would have said that parking tickets aren't a good police tool either. FYI, kids "smoking" cigarettes is a crime. Police officers aren't "given" badges at the police academy, they earn them.

The conotation of "Cletus the Slack Jawed Yokel" shows disrespect. I agree that respect must be earned, but when you start having a negative attitude about police to begin with, I doubt we will ever truly earn your respect. We should have to earn it but not come to it at an altered scale!

Further, how many murderers have confessed to killing someone to you? How would you have any idea how or why someone would confess to a killing?

I could not have said it better. Awesome post!


New Member
BS Gal said:
And THAT should give you special privileges? You need to obey the law like the rest of us.

Well, gee, its his truck too! and HE is the one that had the tint put on the truck!

My point was the officer lied by saying he has to give tickets! you guys read in to stuff way too much!

This is the fourms, not perry mason or kojak! good grief.

AND THE TINT IS ONLY AT 25% Not really that much darker than "Legal"
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New Member
madMAX said:
Well, gee, its his truck too! and HE is the one that had the tint put on the truck!

My point was the officer lied by saying he has to give tickets! you guys read in to stuff way too much!

This is the fourms, not perry mason or kojak! good grief.

AND THE TINT IS ONLY AT 25% Not really that much darker than "Legal"
The officer may not be lying. Being new, his supervisor may have told him if he stops a car he needs to write the ticket. Or, his supervisor may have told him he needs to bring his statistics up and he needs to write every person he stops. But I agree with the other guy, if your husband's a cop, and he put illegal tint on his car, knowing it's illegal, then he should be sanctioned. Tint is an officer safety issue.


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madMAX said:
Well, gee, its his truck too! and HE is the one that had the tint put on the truck!

My point was the officer lied by saying he has to give tickets! you guys read in to stuff way too much!

This is the fourms, not perry mason or kojak! good grief.

AND THE TINT IS ONLY AT 25% Not really that much darker than "Legal"

Than HE should have known better. Does not matter if it is only 1% over it is over, breaking the law is breaking the law.

if it had been a 17 year old teenager than he would have gotten the ticket too. The officer did what he was supposed to do. Up hold the law. You being the wife of an officer should respect that.