Do you think police in Southern Md. are respected?


New Member
Kumba said:
By and large, I feel the officers that patrol down here earn the respect they get pretty well (and I give it to them too). In fact, based on what a friend living in VA says about VA cops (both state and local), I think we've got it pretty good here. And with the new "fees" the people in VA got hit with for driving infractions, we're even better off :)

Probably what perplexes me the most is jurisdiction. Like why you see the CCSO heavily in one area, and the next, nothing but MDSP (well, only when MDSP *wants* to be seen. Those interceptors are like phantoms I say...). I know MDSP has state-wide jurisdiction, but they seem to "vanish" as soon as you get into the neighborhoods and into some streets. Even more so, how MDSP manages to get away with pulling people over in VA (on the other side of the WWB, usually). Lawyers, I reckon.

Probably the only run-in I've ever had with them was a speeding ticket, on one of the well-known speed traps in the area. But we're all due for one of those at some point in time I figure.
In Charles County the Maryland State Police are generally only for traffic control. The State Police in St. Mary's and in Calvert are a full service barrack. That isn't to say that in Charles County the State Police can't conduct criminal investigations, it is that their primary mission in that county is traffic.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
smcop said:
In Charles County the Maryland State Police are generally only for traffic control. The State Police in St. Mary's and in Calvert are a full service barrack. That isn't to say that in Charles County the State Police can't conduct criminal investigations, it is that their primary mission in that county is traffic.
What is the primary mission for the Sheriff's Dept. in St. Mary's? It's not narcotic control, I can vouch for that.


New Member
BS Gal said:
What is the primary mission for the Sheriff's Dept. in St. Mary's? It's not narcotic control, I can vouch for that.

Maybe investigating webcomic artists as possible terrorists? :)

(this is the comic in question that apparently got the St. Mary's police a little curious about him. He, and another artist, were the duo behind the old MacHall comics they ran for years while attending school up at UMD. As far as I know, he worked for a Govt. contractor down in Hollywood/California when this went down).



New Member
smcop said:
In Charles County the Maryland State Police are generally only for traffic control. The State Police in St. Mary's and in Calvert are a full service barrack. That isn't to say that in Charles County the State Police can't conduct criminal investigations, it is that their primary mission in that county is traffic.

Ahh, interesting. Even though MDSP has their district HQ at the La Plata Barracks? I figured that's why I saw so many of them in this area. Oddly enough, they're almost 100% missing on MD210....PG cops seem to handle that entire stretch of road. I never see the MDSP appear until I cross into Charles County on MD228.



smcop said:
In Charles County the Maryland State Police are generally only for traffic control. The State Police in St. Mary's and in Calvert are a full service barrack. That isn't to say that in Charles County the State Police can't conduct criminal investigations, it is that their primary mission in that county is traffic.
Not according to the web site.

"The St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office is the primary law enforcement agency in the county. It's mission is to enforce laws, protect life and property, to provide safe, secure and humane incarceration of inmates and detainees, to act as an agency of the Circuit and District Courts, and to serve the citizens of St. Mary's County in the most timely and cost effective manner."


New Member
Kain99 said:
Not according to the web site.

"The St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office is the primary law enforcement agency in the county. It's mission is to enforce laws, protect life and property, to provide safe, secure and humane incarceration of inmates and detainees, to act as an agency of the Circuit and District Courts, and to serve the citizens of St. Mary's County in the most timely and cost effective manner."
What are you talking about?


Well-Known Member
Poohhunny1605 said:
We had alcohol in the car but we didn't get in trouble they just had us dump it out in the bushes. Everyone was 21 except myself and 2 other people.

So you don't have any problems with cops because you got away with underage drinking? So if the cop had done his job you would've had a problem with it? :confused:


Stop Staring!!!!!
I have the utmost respect for the Police officers here and anybody willing to put on a badge and put themselves in harms way to help others.

I catch up with several officers on a regular basis who do part time security on Firday and Saturday nights at the Sheetz in California. I have told them before that I don't know how they do it. I listen to my police scanner and when things go sour they roll out and deal with the situation. From listening to the police scanner all you hear about are the bad things that go on. Someone got assaulted, robbed or whatever the case is. You would think a police officer would need constant therapy dealing with such negative things on a regular basis. The officers I have discussed this with all tell me pretty much the same thing. In quite a few cases out here there is a "Victim". These officers are not only going after a culprit but are there for the victims as well. That seems to be the main thing that balances out the good and the bad for the ones I talk to. It must be pretty rewarding to be able to help someone who has just been the victim of a crime. But I think this is one part of an officers job most of us tend to forget about.

Something else that just happened tonight makes me have great respect for these folks as well. Something happened at one of the local appartment complexes. I forget the details of the situation but after the initial dispatch the dispatcher came back up a few minutes later and advises "2" off duty officers where already on the scene. "OFF DUTY". Nobody told these folks to show up. Heck I don't even know if they get paid for this or not. I hope so. But this happens quite often.

Do I think the Police are respected in general by the majority of the public?
Not nearly as much as they deserve.


New Member
Jeff said:
I have the utmost respect for the Police officers here and anybody willing to put on a badge and put themselves in harms way to help others.

I catch up with several officers on a regular basis who do part time security on Firday and Saturday nights at the Sheetz in California. I have told them before that I don't know how they do it. I listen to my police scanner and when things go sour they roll out and deal with the situation. From listening to the police scanner all you hear about are the bad things that go on. Someone got assaulted, robbed or whatever the case is. You would think a police officer would need constant therapy dealing with such negative things on a regular basis. The officers I have discussed this with all tell me pretty much the same thing. In quite a few cases out here there is a "Victim". These officers are not only going after a culprit but are there for the victims as well. That seems to be the main thing that balances out the good and the bad for the ones I talk to. It must be pretty rewarding to be able to help someone who has just been the victim of a crime. But I think this is one part of an officers job most of us tend to forget about.

Something else that just happened tonight makes me have great respect for these folks as well. Something happened at one of the local appartment complexes. I forget the details of the situation but after the initial dispatch the dispatcher came back up a few minutes later and advises "2" off duty officers where already on the scene. "OFF DUTY". Nobody told these folks to show up. Heck I don't even know if they get paid for this or not. I hope so. But this happens quite often.

Do I think the Police are respected in general by the majority of the public?
Not nearly as much as they deserve.
Jeff, thank you for you kind words. So you know, most times when deputies respond and they are in an off duty status, they do not get paid for their actions. However, the reason most are able to respond in an off duty status is because of the home car program.

Most of the police officers I know are dedicated, and would do this job for free, because their mission in life is to help others. Thanks again for your support.


Stop Staring!!!!!
smcop said:
Jeff, thank you for you kind words. So you know, most times when deputies respond and they are in an off duty status, they do not get paid for their actions. However, the reason most are able to respond in an off duty status is because of the home car program.

Most of the police officers I know are dedicated, and would do this job for free, because their mission in life is to help others. Thanks again for your support.

My pleasure. And it's nice to know there is some kind of reward or enticement for them showing up while off duty. I listen to the scanner alot and know it happens all the time. I often wondered about that.

I have called the police a few times for accidents and other incidents I have witnessed and most often when the police show there main concern is that everyone is alright. It takes a certain kind of person to be able to do that day in/day out year after year and not get burned out. I am sure the job has it's rewards but someone like myself looking at it from the outside can never fully appreciate nor understand just how you folks can do it and not have it affect you drastically.
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Routinely Derailed
I have a TON of respect for police officers in general and our local ones in particular. They have handled a few situations I've been involved with, with a great deal of wisdom and sensitivity (and in one case, a great deal of courage). IMHO, if you want to know a great person, get to know a cop.


New Member
Too a degree by some no. Too very little yes. I don't respect police staff who treat me as a criminal when am even told I didn't commit the crime. That's what I don't respect. But some are cool though just doing there job.


Active Member
tom88 said:
Do you have respect for police officers in the County you live in or do you feel they do a poor job?

Explain your answer?

I have always found the Calvert County Sheriffs Department and the State Patrol that serves our area respectful. I've been pulled over a couple of times and never once treated rudely. I think when you become rude with them you deserve to be treated so. Why be rude? All you have to do is have your insurance, drivers license and registration out. Admit what you did and be done with it....

The only time I've felt otherwise was when my daughter had to borrow my car. I had horse feed in the trunk the day before and because of the smell he thought she'd been drinking. Even went as far as making her walk the walk and take the breathalizer. I laughed so hard because she was so upset over it. I told her he had to be sure.

I quite putting feed in the trunk of my car....
:killingme :killingme


Relax, it's fedex
Some take there jobs seriously, some go overboard in my opinion, some are generally kind to others. That is what I have seen while living in Waldorf


Well-Known Member
I respect the officers in St. Mary's, state and county alike. That doesn't mean I don't think there are some total a$$hats. I've had the pleasure of needing their services on different occassions, and for the most part they did their job, and did it well. There are a few that their head swells to the point of bursting that I'd like to deflate. It's a hard job and I'm glad we have those dedicated to doing it.

As far as driving through neighborhoods and "harrassing" people hanging out. Be glad they are driving through. Hopefully they are deterring some crime. I wish they would drive through my neighborhood more. Heck, I wish a few of them would move in, response time would be quick!


New Member
fedex said:
Some take there jobs seriously, some go overboard in my opinion, some are generally kind to others. That is what I have seen while living in Waldorf

Yep, I agree! I got a ticket this morning for my windows being too dark. The azzhole cop (new to the force, obviously because his id number is very high up there) and he told me that they are almost legal, but nonetheless they are not, and he says that he has to write a ticket with each stop he makes because he has to answer to his sargent. What a bunch of BULL!!!!!! I am guessing he didnt know what the FOP tags on my truck meant!