Do you think Trump will be the first President to flee the country after he resigns/ is impeached?


Well-Known Member
He is obstructing things now . To ask another Country to investigate a political opponent for political gain is against the Constitution. His Oath says he must up hold the Constitution . The Inquiry will determine if he did or did not violate it.

The Oath of Office:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
How is serving justice "for political gain"?


Well-Known Member
You seem to forget Wall Street made a bigger turn around under Obama , due to the bad shape it was left in by Bush.
Slowest recovery in the history of the United States under Obama. After months of telling us Trump would tank the economy, it's continued to grow and accelerated.


Well-Known Member
It's amazing how we keep rehashing these same tired arguments every time a new leftist MPD appears.

Gold diggers go were the gold is.

As long as the same old people reply in the same old way.... they will keep coming.

Its funny that some people on here think that THEY are the fishermen :lmao:

black dog

Free America
Not true and that's not even mentioning the farmers going under.

You should take a ride on 70W and expand your horizons.
Where are farmers going under? Must be the Millennials taking over dad's farm. No farms going bankrupt and up for sale where I live, and I live in Indiana.
Where do you read this nonsense?

black dog

Free America
Look what tump walked into as opposed to what Obama was left with from Bush ,clear cut Obama has done a better job.

A better job at doing what? Causing racial conflicts, a shitty economy, embarrassing us as a nation, having a tranny as the first lady?
I can go on.....


Well-Known Member
LOL, your bias is showing. Justice for's a bozo no-no .
If we assume Biden was NOT lying when he said that he threatened to withhold American backing for loans unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor looking into Hunter, then Biden was admitting to a crime. How is Trump asking them to continue looking into a crime to which Biden admitted for Trump's political gain and not for justice?


Well-Known Member
Look what tump walked into as opposed to what Obama was left with from Bush ,clear cut Obama has done a better job.
That's certainly an opinion. It's not supported by fact or history, but it's an opinion to which you are entitled nonetheless.

The Boss

Active Member
If we assume Biden was NOT lying when he said that he threatened to withhold American backing for loans unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor looking into Hunter, then Biden was admitting to a crime. How is Trump asking them to continue looking into a crime to which Biden admitted for Trump's political gain and not for justice?
yes your assuming,there is no proof any of that happen . And you know the answer to that.

The Boss

Active Member
You should take a ride on 70W and expand your horizons.
Where are farmers going under? Must be the Millennials taking over dad's farm. No farms going bankrupt and up for sale where I live, and I live in Indiana.
Where do you read this nonsense?
First you need to learn how to read..............

black dog

Free America
.......of course you can , it's all lies but that has never stopped a Republican before.

Dec2018 103.jpg

black dog

Free America

More so you need to look around a see first hand and not listen to your handlers.

I find it queer that I have breakfast a few times a week in our small town diner early in the morning, with a few dozen local business / farm owners. Going bankrupt over tariffs has yet to be a morning conversation. This guy, believes what he sees and not what he reads.