I'm not trying to start a thread to bash smokers. To each his/her own unless they're going to be around our baby boy, who is due in a month. Hubby & I don't smoke. Anyone who visits us & needs to smoke, does so outside.
My mother, who I guess never plans to quit smoking again, will be staying with us for a couple of weeks when our son is born. As much as we love spending time with her & we're really looking forward to her being able to bond with her first grandbaby, I need some advice.
The smell of cigarette smoke makes me sick. Since I've been pregnant, it's been worse for me - it bothers my throat, eyes, stomach & makes me congested. Hubby hates the smell also. Whenever someone comes in from outside, they don't leave the smell out there. My Mom will obviously be holding the baby a lot & I don't want him reeking of smoke. I don't want to insult Mom. She already knows how I feel about her starting to smoke again back in August & she was supposedly going to quit after "getting through the holidays". My family had a horrible year last year & she needs this time to be happy. What can I do without being a biatch to my Mom, who I love & appreciate so much? Just spraying Febreeze & washing her hands everytime she comes inside won't work. I can't expect her to shower & change clothes 15 times a day, can I?