Drinking age?

Drinking age...

  • Leave it at 21

    Votes: 28 33.7%
  • Raise it

    Votes: 4 4.8%
  • Lower it to 18

    Votes: 51 61.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Skimmed the thread, but here is my thought. How about cars are installed with breath-a-lizers (sp? :lmao:) and no matter the age, if you drink, you can't start your car if you are impaired.

I believe that if our country sends 18 year olds to defend our freedom, they should be allowed to have a drink.


Thats a too-expensive solution, IMO, as well as ineffective as someone else could just blow the breathalyzer (as stupid as that would be, someone would do it).


Stop Staring!!!!!
Crikey, mate! I got one!!!

Think credit card. How simple would it be to swipe my ID and, in seconds, like a cc, know that it is approved or rejected!?

Brilliant!!! More government intrusion into private business! I AM my brothers keeper! :killingme

No different then me swiping my debit card. Target knows everything I just bought. Same goes for the Food Lion Gold Card. I don't like it. I pay cash for most walk in purchases.

But for an issue like this where so many folks can't handle the responsibility. I would not have a problem with this swipe.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

No different then me swiping my debit card. Target knows everything I just bought. Same goes for the Food Lion Gold Card. I don't like it. I pay cash for most walk in purchases.

But for an issue like this where so many folks can't handle the responsibility. I would not have a problem with this swipe.

...a HUGE difference. This would be a commercial tie into a government system. Talk about your seperation of church and state... :lmao:


Well-Known Member
Might I add, "BRILLIANT IDEA!"?

This is starting to sound pricey though :ohwell: How will every bar and liquor store be linked to the government database holding information on people's alcohol permits :frown:

And imagine.

The server goes down...now all the boozhounds nationwide are without the ability to purchase alcohol :jameo: Madness in the streets will results. Mass-looting of alcohol. Hide your women and children type stuff. :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Might I add, "BRILLIANT IDEA!"?

This is starting to sound pricey though :ohwell: How will every bar and liquor store be linked to the government database holding information on people's alcohol permits :frown:

...the same way cc companies process the transaction to the store.

This would require, obviously, a large increase in government computing power along with the maintenance and support to keep it up and running.

If it's good enough for our military, outsource that sh1t!!!

Then, here's the fun part, add a transaction fee, another sin tax, for every time it swipes. Then, when my court case comes up and I claim to hardly have ever drank much beer before I ran over the gay pride parade, they can see "Says here, Mr. Gude, you bought 4,380 bottles of beer in the last 12 months alone. What do you to say to that, hum?"

"I'm a collector?"


Stop Staring!!!!!
...a HUGE difference. This would be a commercial tie into a government system. Talk about your seperation of church and state... :lmao:

True. I guess I was thinking about the fact that if Uncle Sam really wanted to know what brand of toilet paper I buy he can find out. The potential is there whether it be direct or indirect.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

And imagine.

The server goes down...now all the boozhounds nationwide are without the ability to purchase alcohol :jameo: Madness in the streets will results. Mass-looting of alcohol. Hide your women and children type stuff. :lmao:

...that. When was the last time you couldn't use your credit card due to the system being down? Then what happened? They wrote it up by hand and trusted you for that one in a million occurrence. And turned it in.

The system isn't the problem.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I was just...

Well, we don't need to be all hardnosed about this. Certain offenses can be forgiven..:killingme

...kidding. Some of the gayest people I know is queer. Thing is, this would be a backdoor way, no pun intended, of finding out just how they all dress so good; we'd have a record! No more gay mystery!


Well-Known Member
...that. When was the last time you couldn't use your credit card due to the system being down? Then what happened? They wrote it up by hand and trusted you for that one in a million occurrence. And turned it in.

The system isn't the problem.

Sorry sir :frown:
I was just giving you a hard time :kicksrocks:
I won't do it again. :ohwell:



Well-Known Member
...by all means. This is how we improve our good arguments and leave our bad ones, the details, challenges.

:buddies: (after state approval, of course)

And anyway, occurring to me while giving you a hard time was the idea that, the system could be updated prior to a business opening each day. A simple download of information would suffice and if by some chance the Gov't system is down, they still have yesterday's information to go off of.
Nothing says that the information HAS to be in real time 24/7/365 :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

How about saving money at the commissary?
have to be in the military for that.
does that violate equal protection?

...it does not.

There is no age rules at the commissary. And you don't always save money there anyway.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

And anyway, occurring to me while giving you a hard time was the idea that, the system could be updated prior to a business opening each day. A simple download of information would suffice and if by some chance the Gov't system is down, they still have yesterday's information to go off of.
Nothing says that the information HAS to be in real time 24/7/365 :yay:

...download? Why not just access the system, real time?


New Member
Should it be lowered to 18?

You can vote at 18 but you can't drink a beer or have a Jack and coke. You can detect IED's and kill the enemy at 18, but you can't have a beer or a nice glass of wine or 10. You can go to college under 21 and see to your laundry, eating, homework, getting to class and getting up in the AM, but you better stay away from the 2,587 bars in the neighborhood and darn well best stay away from the 7,491 keg parties on any given night of the week.

To me, this sort of non sense breeds cynicism that is far more harmful to our society than being able to drink at 18.

So, what we we, the people, say?

leave it!