Driver stupidity...


NOT Politically Correct!!
Maybe coming from New York City where traffic is "Freakin Crazy" everything down here just seems too normal.

I will admit, if you drive like a moron, I am more than capable of dusting your a$$ off so you can do your stupid sh!t behind me...

If you want to race, take it to MIR, if you drive like a moron, enjoy the view of my tail lights!!! :coffee:

Jason Kish

New Member
Jason Kish said:
Amswer: You gotta have a population that reads.

Yes, this was a stupid thing to say.

Okay, I admit, the place has grown on me. I like it here, have met many smart people.

Mea Culpa.

However, a better bookstore like B and N or Books a millions would be nice.

I was hoping that big cleared lot behind Target where Mt. Pimple has grassed over was going to be something commercial, but I see that it is going to be all residential. Is this accurate?

All that property for sale by Mr. Tire and around there, what is that going to become?


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Kain99 said:
HURMPH! All this complaining.... Try driving the 95 S corridor every morning. Come home via 95 N. Then we can talk. :lmao:

Dang all these people complaining about driving there.Stop it, it could be worse! Ya'll ought to come to the Dallas Fort Worth area and drive or the Houston area and Drive. THEN you will have something to complain about! Here during rush hour traffic it takes 2 hours just to go 5 miles down the highway! Now that's stupid driving! So I can't wait to come there and drive! No more taking me 2-3 hours to get home from work! :getdown:


Well-Known Member
SMIB Sucks said:
Just get out of the damn way...if you are in the slow lane and want to pass the car in front of you; (1)you move into the left lane, (2)accelerate consistantly until you pass (not pace) the car on your right, (3)then you move back into the right lane once you are past the other vehicle so other people can pass you.
Also, whats with all the people who move from the slow lane into the fast lane when there is no one in front of them? (And if you say it's because they want to make a left, it's not true. Unless they plan on making a left 10 miles from when they moved into the fast lane... :razz:
Anyway...that's my 1st rant on this crazy southern maryland forum...

i had the same thoughts about making a thread similiar to this, but thought it was only me.

everyone seems to want to drive in the left lane and the right lane is clear for a great distance and in some cases on rt. 4 goes faster..... unfortunately, so many people are in the left lane ahead of me and it's the one car in the right lane that i can't get around to save my life


Well-Known Member
ylexot said:
Welcome to MD. Right or wrong, there is no passing lane in MD.

are you sure?? if not, what about the slower traffic keep right and i know i have seen these signs on the road in md


Well-Known Member
punjabigyrl said:
I agree people don't know how to drive or they like to piss you off. I hate it when you're driving at 6 am in the morning on 4 north and you get people out on a joy ride......people have to get to work. have your damn joy ride between 10 am and 4 pm.



Well-Known Member
aps45819 said:
I always let the folks that signal get over, but I'll play with the ones that don't :biggrin:

same here......and if i see you getting ready to be stuck i kinda let up to allow you ample space to get over, however, to those that think i can come to a complete stop or get out and move your car for you, you miss out


24/7 Single Dad
beamher said:
are you sure?? if not, what about the slower traffic keep right and i know i have seen these signs on the road in md
It's a courtesy thing. It's a common sense thing.
Both seem to be lacking.


Well-Known Member
disney411 said:
Hey, I like the answer I got from someone who almost hit me the other day. I am traveling down the road dumbF____ is in the left turn lane, then realizes that is not where she wants to be, as I am traveling about 50 MPH, she turns on her turn signal and shoots over in front of me. I almost clocked her and she started cussing me out. We pull up next to eachother at the next light and she starts yelling at me, "Didn't you see my signal on I have the right away not YOU!!!" Then proceeded to use every name in the book and I had 4 kids in my truck. Dying to know where people get their license.

this reminds me of the lady idiot who probably couldn't decide if she wanted to go to the shopping center on the right of 228 or the shopping center on the left of 228; so she stops right damn near under the stop light in the intersection and i guess when the light turns red it allowed her time to think :buttkick:


Well-Known Member
bcp said:
If I am doing 60+ in the 55 and someone comes up behind me that wants to do 70 or 80, then they have to wait until I am able to safely move to a clear spot to the right to let them pass than move back in behind them.

and I have to admit that sometimes when someone comes racing up flashing the lights and acting like an idiot, I will slow down on them until we are going exactly the speed limit.

just curious as to why you would move right back behind them?? why not just stay to the right unless needing to be in the left; and yes, i have done the latter part of your quote...yes, if i see a car approaching i will move over, but if you're being an @$$, you will suffer!!


Well-Known Member
Foxhound said:
Seems common courtesy isn't common. No one seems to give a crud about anyone but themselves anymore. Me I get out of the way for others whenever safe, leave intersections and entryways clear for people to get in and out, STOP at stop signs, park in a parking space instead of the loading or fire lane, drive at 10 to 15 MPH in parking lots, and stop for pedestrians. I even let people in who are trying to merge. I try to remain considerate to all drivers. I usually don't get to angry with drivers. I does seem to happen more often the closer I get to DC.
One thing I have noticed since I started riding a motorcycle a few years ago. My driving awareness has gone up. I am much more aware of the traffic around me no matter what I am driving/riding. Side effect of fear of being hit.

BCP is a model driver and citizen. :whistle:

i agree with everything you've said; i'm kinda new, and i did notice the difference in driving here and adapted; however, driving on 235 can get pretty bad as if in dc; with all the "get out of my lane" left lane drivers in the target shopping center area. i tend to stay in the middle lane but i do observe some of the way drivers drive; they're becoming aggressive


24/7 Single Dad
beamher said:
i tend to stay in the middle lane but i do observe some of the way drivers drive; they're becoming aggressive
:yay: Best place to be, gives you options if you need to get over.

The Dude

You mean coitus?
beamher said:
i agree with everything you've said; i'm kinda new, and i did notice the difference in driving here and adapted; however, driving on 235 can get pretty bad as if in dc; with all the "get out of my lane" left lane drivers in the target shopping center area. i tend to stay in the middle lane but i do observe some of the way drivers drive; they're becoming aggressive

You realize you've been reading and posting on a thread that is 6 months old right? :wench:

I agree with you though...too bad there is no middle lane on Rt 4. I think there is a problem with one and two lane roads to begin with.


Well-Known Member
The Dude said:
You realize you've been reading and posting on a thread that is 6 months old right? :wench:

I agree with you though...too bad there is no middle lane on Rt 4. I think there is a problem with one and two lane roads to begin with.

looking at the dates, i'm not the only one; i just jump in on the most recent threads


Well-Known Member
The Dude said:
You realize you've been reading and posting on a thread that is 6 months old right? :wench:

I agree with you though...too bad there is no middle lane on Rt 4. I think there is a problem with one and two lane roads to begin with. i see