did you know that the majority of accidents are in the right lane?
thats because the majority of accidents are from people that dont look before the pull out into traffic and the are for the most part entering from the right.
there is also the accident caused by the person that is not paying attention and has no problem slamming on the breaks so he wont miss the turn into the McDonalds parking lot
Then you have the left lane speed demons that have to race up the left and at the last moment cut over to the right and slam the breaks to make their turn, on the right.
the left lane is the safe lane to travel in the majority of the time.
If the speed limit is 55 then the left should be used by those going 55 for an extended distance, the right should be used as a lane for grandma and granpa to drive along at their comfy 32.5 mph and for those that are turning off from the road.
I take the left lane and will add up to 8 mph to the limit. no more.
if I get behind someone doing 55 in a 55 then I slow down and continue behind that at a safe distance.
If I am doing 60+ in the 55 and someone comes up behind me that wants to do 70 or 80, then they have to wait until I am able to safely move to a clear spot to the right to let them pass than move back in behind them.
of course most of the time as soon as you get the open space, they fly around you swearing, flipping the finger then cut in real close to the front end to show that they are tougher than you.
and I have to admit that sometimes when someone comes racing up flashing the lights and acting like an idiot, I will slow down on them until we are going exactly the speed limit.