Drug testing in public schools

Drug Testing in Public Schools?

  • YES there should be drug testing?

    Votes: 15 53.6%
  • NO there should NOT be drug testing?

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • Drug testing should be voluntary?

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Violation of rights.

    Votes: 3 10.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
I'll take the word I was given when i was a urinanalysis coordinator for the Navy. The official message traffic outline the price, procedure, and special circumstances for administering one.

Office of National Drug Control Policy said:
How much does drug testing cost?
The price of drug testing varies according to the type of test and the drugs involved, but generally the costs range between $10 and $30 per test.


I bowl overhand
Why do people who are normally conservative turn into rabid nanny state socialists whenever drugs are invloved?

Becasue the drugs we are talking about are illegal...

And one of the tenets of being a conservative is enforcement of laws.. and punishment for offenders.. not turn the other cheek and say.. "Not my problem"


i believe that the teachers shoud be drug tested also.....i know several teachers that get high quite frequently :popcorn:


professional daydreamer
Becasue the drugs we are talking about are illegal...

And one of the tenets of being a conservative is enforcement of laws.. and punishment for offenders.. not turn the other cheek and say.. "Not my problem"

If that's the way you feel, then I'll have to agree with Larry. Start testing at the top, and work down. Just know that when they start doing this, your paycheck is gonna' get considerably smaller.


I bowl overhand
Personally I think they should start with Welfare Recipients, and others that are dependent on the governemnt for their care.. I'd like to know if MY money is supporting their drug habit while they are home watching Oprah.. Subtract the $10 from their 'stipend' to pay for their own testing and if they fail the first test.. OH.. No check for you next 'payday'.. Fail a second time... OOPS!! Find another way to support yourself..

Do we even test prisoners for drugs? Or is that against their rights??


Bookseller Lady
People on probation / parole have to submit to regular drug screens, so I would imagine inmates do too.


Well-Known Member
Becasue the drugs we are talking about are illegal...

And one of the tenets of being a conservative is enforcement of laws.. and punishment for offenders.. not turn the other cheek and say.. "Not my problem"
If that's the way you feel, then I'll have to agree with Larry. Start testing at the top, and work down. Just know that when they start doing this, your paycheck is gonna' get considerably smaller.
A reasonable but unlikely solution. I say start where you can, and go from there.
If that's the way you feel, then I'll have to agree with Larry. Start testing at the top, and work down. Just know that when they start doing this, your paycheck is gonna' get considerably smaller.

But our paychecks are getting smaller - and for what? Overcrowded school?

I can understand and empathies with what you are saying - yes, it will cost money - but I am agreement with random testing... if you know the numbers of test you are going to do per year then this can be budgeted.

Yes, test from the top down - did not think of that! I would rather see my tax dollars go towards knowing the ones who are making the laws are clean rather than another pay raise or boon-doggle somewhere for no reason.

I would like to have the teachers and school administrators held to a higher standard (no pun intended)... yes, this will cost $ - but it can be planned.


Well-Known Member
But our paychecks are getting smaller - and for what? Overcrowded school?

I can understand and empathies with what you are saying - yes, it will cost money - but I am agreement with random testing... if you know the numbers of test you are going to do per year then this can be budgeted.

Yes, test from the top down - did not think of that! I would rather see my tax dollars go towards knowing the ones who are making the laws are clean rather than another pay raise or boon-doggle somewhere for no reason.

I would like to have the teachers and school administrators held to a higher standard (no pun intended)... yes, this will cost $ - but it can be planned.

the problem with testing high ups...

they are going to get around it. if nothing else, someone is getting a bigger payday and the test is going to come out clean :shrug: our country is corrupt, get used to it people.


I heart CLeValley

Ok here is another point - a bunch of kids skip a few classes and go out and get wasted. They make it back to school just in time to catch the bus and John can drive home - (John didnt want to drive while they were skipping because he had already been busted once for skipping and using his car and his parents were checking the milage, if he was to get caught again he would loose his car) They are all trashed. Susie, who is a cheerleader, forgot something in her locker and ran back across the parking lot to go into the school - John is driving across the lot- because he is wasted his reaction time is slow - he runs over Susie and kills her. If drug testing was allowed in public schools do you think this situation would have the same ending????


Lem Putt
Ok here is another point - a bunch of kids skip a few classes and go out and get wasted. They make it back to school just in time to catch the bus and John can drive home - (John didnt want to drive while they were skipping because he had already been busted once for skipping and using his car and his parents were checking the milage, if he was to get caught again he would loose his car) They are all trashed. Susie, who is a cheerleader, forgot something in her locker and ran back across the parking lot to go into the school - John is driving across the lot- because he is wasted his reaction time is slow - he runs over Susie and kills her. If drug testing was allowed in public schools do you think this situation would have the same ending????

Yes. Drug testing doesn't prevent use, it catches it after the fact. And now Johhnies parents have an out by saying that the school didn't test enough, it's the school's fault, and they sue for not testing often enough.


New Member
I voted no. Kids do drugs.

Not every kid does drugs. Not every kid that does drugs is bad. Not every person who doesn't do drugs is good.

It is common nature though. The schools have more important things to be focusing on, like EDUCATING. It's not their job to be mommy and daddy. That's mommy and daddy's job.



New Member
Ok here is another point - a bunch of kids skip a few classes and go out and get wasted. They make it back to school just in time to catch the bus and John can drive home - (John didnt want to drive while they were skipping because he had already been busted once for skipping and using his car and his parents were checking the milage, if he was to get caught again he would loose his car) They are all trashed. Susie, who is a cheerleader, forgot something in her locker and ran back across the parking lot to go into the school - John is driving across the lot- because he is wasted his reaction time is slow - he runs over Susie and kills her. If drug testing was allowed in public schools do you think this situation would have the same ending????
If the kid misses classes, the school will call the parents. Even if they skip a few classes, the school will call the parents.

After that, the parents can do their job and parent their kids. :jet:


New Member
We randomly search out for speeders on the road with radar, we randomly pull people over just to see if anyone's drinking....
Driving recklessly or driving while speeding put other people in danger.

I see absolutely no problem with this - it makes common sense. The money lost would be regained through productivity and lowered jail cell usage. Not to mention the lower crime rate overall, the lower delinquency rate
Our jails are already overcrowded because we're locking people up for years because they smoke weed, because, you know weed's so harmful. :rolleyes:

So, let's go spend more money to drug test everybody. :jet:

Random testing of all above is just common sense, sarcasm in the post or not. Random testing of the kids and the teachers goes with it. If my car can be randomly hit with radar to test if I'm speeding with no probable cause, and my car can be stopped to test for my potential drinking with no probable cause, why can't my president, gov, legislator, judge, and cop all be tested, too?
Okay, I don't mind if they drug test teachers. But, again, who's paying for it. They should start drug testing from the top, though, and not the bottom.

There is no down side. I won't be stupid and closed minded enough to say you can't change my mind, but I can't see it now.
Sure there is. It's called state and federal deficits.