Dugger vs Dunham


Well-Known Member
What isn't normal is your fixation with it and determination to continue on and on with it ad infinitum, after all of the opinions have been stated and it has been hashed out to death, but I guess that is normal for you. You just love to stir the excrement.

Yet here you come trolling along to keep the #### stirring


I shouldn't have had to say that much. His five oldest sisters ranged from 4-12 when he was 14.

You said what needed to be said... you'd haul your own child off to the cops and have him trumped up in rape charges and thrown in juvy and deemed a sex offender; rather than first trying to use some parental discipline and, if needed, professional help. It's your kid (hypothetically). You live in that new world where we throw our kids into the legal system when they do something wrong; things that can easily be handled by the family.

But hey.. I've gotten old and can't relate to this new generation of "I'm not going take responsibility for my own kids". In my generation it's virtually unheard of to call the cops on your own kid for something you know you can deal with at home.


Well-Known Member
You said what needed to be said... you'd haul your own child off to the cops and have him trumped up in rape charges and thrown in juvy and deemed a sex offender; rather than first trying to use some parental discipline and, if needed, professional help. It's your kid (hypothetically). You live in that new world where we throw our kids into the legal system when they do something wrong; things that can easily be handled by the family.

But hey.. I've gotten old and can't relate to this new generation of "I'm not going take responsibility for my own kids". In my generation it's virtually unheard of to call the cops on your own kid for something you know you can deal with at home.
He touched some one from outside the home. At that time it should have been dealt with outside the family. The police should have been called as he committed a serious crime. Really, if he touched the 4 year old sister as is implied by the police report, it should have been handled by the system.
Again, all of that would have been confidentially held and if he did turn it around his record would have been expunged when he turned 18.

You give your parental discipline and professional help in addition to accepting the responsibility for breaking the law. Like I said, my kid might get a pass with me once on something serious, might not. It sounds like Duggar Sr. "found out" about this behavior a couple of different times.
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Well-Known Member
He touched some one from outside the home. At that time it should have been dealt with outside the family. The police should have been called as he committed a serious crime. Really, if he touched the 4 year old sister as is implied by the police report, it should have been handled by the system.

Again, all of that would have been confidentially held and if he did turn it around his record would have been expunged when he turned 18.

If one kid hits another, is it appropriate to charge the child with assault for that playground scuffle?

We're not talking rape here. We're talking about a kid playing doctor with another kid, but the other kid is asleep (and sometimes never even woke up).


Well-Known Member
If one kid hits another, is it appropriate to charge the child with assault for that playground scuffle?

We're not talking rape here. We're talking about a kid playing doctor with another kid, but the other kid is asleep (and sometimes never even woke up).

Keep telling yourself that a 14yo touching a 4yo's vagina is just 'playing doctor' :bigwhoop:


New Member
It is very commendable that all of you will defend this person and say that he hasn't done it since it happened 10 years ago and his victims have all forgiven him.......where were you when everyone was complaining about Roman Polanski? Were you defending him as well? Are you willing to go on record as agreeing with Whoopi Goldberg?


He touched some one from outside the home. At that time it should have been dealt with outside the family. The police should have been called as he committed a serious crime. Really, if he touched the 4 year old sister as is implied by the police report, it should have been handled by the system.
Again, all of that would have been confidentially held and if he did turn it around his record would have been expunged when he turned 18.

You give your parental discipline and professional help in addition to accepting the responsibility for breaking the law. Like I said, my kid might get a pass with me once on something serious, might not. It sounds like Duggar Sr. "found out" about this behavior a couple of different times.

No need to go on with this. You were honest and I appreciate that. You’d have your own 14 year old child convicted as a child molester and deemed a child predator and pedophile; thus yanked out of school, never able to be around children again (at least until he turns 18, at which time he would likely be reevaluated to determine if he is safe to exist in normal society), and forced out of any normal life; this all from (according to the Duggar charges) ‘forcible fondling’ – aka copping a feel.

I am old school where parents took care of the problems with their kids. You're of this new progressive thinking where even your own kid goes astray you'd call the cops on your own child. This is just a generational thing I suppose. And it explains why so many of us have this perception that parents just don't want to take responsibility for their own kids; they want to dump their problems on someone else - in this case you'd dump your problem on society. Then complain about how our kids have gone so wrong today. I don't personally begrudge this; I only say we get the society of bad kids we deserve when we, as parents, decide our own kids aren't responsibility anymore.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Keep telling yourself that a 14yo touching a 4yo's vagina is just 'playing doctor' :bigwhoop:

Dude, you completely made that up. There has been no allegation that he laid a hand on the 4 year old. The report said girls, including one of his sisters. There was no mention of how old any of them were. So your whole basis for outrage is made up in your mind and not based on any fact.

So why don't you just admit why you hate this guy so much that you have to make up a bunch of crap about him?


Well-Known Member
It is very commendable that all of you will defend this person and say that he hasn't done it since it happened 10 years ago and his victims have all forgiven him.......where were you when everyone was complaining about Roman Polanski? Were you defending him as well? Are you willing to go on record as agreeing with Whoopi Goldberg?

Roman Polanski was a grown man who raped a 13 yo girl.
Not fondled mind you, but raped.

Apples and Oranges.


Well-Known Member

Of course sexual assault on most levels is a form so sickness in the perpetrator. But the point was to differentiate it from rape. A kid felt up another kid, and responsible parents of both victim and perpetrator handle this amongst themselves.

If the neighbor kid steals my kid's bike or the kids get into a playground scuffle I am not calling the police and bringing theft or assault charges on an otherwise good kid. That's a total abdication of parental responsibility and community to me.

To MR, apparently, that's a common Tuesday for how he would parent.


It is very commendable that all of you will defend this person and say that he hasn't done it since it happened 10 years ago and his victims have all forgiven him.......where were you when everyone was complaining about Roman Polanski? Were you defending him as well? Are you willing to go on record as agreeing with Whoopi Goldberg?

You seem to have blinders on. Who is defending what Josh Duggar did? Not even the parents defended it; since they did several things to correct Josh’s behavior. We're arguing as to what should have happened to Josh, not whether we agree with what he did. What I defend is having the parents deal with the problem rather than deem a 14 year old a pedophile through the legal system and ruin the rest of his life.

A lot of you seem to think a 14 year old is capable of understanding the consequences of this sort of behavior. I would say you’ve not had to raise a child and been through that stage of their life. It’s up to the parents to educate their own child on what they’ve done wrong and correct it. Dragging the kid through the legal system will only result in further destruction of his life; as the legal system doesn’t give a damn about his rehab.

There is absolutely no evidence that Josh did this since he was 14. Believing he has is pure speculation; I assume rooted in your belief that ‘once a pedophile always a pedophile’. Josh Duggar is now married and has 3 children. Devoid of any evidence of subsequent ‘forcible fondling’, it seems he learned his lesson and is living an honest and honorable fatherly life.


Well-Known Member
You seem to have blinders on. Who is defending what Josh Duggar did? Not even the parents defended it; since they did several things to correct Josh’s behavior. We're arguing as to what should have happened to Josh, not whether we agree with what he did. What I defend is having the parents deal with the problem rather than deem a 14 year old a pedophile through the legal system and ruin the rest of his life.

A lot of you seem to think a 14 year old is capable of understanding the consequences of this sort of behavior. I would say you’ve not had to raise a child and been through that stage of their life. It’s up to the parents to educate their own child on what they’ve done wrong and correct it. Dragging the kid through the legal system will only result in further destruction of his life; as the legal system doesn’t give a damn about his rehab.

There is absolutely no evidence that Josh did this since he was 14. Believing he has is pure speculation; I assume rooted in your belief that ‘once a pedophile always a pedophile’. Josh Duggar is now married and has 3 children. Devoid of any evidence of subsequent ‘forcible fondling’, it seems he learned his lesson and is living an honest and honorable fatherly life.
I agree with you 100% except to point out again that a 14 year old can't, by definition, be a pedophile.


Of course sexual assault on most levels is a form so sickness in the perpetrator. But the point was to differentiate it from rape. A kid felt up another kid, and responsible parents of both victim and perpetrator handle this amongst themselves.

If the neighbor kid steals my kid's bike or the kids get into a playground scuffle I am not calling the police and bringing theft or assault charges on an otherwise good kid. That's a total abdication of parental responsibility and community to me.

To MR, apparently, that's a common Tuesday for how he would parent.

And we see this almost every day in the news.

A kid gets out of control (A 6 YEAR OLD) in school and the cops are called.

A parent allows their kid to go to the park alone and the cops are called rather than the parents.

Cops are called because two kids kissed on the lips; they called it lewd and lascivious behavior.

A 10 year old arrested and doesn't even understand why.

This is the culture we live in today. I think it largely stems from parents sending a loud message that they don't want to be responsible for when their kids get out of control. This is confirmed by some individuals in this forum. Again, I guess this is a generational thing. Parents breeding then letting the state take care of everything while the parents go on about their routines. It's the 'blame someone or something else' mentality; shunning responsibility for their own offspring. I think it's sad.


Roman Polanski was a grown man who raped a 13 yo girl.
Not fondled mind you, but raped.

Apples and Oranges.

I seem to remember there was a thread on Polanski and I don't recall anyone cheering this guy; except maybe nonno/nhboy and Whoopy Goldberg.
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