Dugger vs Dunham


Well-Known Member
Even if you know your kid is diddling children?? Man, you are a real hero.

What child did this man Diddle when he was a Juvenile himself.
I read he felt a couple of girls up, now you accuse him of diddling them.
Must have been some pretty light feeling too as they didn't wake up.


Well-Known Member
It took a while, but there it is. THIS is what it's about... vilifying Christians, even if they can use a 14 year old to get their feeble point across.

Yeah: That's a big part of it. Amazing isn't it that most of those doing the criticizing will vote for Hillary, who it is alleged had affairs with Web Hubbell, Vince Foster, and Huma Abedin. The same Hillary who stayed with her husband after he dildoed an intern with a cigar, and whacked off in the sink while doing it. Bill wasn't a teen-aged juvenile when he did it either.

And they have the balls to call others Hypocrite's.


New Member
It took a while, but there it is. THIS is what it's about... vilifying Christians, even if they can use a 14 year old to get their feeble point across.

I think it is more along the lines of what Pappy Boyington used to say "Show me a hero and I will show you a bum"


New Member
Yeah: That's a big part of it. Amazing isn't it that most of those doing the criticizing will vote for Hillary, who it is alleged had affairs with Web Hubbell, Vince Foster, and Huma Abedin. The same Hillary who stayed with her husband after he dildoed an intern with a cigar, and whacked off in the sink while doing it. Bill wasn't a teen-aged juvenile when he did it either.

And they have the balls to call others Hypocrite's.

Couldn't it also be said that those who would vilify Bill Clinton or even the lady from Honey Boo-Boo would now defend Josh Duggar simply because he is a Christian? Hypocrites as well?


Well-Known Member
I think it is more along the lines of what Pappy Boyington used to say "Show me a hero and I will show you a bum"

I think Boyington was speaking of himself, and he was right, Some heroes were bums, and others were great men.

It is mostly the situation and the reaction to it that separates a hero from being just another person.


Couldn't it also be said that those who would vilify Bill Clinton or even the lady from Honey Boo-Boo would now defend Josh Duggar simply because he is a Christian? Hypocrites as well?

You're completely off base. No one is defending what Josh Duggar did. Folks are defending how the Duggar parents dealt with it.


I would say the article I read was wrong. Here is a link to the original police report which seems to have interviews of the victims. I'd say that this wasn't an innocent teen feeling someone up though, he's a predatory type who probably should have been taken out of the home.


I see... so the way the family dealt with it gleaned no positive results? Josh continued with his predatory ways, and is still molesting children to this day?

You know, if he kept a long track record of this, even after getting help and being disciplined by the parents, I would agree. But this is not how things turned out. You people want to deem this guy a pedophile, put him on a sex offenders list, and strip his own children from him over something that happened when he was 14 and over 10 years ago. This isn't rational on any level.

FWIW... According to the original InTouch report, Josh apologized to the girls and they forgave him.


Well-Known Member
Wow, talk about projecting and making #### up.

Whatever. There's no talking to you. Now you've made up a whole slew of fictitious victims who have yet to come forward, so yeah - you've jumped the fridge with this and become officially ridiculous.
I'm not making anythīng up. I am saying since tis wasn't investigated at the time there is the possibility that he didn't confess to everything he did. Are you saying there is no possibility that any other girls were also molested?
Funny how you want to defend someone who molested his sisters and at least one other girl. Well, no it isn't funny. Its sad
There is a difference between a grown man under cover of religion molesting a child be it boy or girl, and a 14 year old boy feeling up another 14 year old, but you would not understand that. Or maybe you do but just like to argue.

This was not two kids petting, it was a teenage boy who molested his younger sisters. To me that's just as bad as what those old priests were accused of.


Well-Known Member
I see... so the way the family dealt with it gleaned no positive results? Josh continued with his predatory ways, and is still molesting children to this day?

You know, if he kept a long track record of this, even after getting help and being disciplined by the parents, I would agree. But this is not how things turned out. You people want to deem this guy a pedophile, put him on a sex offenders list, and strip his own children from him over something that happened when he was 14 and over 10 years ago. This isn't rational on any level.

FWIW... According to the original InTouch report, Josh apologized to the girls and they forgave him.
What would you expect his sisters to do when the parents are telling them its all ok?

All we know is that he hasn't been caught. Who knows what he has done. I know I don't, and according to the parents they solved the problem by not giving him the opportunity. Its not like he came back from his reeducation and was trusted with the girls.
See... even when I tell you what I would do you reject it. You just want to be argue just to argue and be right just to be right. Like Vrai said (and I said) you will make your own facts up just to be right.

This is why I refuse to get mired up in your endless cycle of nonsense.

I'm calling BS on your answer. Its easy to say you would not go to the police to support your position in tis argument, its another thing to take your recently molested daughter to face the person who violated her and call the issue resolved when he says 'sorry'


I'm calling BS on your answer. Its easy to say you would not go to the police to support your position in tis argument, its another thing to take your recently molested daughter to face the person who violated her and call the issue resolved when he says 'sorry'

So to turn this around on you... if you had a 14 year old boy doing this to girls, you'd turn your own 14 year old son into the cops, have him trumped up on child molestation charges, thrown in juvy, and branded a pedophile?


Well-Known Member
Who knows what he has done?'
In the years, has anyone else charged or accused him?

Bringing in hypothetical new victims pretty much voids the ability to have a rational discussion.

As a side note, for those who called him a pedophile, please note that the definition of the word is an adult who finds children sexually attractive. A minor who engages in sexual activity with other minors is not a pedophile.


Well-Known Member
So to turn this around on you... if you had a 14 year old boy doing this to girls, you'd turn your own 14 year old son into the cops, have him trumped up on child molestation charges, thrown in juvy, and branded a pedophile?

I would take him to the police if the situation was the same. These wouldn't have been trumped up charges. Duggar did it. Even if you excuse it when it happens in our own family, which I wouldn't any more than once, he touched a girl that wasn't a member of the family. The police should have been involved. If he turned things around the way he apparently has then he would have had all of those charges expunged. The end result could have been the same, or not. Who knows.


I would take him to the police if the situation was the same. These wouldn't have been trumped up charges. Duggar did it. Even if you excuse it when it happens in our own family, which I wouldn't any more than once, he touched a girl that wasn't a member of the family. The police should have been involved. If he turned things around the way he apparently has then he would have had all of those charges expunged. The end result could have been the same, or not. Who knows.

Say no more...

You're completely off base. No one is defending what Josh Duggar did. Folks are defending how the Duggar parents dealt with it.


Well-Known Member
Say no more...


I shouldn't have had to say that much. His five oldest sisters ranged from 4-12 when he was 14.

It sure seems like some are defending his action. V and jinx in particular are trying to blow this off as normal. Its not.


Well-Known Member
I shouldn't have had to say that much. His five oldest sisters ranged from 4-12 when he was 14.

It sure seems like some are defending his action. V and jinx in particular are trying to blow this off as normal. Its not.

What isn't normal is your fixation with it and determination to continue on and on with it ad infinitum, after all of the opinions have been stated and it has been hashed out to death, but I guess that is normal for you. You just love to stir the excrement.