i was told by my vet if i am ever to change the dogs food you need to mix it half and half for a week to get the dog used to the new food never just take away the old and give the new that is the way you get the dog to have the runs bigtime.
bruno seems to be doing good on the food I have her on now she hasn't had any problems (no itching or chewing at herself except for allergies as she has allergies to grass I guess as everytime I come in she licks her feet and sneezes) but when it gets bad I give her a dose of benadryl and we are all fine again. I have only had to give her benadryl once so far this year and hope that is all i have to do but if i have to do more I will. I care too much about the dog to let it go for too long.
I go back tomorrow to see if the dog still has yeast infections in her ears (I am hoping they are cleared up) if not back on more meds for 2 more weeks to see if we can get it gone. I am tired of treating the dogs ears shes now afraid when I do it she cowers in the corner and whines

( as to say please don't mess with my ears i really don't like it one bit mom