EAST PALESTINE, Ohio (train derail)


PREMO Member
Systemic Racism in East Palestine

“We know that systemic racism, lack of interest in low-income communities, lack of political representation, have contributed to the disproportionate impact of black and brown in low-income communities being exposed to a lack of access to good quality drinking water,” Regan had falsely claimed before.

The residents of East Palestine are 95% white and so their water must be safe to drink.

White privilege means poisoned water and air, but white people are immune to toxic chemicals.

Had East Palestine been 95% black, we know how the story would have played out. Experts would have been brought on the air to explain that hazardous materials are more likely to travel through black areas. Fake history, like that of Buttigieg’s lie about highways being used to keep black people from visiting New York City beaches, would have been trotted out to claim that this was a systemically racist policy bordering on genocide which had poisoned generations.

East Palestine might have benefited from such attention if its people had not been white.


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So Pete has gone from blaming Trump to now Rubio .? What's next the Monopoly railroad guy . :sshrug:
I like the way the mayor kept Pothole Pete cooling his heels in the hall while he and Rudy Giuliani had a long conversation.


PREMO Member

EPA pauses shipments of Ohio train derailment's toxic waste to Michigan

The shipments, originally announced by Ohio officials, included the disposal of contaminated water to a site in Romulus and contaminated soil waste to a site in Van Buren Township. The EPA manages disposal of the waste and coordinated with Ohio officials to transport it to Michigan, according to a news release by the Ohio Emergency Management Agency.

The Michigan Conservative Coalition and Wayne 12th Republicans Committee will hold a rally Sunday afternoon protesting the shipment of the toxic waste to Romulus. The protest will be held at 1 p.m. outside a Republic Industrial and Energy Solutions LLC facility, one of the sites processing the toxic waste. The facility is located at 28470 Citrin Dr. in Romulus.

U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, who represents Ann Arbor and part of Wayne County in Congress, said in a statement Friday that Michigan officials weren't consulted in the decision to transport the waste here.


PREMO Member

‘Sound like Mickey Mouse’: East Palestine residents’ shock illnesses after derailment

“Doctors say I definitely have the chemicals in me but there’s no one in town who can run the toxicological tests to find out which ones they are,” Lovett, 40, an auto detailer, said in an extremely high-pitched voice. “My voice sounds like Mickey Mouse. My normal voice is low. It’s hard to breathe, especially at night. My chest hurts so much at night I feel like I’m drowning. I cough up phlegm a lot. I lost my job because the doctor won’t release me to go to work.”

Despite his health woes, Lovett and his fiancée, Tawnya Irwin, 45, spent last Thursday delivering bottled water to locals. They picked up new cases outside a home on East Clark Street which has become the heart of East Palestine’s homegrown campaign to fight back against the forces that upended the lives of roughly 4,700 residents and their animals.

Locals are frustrated and furious over what they say has been a lack of real information and help from both local officials and the Biden Administration. Last week, East Palestine Mayor Trent Conaway ripped President Biden for heading to Ukraine for a surprise visit instead of the scene of the toxic train derailment, calling it “the biggest slap in the face.”


Well-Known Member

EPA pauses shipments of Ohio train derailment's toxic waste to Michigan

The shipments, originally announced by Ohio officials, included the disposal of contaminated water to a site in Romulus and contaminated soil waste to a site in Van Buren Township. The EPA manages disposal of the waste and coordinated with Ohio officials to transport it to Michigan, according to a news release by the Ohio Emergency Management Agency.

The Michigan Conservative Coalition and Wayne 12th Republicans Committee will hold a rally Sunday afternoon protesting the shipment of the toxic waste to Romulus. The protest will be held at 1 p.m. outside a Republic Industrial and Energy Solutions LLC facility, one of the sites processing the toxic waste. The facility is located at 28470 Citrin Dr. in Romulus.

U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, who represents Ann Arbor and part of Wayne County in Congress, said in a statement Friday that Michigan officials weren't consulted in the decision to transport the waste here.
They stopped shipments to an approve facility to treat the waste, so it can stay on location and increase the chance for further contamination. Local congress critter having a hissy fit because weren't notified. They are turning this into Charlie foxtrot of the highest level.


Well-Known Member
I find it funny that the democrats who are defending Biden's handling of the situation would be all over complaining if Trump was in charge.

Short term memory loss.


Well-Known Member
It is a bit funny that Europe and Japan have a lot of trains and America has damned few and the ones we have are running on worn out track with worn out cars.
Of course we had good highways at one time, but now they are pretty worn out too.
We hear a lot about infrastructure, but the fact is we spend our highway funds on a lot of thing other than the highways. We have some great casino's though. The money is alleged to go to schools. Alleged. Pretty sure a lot goes in someone's pocket. 70 years ago we had slots in Southern Md. They got outlawed. A few years back we had a few slots and some of the money went to charities. But we lost that too. Now we have casino's and the Money goes to MGM and other out of State entities. Progress.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

It is a bit funny that Europe and Japan have a lot of trains and America has damned few and the ones we have are running on worn out track with worn out cars. Of course we had good highways at one time, but now they are pretty worn out too. We hear a lot about infrastructure, but the fact is we spend our highway funds on a lot of thing other than the highways. We have some great casino's though. The money is alleged to go to schools. Alleged. Pretty sure a lot goes in someone's pocket. 70 years ago we had slots in Southern Md. They got outlawed. A few years back we had a few slots and some of the money went to charities. But we lost that too. Now we have casino's and the Money goes to MGM and other out of State entities. Progress.

Funny is that government expects everyone to maintain their taxed homes, yards, etc., at the threat of fines or possibly jail, yet, themselves, fail to maintain the public infrastructure.

The one budgetary item that never, (if so extremely rarely), gets cut, is government employee pay and benefits, which, I believe, is funded by putting infrastructure repairs at the end of all budget items.

One just simply has to look to the local level for the evidence of lacking infrastructure maintenance. Budgeting is always first and foremost geared towards employee pay/benefits/grift before anything else.

Gambling money going to public schools. What a joke. Below is the indictment for the piss poor standards that is supposed to be our beacons of education that is our public schools. To clarify the below chart, what it is saying, is that for St. Mary's County, they have a 69% student proficiency failure rate and Calvert County has a 68% student proficiency failure rate. In other words, near 70% of the 3-8 grade student population in these counties are apparently imbecilic and stupid. However, they are supposedly being taught by the best and the brightest this Nation has to offer and are some of the highest paid lackeys around.

The story here isn't the abysmal failure that is Baltimore, but the abysmal failure of the entire Maryland public school system. It is a race to the bottom.



PREMO Member
The one budgetary item that never, (if so extremely rarely), gets cut, is government employee pay and benefits, which, I believe, is funded by putting infrastructure repairs at the end of all budget items.

Shouldn't THE RAILROADS be responsible for Track / Train Maintenance


Well-Known Member
It is a bit funny that Europe and Japan have a lot of trains and America has damned few and the ones we have are running on worn out track with worn out cars.
Of course we had good highways at one time, but now they are pretty worn out too.
We hear a lot about infrastructure, but the fact is we spend our highway funds on a lot of thing other than the highways. We have some great casino's though. The money is alleged to go to schools. Alleged. Pretty sure a lot goes in someone's pocket. 70 years ago we had slots in Southern Md. They got outlawed. A few years back we had a few slots and some of the money went to charities. But we lost that too. Now we have casino's and the Money goes to MGM and other out of State entities. Progress.

The state pulled a switcheroo with the gambling money. Told people it would go to help education. Then used dollar for dollar of the gambling money for education while taking those same dollars away for other funding.


Well-Known Member
The state pulled a switcheroo with the gambling money. Told people it would go to help education. Then used dollar for dollar of the gambling money for education while taking those same dollars away for other funding.
Of course they did. It was expected. Also Hogan (which I am not fond of left us a small surplus emergency fund, which Moore has already eaten up.


PREMO Member
The state pulled a switcheroo with the gambling money. Told people it would go to help education. Then used dollar for dollar of the gambling money for education while taking those same dollars away for other funding.

Yep .. instead of ' adding ' to spending - monies gathered like property taxes were shifted away