EAST PALESTINE, Ohio (train derail)


PREMO Member

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Natural disasters. Not disasters made by humans. NS should pay for the entire cleanup effort
FEMA - Disasters can come in many forms. FEMA responds to all declared domestic disasters and emergencies, whether natural or man-made.


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PREMO Member
Some folks in the railroad groups I follow have indicated that a hotbox detector on that line was down. Not the one closest to EP, but the one before that. By the time the detector closest to EP signaled the fault it was too late.


Well-Known Member
Some folks in the railroad groups I follow have indicated that a hotbox detector on that line was down. Not the one closest to EP, but the one before that. By the time the detector closest to EP signaled the fault it was too late.

We will eventually find out the cause. What people are upset about is the govt response and why it took so long.


A plane crashed outside of Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock, Arkansas today.

All five people killed worked for the environmental consulting firm CTEH. This is the same firm doing toxicology testing in East Palestine.

They were headed to northeast Ohio to assist in the area of the metals plant that exploded on Monday.

Plane crash article: https://abc6onyourside.com/news/loc...arkansas-john-glenn-international-little-rock
Metals plant explosion: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/explosion-rocks-ohio-metals-plant-local-media-2023-02-20/
CTEH & East Palestine: https://welovetrump.com/2023/02/16/...n-east-palestine-in-norfolk-southerns-pocket/


Well-Known Member
A plane crashed outside of Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock, Arkansas today.

All five people killed worked for the environmental consulting firm CTEH. This is the same firm doing toxicology testing in East Palestine.

They were headed to northeast Ohio to assist in the area of the metals plant that exploded on Monday.

Plane crash article: https://abc6onyourside.com/news/loc...arkansas-john-glenn-international-little-rock
Metals plant explosion: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/explosion-rocks-ohio-metals-plant-local-media-2023-02-20/
CTEH & East Palestine: https://welovetrump.com/2023/02/16/...n-east-palestine-in-norfolk-southerns-pocket/
Nothing to see here. 🙄


Well-Known Member
A plane crashed outside of Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock, Arkansas today.

All five people killed worked for the environmental consulting firm CTEH. This is the same firm doing toxicology testing in East Palestine.

They were headed to northeast Ohio to assist in the area of the metals plant that exploded on Monday.

Plane crash article: https://abc6onyourside.com/news/loc...arkansas-john-glenn-international-little-rock
Metals plant explosion: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/explosion-rocks-ohio-metals-plant-local-media-2023-02-20/
CTEH & East Palestine: https://welovetrump.com/2023/02/16/...n-east-palestine-in-norfolk-southerns-pocket/
Not Mena?


PREMO Member

Officials up estimate of animals killed by Ohio derailment to nearly 44,000

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) has upped its estimate for the number of animals killed by the derailment of train cars carrying hazardous chemicals in East Palestine, Ohio, to nearly 44,000.

The department estimates around 38,222 minnows were killed by the derailment within a 5-mile span, plus around 5,500 other species, including other small fish, amphibians, crayfish and macroinvertebrates, ODNR Director Mary Merks said in a statement.

The original estimate was approximately 3,500 dead aquatic species, based on observations from Feb. 6-7, shortly after the Feb. 3 derailment. ODNR’s team responded to the waterways the morning after the spill, but were warned by the Ohio EPA “that it was too dangerous to enter the water without specialized gear and equipment.”


PREMO Member

NTSB Chair Shuts Down Pete Buttigieg's Pathetic Blaming of Donald Trump for Train Derailment

But I digress, Buttigieg’s pathetic musings were picked up by hacks like Jake Tapper. The CNN talking head ran into a brick wall, though, when the NTSB Chair he was interviewing decided to educate him.

Here was Tapper’s dishonest framing (Breitbart) before we get to NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy’s answer.

Host Jake Tapper asked, “[E]ven with the 20 cars with toxic materials, under current safety rules, that train still did not qualify for designation as a high-hazard flammable train, which would have gotten it — or required at least, a newer, safer braking system. So, that rule as it stands right now clearly was inadequate for the citizens of East Palestine. Why not add the newer braking system to any train carrying hazardous material, not just those with more than 20 cars of hazardous material?”

Tapper decided to push this narrative about insufficient braking systems causing the crash after the NTSB report was released showing that had nothing to do with it. Homenday, who apparently has some actual integrity, a rare occurrence in the Biden administration, shut that falsehood down.

Homendy answered, “The NTSB has looked at electronically controlled pneumatic braking for a number of years and we did some testing as well. Certainly, it would improve safety. But for this investigation and for this derailment, ECP brakes would not have prevented the derailment. The wheel bearing failed on car number 23, so even with ECP brakes, the derailment would have occurred, the fire would have ensued, and the five vinyl chloride tank cars would still have to be vented and burned. What it could have done was maybe reduced damage where a couple of cars could have remained on the tracks, but we’re going to do some modeling along with the Federal Railroad Administration to determine just that.”

Just like that, all the lies being spewed by the left about what happened have been blown up by the absolute authority on the matter. Donald Trump did not cause the crash in East Palestine, and regulations dealing with ECP brakes were not a factor. At the end of the day, the bearings failed, causing an axle to break and the train to derail. And because Buttigieg has been stressing the independence of the NTSB lately, he has no choice but to sit there and take their correction of his partisan talking points.


PREMO Member

PA Governor Accuses Norfolk Southern Of Giving ‘The Middle Finger’ To Residents After Ohio Train Crash, Makes Criminal Referral

Shapiro remarked during an interview with NPR that executives from Norfolk Southern have demonstrated “arrogance and incompetence” in the weeks after the train derailment. “We made a criminal referral to the office of attorney general. They’ll determine whether or not there was criminal activity,” he said. “What I know is that Norfolk Southern is governed every day, not by caring about the communities that they send their trains through, but by corporate greed.”

Shapiro, inaugurated for his first term last month, previously said that Norfolk Southern attempted to silo authorities from Ohio and Pennsylvania into conducting the controlled burn of industrial chemicals so that the company could more promptly open the railroad. Norfolk Southern said in a statement to NPR that it is “committed to thoroughly and safely cleaning the site” and will reimburse “residents for the disruption this has caused in their lives.”

The EPA ordered Norfolk Southern earlier this week to handle the cleanup of contaminated soil and water, reimburse the EPA for cleaning services that will be offered to residents and businesses, and attend public meetings to update residents on the cleanup process. The agency also threatened to “immediately step in, conduct the necessary work, and then seek to compel Norfolk Southern to pay triple the cost” if the company does not fulfill its responsibilities.


Well-Known Member

NTSB Chair Shuts Down Pete Buttigieg's Pathetic Blaming of Donald Trump for Train Derailment

But I digress, Buttigieg’s pathetic musings were picked up by hacks like Jake Tapper. The CNN talking head ran into a brick wall, though, when the NTSB Chair he was interviewing decided to educate him.

Here was Tapper’s dishonest framing (Breitbart) before we get to NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy’s answer.

Tapper decided to push this narrative about insufficient braking systems causing the crash after the NTSB report was released showing that had nothing to do with it. Homenday, who apparently has some actual integrity, a rare occurrence in the Biden administration, shut that falsehood down.

Just like that, all the lies being spewed by the left about what happened have been blown up by the absolute authority on the matter. Donald Trump did not cause the crash in East Palestine, and regulations dealing with ECP brakes were not a factor. At the end of the day, the bearings failed, causing an axle to break and the train to derail. And because Buttigieg has been stressing the independence of the NTSB lately, he has no choice but to sit there and take their correction of his partisan talking points.

But now the media is saying its Trump's fault that the maintenance wasn't kept up.