EAST PALESTINE, Ohio (train derail)


PREMO Member

Ohio Chemical Fallout Fears Overblown By ‘Right-Wing Commentators,’ New York Times Claims

Thompson noted that some commentators have indeed speculated that the disaster could be “Chernobyl 2.0” or could have been the result of a “planned attack.” He meanwhile took statements from the EPA and other agencies claiming that air and water supplies are safe at face value.

“They warned, without evidence, that vital water reservoirs serving states downriver could be badly contaminated. And they suggested that the authorities, railroad companies and mainstream news media were purposefully obscuring the full toll of the crisis,” he continued. “The EPA has said air quality has returned to safe levels. Residents have been allowed to return. A chemical odor lingers because people can smell the contaminants even when they are far below hazardous concentrations, according to the agency. Water testing found ‘no indication of risk’ to public water systems so far.”

The article from The New York Times comes as several legacy media outlets granted minimal attention to the derailment and subsequent fallout. Analysts from the Media Research Center examined all broadcast coverage of the incident between February 4 and February 14; the conservative nonprofit concluded that CBS devoted a mere 9 minutes and 53 seconds of total airtime to the scandal, while ABC had 9 minutes and 31 seconds, followed by NBC with 8 minutes and 52 seconds.

“Rather than healthy skepticism, reporters approached statements by Norfolk Southern and the Ohio EPA, both of whom had a blatant incentive to downplay the seriousness of the situation, with slavish credulity,” analysts at the Media Research Center noted. “Perhaps this explains why they haven’t gone back to the story: because they abandoned it too early before asking any meaningful questions. For the broadcast networks to revisit East Palestine now would be to admit that their prior abandonment of it was an error born out of laziness and a lack of curiosity.”


PREMO Member

Biden Rejects Federal Disaster Assistance For Ohio Town Impacted By Toxic Train Derailment: Report

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) told Ohio that the Biden administration was rejecting its request for federal assistance because the agency said the incident did not qualify.

Dan Tierney, a spokesperson for DeWine, told Fox News that Ohio was able to get some assistance through the Department of Health and Human Services that can assist residents who need medical care as a result of the fallout from the derailment and toxic burn.

Tierney said that DeWine would hold Norfolk Southern, the company involved in the accident, responsible for what happened. “The people of East Palestine need to be made whole,” he added.

Earlier in the day, the DeWine administration put out a statement saying that the Biden administration was not cooperating with requests to help the community through federal disaster aid.


I was born less than 20 miles from this incident in Beaver, PA. Today, it is raining there, and many are saying it smells like a dirty swimming pool. :confused:


Beloved Misanthrope
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Biden Rejects Federal Disaster Assistance For Ohio Town Impacted By Toxic Train Derailment: Report

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) told Ohio that the Biden administration was rejecting its request for federal assistance because the agency said the incident did not qualify.

Dan Tierney, a spokesperson for DeWine, told Fox News that Ohio was able to get some assistance through the Department of Health and Human Services that can assist residents who need medical care as a result of the fallout from the derailment and toxic burn.

Tierney said that DeWine would hold Norfolk Southern, the company involved in the accident, responsible for what happened. “The people of East Palestine need to be made whole,” he added.

Earlier in the day, the DeWine administration put out a statement saying that the Biden administration was not cooperating with requests to help the community through federal disaster aid.

Feds won't give them money but will fine the railroad.


Well-Known Member
Feel bad for the poor bastards. Me tending to act then think when phucked I'd seriously consider a war against NS starting with tracks and engines.

Imagine if this were a 100 plus mph passenger train and they can't do 40 without incident.


PREMO Member
What we’re seeing from the federal government, in this case appears to me to rise above and beyond the call of mediocrity and indifference that we expect and has slid head-on into maliciousness.

East Palestine is located in Columbiana County, OH. The voters in that county preferred President Trump to Joey SoftServ by 45 points in the 2020 election. According to the Census Bureau, the median age is 40. Nearly half the households have someone over 60 living there. Fifteen percent of the 1208 families are people over 65, living alone. There are 33 Blacks in the town of 4,548. Only 9% of the town has a college degree. The median income is $26,000, compared to Ohio’s average of nearly $62,000.

Those data points explain 100% of the actions taken so far. To the Biden White House, these people are MAGA extremists who should just die anyway. To the bureaucrats everywhere, they are a down-at-the-heels, blue-collar, and overwhelmingly White town that just doesn’t matter and isn’t worth the effort of helping.

No, the government is not there to help. No, they don’t care about you. And no, you can’t trust them.

Inept Governing or Malicious Intent
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Well-Known Member
The only just way of solving this is NS buys ALL assets for there and surrounding areas east of at fair mkt value before wreck. That area is the Love Canal 2023, they owe the residents.
When do the victims start sabotaging the tracks?


PREMO Member

EPA Administrator Quietly Postpones Africa Climate Change Trip With Idris And Sabrina Elba As Ohio Train Disaster Unfolds

Idris Elba, whose mother is from Ghana and whose father is from Sierra Leone, was slated to visit the two countries alongside his wife and the senior Biden administration official to note the purported impact of climate change on the region. Sabrina Elba told the outlet that she and her husband connected with Regan, the first black leader of the EPA, about climate and Africa during a summit in Washington at the end of last year and noted “the good work that he’s doing and the plan he’s developed.”

Regan traveled to East Palestine last week as criticism mounted against the White House for offering relatively little attention to the crisis. The EPA told Norfolk Southern, the company at the center of the derailment, on Tuesday that the firm must clean contaminated soil and water, reimburse the EPA for cleaning services that will be offered to residents and businesses, and attend public meetings to update residents on the cleanup process. The agency also threatened to “immediately step in, conduct the necessary work, and then seek to compel Norfolk Southern to pay triple the cost” if the company fails to adequately complete enumerated cleanup actions.

Regan had told The Grio that his agency would issue several climate announcements during the diplomatic mission. “They’re going to be serious investments. And it’s all based on the president’s leadership,” he told the outlet. “We know that we can’t solve our national security problems, our climate problems, our economic challenges if we don’t have this globalized solution that the Elbas and the EPA are working on.”


Well-Known Member
Everyone should know NS will get the bill for all this. But its up to the govt to step in when a disaster happens. Its what they are paid for.


Well-Known Member

EPA Administrator Quietly Postpones Africa Climate Change Trip With Idris And Sabrina Elba As Ohio Train Disaster Unfolds

Idris Elba, whose mother is from Ghana and whose father is from Sierra Leone, was slated to visit the two countries alongside his wife and the senior Biden administration official to note the purported impact of climate change on the region. Sabrina Elba told the outlet that she and her husband connected with Regan, the first black leader of the EPA, about climate and Africa during a summit in Washington at the end of last year and noted “the good work that he’s doing and the plan he’s developed.”

Regan traveled to East Palestine last week as criticism mounted against the White House for offering relatively little attention to the crisis. The EPA told Norfolk Southern, the company at the center of the derailment, on Tuesday that the firm must clean contaminated soil and water, reimburse the EPA for cleaning services that will be offered to residents and businesses, and attend public meetings to update residents on the cleanup process. The agency also threatened to “immediately step in, conduct the necessary work, and then seek to compel Norfolk Southern to pay triple the cost” if the company fails to adequately complete enumerated cleanup actions.

Regan had told The Grio that his agency would issue several climate announcements during the diplomatic mission. “They’re going to be serious investments. And it’s all based on the president’s leadership,” he told the outlet. “We know that we can’t solve our national security problems, our climate problems, our economic challenges if we don’t have this globalized solution that the Elbas and the EPA are working on.”
So Elba and his wife are getting a free vacation trip back home at our expense and he will spout some environmental bull sh1t that won't change a damned thing.