Eating non-meat animals - right or wrong?


Asperger's Poster Child
Some celebrities have been campaigining to convince Congress to ban the transportation and sale of horses for consumption. The list includes Bo Derek, Willie Nelson, Whoopi Goldberg, and Christie Brinkley. Personally, if someone wants to eat horse or dog or cat or some other non-meat animal, I don't see why that should be a problem. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
As disturbing as that first sounded when I read it, I actually agree with you. Who are we to decide what kind of animals are edible, as long as they are not going extinct.....then what difference does it make?


Nannypams son
We're supposed to .......

We're supposed to eat animals. That why they're made of meat

What I don't get is all the starving people in India standing right next to the HOLY COW ! !

Sorry,but I'm havin' the Big Mac. Smack that emergency stop button on their foreheads :deadhorse


Well-Known Member
:lmao: I love it!

LmbyNippleChops said:
We're supposed to eat animals. That why they're made of meat

What I don't get is all the starving people in India standing right next to the HOLY COW ! !

Sorry,but I'm havin' the Big Mac. Smack that emergency stop button on their foreheads :deadhorse


Asperger's Poster Child
migtig said:
But I really don't like you as Frank Zappa. It's no longer working for me. :frown:

Relax, I'm not going to make you eat the yellow snow. :lol:

My previous avs have included John Cleese, Michael Palin, and Brando as Vito Corelone. How about Harlan Ellison? James Jamerson? Joseph Campbell? Rob Halford? Danny Gatton? Smokey Robinson? Galileo? Ted Geisel?


Nannypams son

I dont care if I spelled it right ( perseprion ). But you know what I mean. It all depends on your view of things in your country. I wonder what comes up when you google Horse meat recipes. Now I'm gonna look. BRB


24/7 Single Dad
During my travels oveseas, I've eaten dog, cat and horse. No big deal. I think these celebrities just want to get their name in the paper.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
LmbyNippleChops said:
I dont care if I spelled it right ( perseprion ). But you know what I mean. It all depends on your view of things in your country. I wonder what comes up when you google Horse meat recipes. Now I'm gonna look. BRB
perseprion = right :yay:


I bowl overhand
Tonio said:
Any domesticated animal that people in our culture would keep as a pet or as a beast of burden.
Cows have been domesticated, so have chickens and pigs, and FISH!.. what are we going to eat?


Nannypams son
horse meat recipes

This site talks about it

Post from another site. LOL

The optimal age for slaughter is between 10 and 15 years; the minimum, 7 years, Terraillon said. (emphasis added)

"Foal (meat) is OK up to 15 months," Terraillon said. The "white" meat of very young horses is prized in Italy, but people in French-speaking nations prefer the red meat of older horses.

"After that, you have to wait six years," Terraillon said. "You can't expect a farmer to keep a horse that long."



professional daydreamer
itsbob said:
Cows have been domesticated, so have chickens and pigs, and FISH!.. what are we going to eat?

I dunno'. Even veggies aren't safe from the loonies anymore. You know they feel pain scream when you cut them, don't ya'?


aka Mrs. Giant
Tonio said:
Relax, I'm not going to make you eat the yellow snow. :lol:

My previous avs have included John Cleese, Michael Palin, and Brando as Vito Corelone. How about Harlan Ellison? James Jamerson? Joseph Campbell? Rob Halford? Danny Gatton? Smokey Robinson? Galileo? Ted Geisel?
Harlan Ellison the writer or the two bit actor? :confused:

Joseph Campbell or Rob Halford please. :flowers:

Dr. Seuss wouldn't turn me on either, that's kinda creepy.