Election 2024 Issues


Well-Known Member
Sure, but it's an easier sell than Trump is going to round all the Dems up and put them in camps.
The very BEST I can concoct is - there are groups opposed to the IUD or the morning after pill, because they equate it with abortion.

They aren't going to gain ground for anything like a national ban on abortion - you'll get way too much pushback from most state governments. You also can't guarantee a right to an abortion unless you can pull another Roe v. Wade and claim there's a right buried there in an existing amendment - and you won't GET an amendment for it either.

I think FINDING a compromise that satisfies ENOUGH on both sides of the issue will work. It has to. The problem is ALWAYS - there are ideologues, purists on both sides who MUST HAVE IT OUTLAWED or who MUST HAVE IT LEGAL TO THE POINT OF BIRTH. Both extremes are ruining it and convincing the ones in the middle that there IS no compromise, only incremental loss of your position.

(Truth is - they're not wrong - an agreeable comprmise for MOST Americans is extremely possible - but the far ends of each will NOT STOP. Each side needs to tell THEIR extremists to just STFU).


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
I support abortion as a safe, legal and RARE alternative medical procedure.
It is my hope that every child conceived is wanted.


..if momma ain't happy...
Sometimes, a baby is born with horrible defects, which are not seen before the birth. Sometimes nothing can be done. Sometimes that newborn is allowed to naturally die. There is much mourning in such an incidence.

Sometimes a death occurs in uterus 2 weeks before an expected birth. The baby can not be left there, all kinds of infection would result. A medically necessary abortion, also known as a D&C, is performed. Again, much mourning.

These examples are very rare, but pro abortion people love to compare them to an elective abortion. Two entirely different things, though both are late-term or after birth.

Again, an area government doesn't belong. Should be between a doc and patient. Even if a doc wants to perform hundreds of electives a year, who am I to say he can't? That's between doc, patient, and whatever moral center both hold.

Just where I stand on the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
Just basic numbers. 3.5 million births, 650k abortions. Nothing clever.

Oh I see. Yes. One sixth of pregnancies are aborted.
Of course, those are abortions via more traditional methods - abortions that occur via morning after pill (which is what it is - it's not "contraception" as it happens AFTER fertilization) - are likely far more common.


American Beauty
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Here is another way to tell that Democrats are panicking: They feel obliged to deal, somehow, with the fact that Joe Biden is senile. The Washington Post headlines: “How Republicans used misleading videos to attack Biden in a 24-hour period.”

President Biden, who at 81 is a couple of decades younger than many of the veterans he honored during Thursday’s D-Day commemoration in Normandy…

Well then, he is practically youthful! Of course, the centenarians are not running for president.

…nonetheless found his age and fitness in the spotlight as selectively edited clips of him circulated online to paint the picture of a physically and mentally challenged commander in chief.
In edited videos…

Pretty much every video you ever see is edited, cut down from a much longer source.

…Republican officials and allies of former president Donald Trump repeatedly tried to turn Biden’s Normandy visit into a highlight reel of senior moments and missteps, aimed at showing the president as infirm, addled or out of his depth. Trump, who turns 78 on Friday…

Trump is old, too! However, he isn’t senile.

…has also repeatedly attacked Biden over his age and fitness, and regularly shares videos of the president looking frail.

The Post actually makes one decent point: the video you likely have seen that shows Biden starting to sit down and then stopping, apparently confused, isn’t as bad as it looks if you see a longer excerpt. Congratulations, Joe. But the Post says nothing about Biden’s Juneteenth brain freeze, his multiple incidents of falling down, his frequent descents into incoherence, his need to be led around to show him where to stand, his inability to read a teleprompter, and so on. Many dozens of episodes of obvious senility have been preserved on video, and many millions of Americans have seen them.


PREMO Member

Election Interference: Facebook Blocks Post About Biden Campaign Disinformation

When some of our readers tried to share Thursday’s editorial on Facebook, their posts were deleted. This isn’t the first time Big Tech has suppressed our speech and tried to rob us of revenue. In fact, it seems rather routine.

The editorial that Facebook doesn’t like was written under the headline “When Will The Ministry Of Truth Shut Down The Lyin’ Biden Ads?. When one reader (see the editorial’s comments section) tried to share it on Facebook, she “was advised they deleted my post for violating community standards.”

“It’s pretty rich,” she said, “for Facebook to claim an article pointing out how Biden’s ads are misleading is in itself misleading.”
Another whose comments appear under the editorial said he “shared this article” but Facebook deleted it.

We had the same experience. We couldn’t post it on our own I&I Facebook page. So, in effect, those who either regularly read our content on Facebook or who might want to were forbidden to do so.



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Joe Biden Says If He Becomes Tyrannical There's Nothing You Can Do About It, AR-15s Would Be Useless​



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Trump SHOCKS Former Never Trumper During FIRST Meeting As MSNBC Copes Over Biden Humiliating Himself​

We need our media partners to lie and cover for Uncle Joe wandering off .... he only wanted to greet the parachutists


PREMO Member

Democrats And Liberal Media Panic Over Gen Z Influencers Turning Against Biden As His Loses Support!​



Well-Known Member

I've been following these, on X (which everyone calls Twitter, and posts are still called "tweets") - and - why is this flood of information coming out - NOW? Wouldn't it have been far more useful 3-4 years ago - or more?


Well-Known Member
They aren't saying anything we haven't known for 4 years, and we also know who hacked them.
What they are doing now is trying to make it so they can claim Trump was not elected.

The Democrats hacked the machines and got the 81 Million vote that they claimed elected Joe Biden.
Now they want to be able to say that Biden was cheated in this election. The reason they are coming out now is as plain as the nose on your face.