Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 In a remarkable intersection of several recent C&C stories, this gem appeared yesterday in local KVDR-Fox Colorado, headlined “Police working with DA, pursuing hate crime charges for racist signs.” The article was too squeamish, or maybe too terrified of being arrested, that they blurred out the actual signs and didn’t even quote them in the story. Since you are all adults, here they are:


The effect on Denver of these obviously satirical signs was, in a word, electric. To root out the hated perpetrators of this dastardly deed, the united Colorado left is mobilizing everything, squads of lesbian migrants, black trans divas, and the rest of the rainbow mafia, not to mention the police, FBI, National Guard, and probably even Space Force.

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To understand how these signs affected Denverites, try to imagine a truly galactic scale of Lovecraftian horror. This sordid sign story could be even ghastlier than January 6th.

To be clear, the signs are admittedly edgy. But they are clearly not racist. It’s just the opposite. The ironic message’s unsubtle point was that Kamala has promoted illegal aliens over American interests, particularly the interests of black Americans. But they are deliberately misunderstanding that clear message to clamp down the debate over uncontrolled, government-sponsored illegal immigration.

In other words, Colorado’s unhinged response is more censorship. And, to add satirical icing to Colorado’s cake of irony, the state has also been in the news this weekend for allowing gangs of illegal Venezuelan criminals to take over large sections of Colorado’s cities, a story in which the state, the media, and the community have been much less interested. Fox headline from Saturday:

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Showing the kind of diligent attention that non-narrative crimes always receive, Denver authorities promptly arrested one gang leader who was promptly released on $20,000 bail. So.

But, on the other police glove, the KDVR-Fox article reported that police are diligently investigating whether this illegal sign posting crime could be ‘enhanced’ with a hate-crime designation, to yield more than just up to a year in jail for the fiendish perpetrators.

Where is all the similar outrage over the takeovers of black apartment buildings by megagang Tren de Agua, which criminally entered the country subsidized by state and federal money?

You know where. Nowhere. Not narrative convenient.



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Here at C&C, we’ve been discussing the continuing and exquisitely peculiar inversion of Democrat politics. Apparently, we’re not the only ones who’ve noticed the switcheroo. Behold yesterday’s tweet from media influencer Health Ranger (218K followers):

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And so we begin to see the Trump-fueled genius in Robert Kennedy’s turn from vaccines to his new focus on food health. Make America Healthy Again! Kennedy’s old anti-vaccine policies are political kryptonite, since for whatever reason leftists have fully embraced vaccines for life. But food health carves off a mammoth segment of traditional liberalism, a political neighborhood that used to be owned by the left even more wholly than Tren de Agua’s new Aurora apartments.

But now, orthodoxy requires Democrats to defend junk food, genetically modified grains, and Roundup. It must be very confusing to be a Democrat these days.



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Our favorite space billionaire may be launching the most adventurous part of his career. Traveling back to the land of the Taj Mahal for pro-Trump news, we begin with India Today’s morning headline, “'I can’t wait..' Elon Musk on reports of role in Trump cabinet to audit US government agencies.


The gist is that “reports” say Trump floated the idea of appointing Musk to audit federal executive agencies to trim waste. One immediately recalls that, when Musk bought Twitter two years ago, he promptly pink-slipped three quarters of its 7,500 employees, and pressed ‘delete’ on fabulous employee perks like gourmet chefs, onsite acupuncture and wellness services, nap rooms, and an unlimited vacation policy.

Despite —or because of— those cuts, Twitter’s views are higher than ever.

Republicans who haven’t yet yielded up their last remaining scraps of hope for change would heartily endorse any kind of government audit. Let’s go! For his part, Elon says he’s raring to get started:

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Maybe, instead of asking how much more a handful of billionaires could pay in taxes, we should be asking how much less tax money the entire federal government could spend.

It’s not just that Elon is a CEO with executive management experience like Trump. That is a huge advantage, but it’s not nearly enough, as we learned from Trump’s first dance with the deep state, exemplified in disastrous developments like former Exxon CEO and fleeting Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who called his boss (Trump) a “moron” in a group meeting and then got fired via a Tweet.

We’ve always needed more and better executive ability leading the agencies. But executives have big egos, they’re busy with more profitable ventures, they often bristle when taking orders, and they frequently lack DC-level political ninja skills.

But Elon is different. Elon has been through the government wringer. He’s battled nearly every agency and survived. Not just survived; his rocket company has, against all odds, become the Pentagon’s and NASA’s key space contractor and now, the cleanup crew. One also wonders, from time to time, precisely what his underground ‘boring company’ might be quietly burrowing for the feds.

As far as I am concerned: how could Elon Musk possibly be any worse than what we presently have? I say, give the man a shot. Let him cut, and then cut some more, then keep cutting, until he burrows back to the beginning.



PREMO Member

CNBC Host CONFRONTS Trump DERANGED Republican On REFUSING To Vote For Trump & Allowing Kamala To WIN​

Shite on all of the Never Trumpers

Tomey ... what a bunch of Pie In The Sky wishful thinking

The GOP isn't that together to HOLD THE LINE in the Senate
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PREMO Member

Republican TAKES ACTION After Kamala Supporters POST COUNTERFEIT Philadelphia Eagles Endorsement Ads​



PREMO Member

Gold Star Families: Kamala’s Attack on Trump ‘Made Us a Target for a Lot of Hate’

As Vice President, I have had the privilege of visiting Arlington National Cemetery several times. It is a solemn place; a place where we come together to honor American heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service of this nation.

It is not a place for politics.

And yet, as was reported this week, Donald Trump’s team chose to film a video there, resulting in an altercation with cemetery staff. Let me be clear: the former president disrespected sacred ground, all for the sake of a political stunt.

That, they said, is absolutely not true.

Christy Shamblin, mother-in-law of Sgt. Nicole L. Gee, said she was “shocked” when she saw Harris’s post, explaining that they also invited President Biden and Harris to Arlington that day as well.

“I was shocked when I saw her post. You know, we did invite them to Arlington that day, and we never heard any response, just as we’ve never heard any response from any of our attempts at communication with President Biden and Vice President Harris and the White House,” she said.

“And it’s — having her post that on social media has made us a target for a lot of hate right now. And it’s shocking,” she added.

Steve Nikoui, father of Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikoui, said, “Just like Christy, I was shocked” by Harris’s statement as well. He said it is ironic that Harris is accusing Trump of playing politics, when she is doing exactly that.

“But not to — not to a great extent, you know, the one that’s claiming that, you know, we’re playing politics, or that he’s playing politics — it’s actually her that’s playing politics,” he said.


PREMO Member
The VPC claims to strive toward a “New American Majority” comprised of “young people, people of color and unmarried women” — all demographics likely to vote Democrat.

The group harvests “commercial and public data” to increase Democrat turnout, as The Federalist previously reported. When one clicks on its Facebook ads, the link directs users to a portal operated by Rock the Vote — which collects data it can share with a wide network of left-wing organizations.

The VPC sends voter registration forms to voters who are likely eligible but unregistered. These registration efforts were behind more than 272,000 votes in the 2020 election, mostly in swing states.

Last month, the group started sending more than 20,000 registration mailers to residents of several Oregon counties, according to OregonLive. The Clackamas County clerk warned the mailers could make it appear “active voters may not be registered to vote,” which could “lead to confusion and concern.”

The group’s voter registration efforts have drawn criticism for being “imprecise, misleading, ineffective, and potentially illegal,” according to InfluenceWatch.

Leftist Goals​

The VPC started in 2003 as “Women’s Voices Women Vote,” according to InfluenceWatch. It changed its name in 2011, expanding its efforts to build the “Rising American Electorate,” or the voting blocs some leftists hoped would create an “emerging Democratic majority.” Tom Lopach is president and CEO of the VPC and Center for Voter Information (CVI), according to LinkedIn. According to InfluenceWatch, he directed the groups’ widespread mail-in and absentee voting efforts in 2020.

Mind the Gap, a Democrat super PAC, wrote a memo recommending the VPC and CVI for victory in 2020. “The most effective tactic in a Presidential year by a wide margin is nonpartisan voter registration focused on underrepresented groups,” the memo reads. The memo further claimed that voter registration is “2 to 5 times more cost-effective at netting additional Democratic votes than the tactics that campaigns will invest in.”
