Election 2024 Issues


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Gutfeld on hearing that Stelter was coming back to CNN.


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Trump Deranged Mark Cuban FREAKS OUT After CNBC Host Makes Him Admit Kamala Will DESTROY The Economy​



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🔥 Yesterday’s zaniest story ran in the Washington Post headlined, “Republican Liz Cheney says she will vote for Kamala Harris this election.” Well, of course. Who else? That’s her “jam.” How is this even ‘news?’

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When I read it, that headline produced a strange echo. The other day, I described a slightly surreal conversation with a liberal relative. When I read the Journal’s caption, I recalled how my relative mentioned disgraced former Congresswoman Cheney in the exact same context. He’d urged me to consider how “lots of big Republicans” supported Harris. Skeptical, I asked, like who? Earnestly, without any sense of irony or self-awareness, he tossed out Liz Cheney, adding for emphasis how she spoke at the DNC last month.

Putting two and two together, I realized my relative was regurgitating MSNBC talking points. Aha! A new narrative! It was like spotting a blue-beaked crested wren or something. (Apologies to bird watchers.)

Corporate media is busily slinging its new narrative to Democrats, not to we Republicans, who reflexively emit horse laughs just hearing the name Cheney. Let’s not dwell on Dick, either.

It’s a rollicking narrative, too. Explaining the breaking news that Cheney “broke with the Republican Party on Wednesday” —but not before!— the Wall Street Journal scribbled her roundly despised name onto its “growing list of Republicans against Trump.” The Journal’s expanding list has two names on it so far, and I’ll give you one guess who is the second:

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The article failed to mention that Cheney and Kinzinger were the only Republicans who “served on the House select committee,” or that they already broke with the party back in 2021 to do so. While it did note that Cheney lost her seat in the primary, the article didn’t mention the same thing happened to Kinzinger, nor did it bring up the fact both politicians are now homeless pariahs relegated to making the rounds on late-night MSNBC news panels.

So I went looking for the narrative, and immediately found it everywhere:

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If endorsements are newsworthy, then conspicuously absent from this week’s corporate media reporting was the much more interesting story about Tim Walz’s extended family, which came out for Trump:

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The Post’s ridiculous parody of a news narrative, dripping with simulated sincerity, provides a useful framework for learning something critically important about how our sold-out media works these days. Let’s tackle that next.



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Former CA Dem. Senate Leader Gloria Romero Switches to Republican Party, Says She Will Vote for Trump

Something is happening in California. After being screwed over by the Democrat Party on their promises of reparations, Black Californians are threatening to sit out 2024 or sabotage it for the Democrats; whether you believe that or not, it is unprecedented that this voting bloc has actually threatened to exercise their political power, albeit small, in this way. As RedState reported, Democrat State Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil decided to change her registration to the Republican Party. Political expediency? Probably, but again, a sure sign that the Democrat stronghold in the state is showing significant fractures.

On Wednesday, the party was dealt another blow. Gloria Romero, who formerly was Democrat majority leader in the California Senate, has decided she also will change parties. Romero announced this on the State Capitol steps with Steve Hilton, California activist and host of the Steve Hilton Show, CA GOP Chairwoman Jessica Milan Patterson, Republican leadership in the California legislature, and Republican U.S. Congressman Kevin Kiley flanking her for the full effect.

Today I joined Gloria Romero, the former Democrat Majority Leader of the California State Senate, for an important announcement. She is joining the Republican Party.

A coalition for common sense is emerging in California.
— Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) September 4, 2024


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🔥🔥 Yesterday, the New York Times ran a surprising update headlined, “Trump Delivers Economic Speech, Harris Campaigns in Pennsylvania. Unlike his jovial opponent, President Trump outlined a very specific list of proposals that he said would quickly Make American Economically Great Again. And his proposals hold water.

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CNN’s Trump file photo, with orange filter dutifully applied.

At a Fox News Town Hall with Sean Hannity on Wednesday, President Trump promised to eliminate at least ten existing government regulations for every new regulation added under his administration. That’s five times as many deleted regulations as he’d promised in his 2016 campaign (and later delivered).

President Trump also vowed to create an Elon Musk-headed “government efficiency commisson” to “eliminate fraud and improper payments.” As President Trump correctly noted, just those two proposals would logically reduce government spending and the cost of doing business in America, resulting in lower prices for American consumers.

He also debuted plans to increase American jobs. Trump pledged to reduce the corporate tax rate from 21% down to 15% percent “for companies that make their products in America.” Last time around, Trump cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. Now he wants to go even further. (Cackle, for her part, promised to raise it to 32%.)

And Trump promised to expand tariffs on companies importing products from overseas. As a staunch free-marketer, I used to be strongly anti-tariff. But after watching Russia’s record-breaking economic renaissance, fueled by massive Biden sanctions, I am coming around. It is undeniable that Russia’s inability to participate in international trade resulted in a miraculous economic turnaround in that country.

America would do great if manufacturing could be made to surge back home, just like it did in Russia. But the coalition of deep-state globalist interests would suffer, which is why elites oppose every bit of the Trump plan.

Here is a link to a concise summary of President Trump’s economic plan to defeat inflation, make America affordable again, and return the United States to explosive economic growth. Read it for yourself: Trump’s Eight-Point Economic Plan.

Holy Breaking Headlines, Batman, there are a lot of other important developments to discuss. I hope to be off of morning hospital duty tomorrow, and then we can catch up on all the wild happenings in the Weekend Edition. Keep your fingers crossed.



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Remember when the press lost its collectivist mind when Trump said very accurately that over 100% of job gains under Biden were for illegals and other foreigners? Well 635k of job gains were foreign-born in August while 1,325,000 native-born Americans LOST their job. Not a typo. We typically post a job loss in August due to seasonal labor, but this is still a huge number compared to past years.

Here's the key: Since pre-Covid, all the NET job gains—4.4 million!!—have gone to foreign-born workers while jobs among native-born Americans have fallen 833k over that same time.

Mass immigration incentivizes businesses to hire cheap, near slave labor at rock bottom prices, and disincentivizes paying living wages to native-born workers.

The press is ridiculing Trump for saying "more than 100%" of job creation in the past year has gone to foreign migrants.

"Um, that's mathematically impossible," they lecture.

But as usual, when President Trump is getting mocked the most aggressively, it's because he's right over the target.

According to the U.S. government's OWN ESTIMATES, from May 2023 to May 2024 the number of employed native-born Americans fell by 300,000, while the number of employed foreign-born workers rose by 640,000. The total number of workers went up, but ALL of the gain and then some went to foreigners.

Trump is right. The press is wrong, and dishonest and stupid to boot. What's new.
