Election 2024 - VP Waltz


PREMO Member

Veterans Will Not Be Fooled by Tim Walz

Am I questioning Tim Walz and his service? Yeah, because he has some questions to answer. He was in for 24 years. That seems impressive to civilians. It’s certainly not a bad thing. But you take one look at the guy through a veteran’s eyes, and you learn a little about his record (don’t worry, much more is coming out!), and he’s exactly the kind of guy vets despise. We all remember guys like him from our time in uniform. And like with John Kerry, his own compatriots are already blowing the whistle on him. You know, when your own peers serve you up, that’s an indicator.

He was a senior noncommissioned officer—a high-ranking sergeant who was frocked as a command sergeant major. You need to understand what a command sergeant major is. A command sergeant major is the man. He’s big. He’s the commander’s right hand, the one guy who can shut the door and tell the colonel to stop doing stupid things. I know because I had one, and I was successful because I listened to him. He was great. I know a lot of great sergeants.

And I know some duds. Guys who get DUIs, like Walz did – I know that in my Guard units that, a DUI would ensure he never got E6, much less E9. And then there are the striving CSMs who get in front of the troops and start yelling about how “We are the most powerful, lethal force on earth!” and also that “Diversity is our greatest strength! Trans awareness is a combat multiplier!” These schmucks repeat the lies and nonsense of careerist generals instead of telling their bosses that the troops need to be training to fight instead of marching for pride. There is nothing worse than a go-along sergeant major. If he’s not an occasional pain in a commander’s butt, he’s not doing his job. But that’s not what Kamala wants. She wants a yes-man.

But a good CSM is anything but. There are two kinds of sergeants major. One tells the commander, “Colonel, I’ll take care of this and you go do your job,” and then he goes and takes care of it. And there’s another kind who says, “Colonel, I’ll take care of this and you go do your job,” and then he goes and hangs out at the coffee bar with his cronies, gossiping and scheming for advancement. Walz has the second vibe. You can feel it. You can see it when you watch video of him as a civilian pol regurgitating commie bullSchiff about how socialism is just being a good neighbor and flip-flopping from NRA hero to gun-grabbing zero. Like his brat boss, he will be whatever he needs to be to get what he wants.

He wasn’t in a war, though he claimed to be - in a Kamala HQ tweet no less. When talking about breaking his oath to support and defend the Constitution, this turd said “We can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, are only carried in war.” What war was that? Was he helping win the Tet Offensive with his fellow Democrat Da Nang Dick Blumenthal?

He wasn’t an actual command sergeant major either, only holding the rank temporarily contingent on passing the Sergeant Majors Academy course. But he didn’t do that. He quit. He took a coveted slot in a career-crowning military school away from somebody else. That’s not good. And then his unit got activated to go to Iraq and he decided he had to run for Congress and retired. That rubs a lot of people the wrong way.

His one deployment was to Italy to provide security on American bases. I certainly don’t hold that against him. You go where you’re told to go. If you think I was thrilled to go to Kosovo, you are incorrect. But that’s where my unit was going and that’s where I went. I had already been to Desert Storm and I already had my patch on my right shoulder. I ran a heavily armed car wash in the Gulf, so don’t confuse me with Audie Murphy; I’m not even Peter Murphy.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I find Walz' fudging of his service record disturbing, but it pales in comparison to his term as Governor. More focus needs to be on that by the Trump campaign than his service record. Let the veteran community deal with that.


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 CNN, of all places, aired some gentle questions yesterday about VP nominee and impeachment insurance policy Tim Walz’s “stolen valor” problem:

image 4.png

CLIP: CNN commenter admits, “there is no evidence Walz was ever in a position of being shot at (0:39).

There is no evidence that Tim Walz was ever in a position of having an intelligent thought, either. Thank goodness the Democrats picked him to run under Kamala. I wonder if they rushed the vetting process a little too much?



Well-Known Member
I find Walz' fudging of his service record disturbing, but it pales in comparison to his term as Governor. More focus needs to be on that by the Trump campaign than his service record. Let the veteran community deal with that.

Where exactly did he fudge his service record?

He retired months before they got their deployment orders.


PREMO Member

The Kamala Harris campaign rolled out Tim Walz, her Vice Presidential running mate, as a 'folksy father figure'. Many are referring to him as America's DAD. The Left is playing him up as a 'good guy'. Much like they did with Joe Biden. Just like Joe, Walz does not seem to be a good guy at all. He has already been caught in lies about his military service and some of his policies lie Left of Kamala and we did not even know that was possible.

You can read about the speculation on his military service and the lies here, here, here, and here.

Now, listen. I am pro-life. I don't hide anything about the fact I am pro-life. I do think that when the choice to get pregnant is taken from the mother (incest and rape) we have to look at if she CAN carry the child without harming herself or the baby. In those cases, abortion has to be viewed as the health of the mother. I also think we have to work in slow increments to win hearts and minds to our side so I am not going to be the person who says plan B has gotta go right now. I am also not against IVF as a whole. It has helped many women who desperately want a family to have children of their own. I know that my ideas there may not be popular with everyone, and that's ok. I can assure you they are going to be more popular than Tim Walz's stance on abortion.

All of that background on my ideas helps you understand the pure SHOCK I had when I found this little gem on X. The Left gets wilder and dumber every single day, but I was genuinely surprised and I did not think I could be surprised by anything the Democrats put in front of me any longer.



PREMO Member

Charlamagne Tha God HUMILIATES HIMSELF During MELTDOWN Over CNN Fact Checking Tim Walz' Stolen Valor​



Well-Known Member

Minnesota National Guard Leaders Expose Tim Walz for Stolen Valor: Lied About Rank, and Quit Upon Learning of Iraq Deployment

Retired Command Sergeants Major Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr published a scathing letter in the West Central Tribune, exposing what they claim are significant fabrications and omissions in Walz’s military record.

Walz, who served in the US House of Representatives for 12 years before being elected governor in 2018, has long touted his military service as a key component of his public image.

The retired leaders assert it is their duty to expose what they describe as a pattern of deception regarding Walz’s military career.

Key Points from the Letter:​

  • Reenlistment and Academy Enrollment: Tim Walz reenlisted in the Minnesota Army National Guard on September 18, 2001, committing to a six-year term. He was selected to attend the prestigious United States Army Sergeants Major Academy but failed to complete the course, which comes with specific obligations.
  • Deployment and Promotion: In late summer 2003, Walz deployed with the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion to Italy for Operation Enduring Freedom. Upon returning to Minnesota in 2004, he was conditionally promoted to Command Sergeant Major but did not meet the conditions required for that promotion.
  • Quitting Before Deployment: In early 2005, as his unit prepared for mobilization to Iraq, Walz abruptly quit, leaving his fellow soldiers without leadership. His rationale—claiming he needed to retire to run for Congress—has been challenged by the retired sergeants major, who argue he could have sought permission to run while remaining in service.
  • Misrepresentation of Service: The letter highlights discrepancies in Walz’s statements about his military tenure. While he claims to be the highest-ranking enlisted service member ever to serve in Congress, critics point out that he was only conditionally promoted and subsequently reduced in rank due to his departure from the academy.

AC breaks it down in a video for the reading challenged. This is not just now coming up, as you'll see in the video.
