Election 2024 - VP Waltz


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Harris' Walz Problem Just Got Even Messier

Since he was selected as Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate earlier this week, there has been considerable chatter about the headache that Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) has caused. Among the latest causes for concern is a report from Friday detailing how Walz hosted an imam who celebrated the October 7 attacks against Israel and promoted a pro-Hitler website.

As Gabe Kaminsky of the Washington Examiner reported about Walz and Imam Asad Zaman of the Muslim American Society of Minnesota:

Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz, on at least five occasions as governor of Minnesota, hosted a Muslim cleric who celebrated Hamas‘s Oct. 7 attack last year on Israel and promoted a film popular among Neo-Nazis that glorifies Adolf Hitler, the Washington Examiner found.
Walz’s ties to Zaman could serve as problematic baggage for the Minnesota governor as he campaigns with Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee. News of the ties also comes after a Washington Free Beacon report this week found Walz spoke at a 2019 event with an antisemitic scholar who has defended terrorism against Israel.
The Muslim American Society was once described by federal prosecutors as being “founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States,” court records show. The MAS, which the United Arab Emirates designated as a terrorist group in 2014, came under fire in 2019 after a video surfaced online of children at an event held by its Philadelphia chapter calling for the murder of Jews.
“We will chop off their heads, and we will liberate the sorrowful and exalted Al-Aqsa Mosque,” two young girls said at the event, according to the Times of Israel.
Walz’s office and Minnesota’s Muslim American Society did not reply to requests for comment.


PREMO Member

Walz Used COVID Relief Funds for Things That Had Nothing to Do With the Pandemic

Gov. Tim Walz (D-Minn.) spent money using pandemic relief funds that could have easily come from the state's general budget. It's not a crime. But don't you think it gives us an idea of what kind of a politician he is?


A few of the biggest line items should also get more scrutiny, though there is limited information available on the Treasury's site. For example, the state distributed more than $11 million to the Minnesota Zoo and nearly $3.8 million to the Science Museum of Minnesota to cover operating and maintenance costs. In some ways, that is connected to the pandemic: Fear of the disease and government social distancing mandates certainly harmed museums and zoos. The same could be said of the $237,000 line item for a "movie theater relief grant program."
But Walz should be asked why he believes federal taxpayers—who may not live in Minnesota or ever visit the state—should be on the hook to pay for that.
As Reason has reported over the past few years, the federal bailout of state and local governments after the pandemic was largely unnecessary, and many governments have struggled to find ways to use the $350 billion in free cash distributed by the ARP. A good chunk of the funds have been put to questionable use, including subsidizing money-losing, government-owned golf courses, padding the paychecks of public employees, and funding tourism promotion campaigns.

Walz wasn't alone, of course. Governors cast about desperately for ways to spend the windfall. But the criticism Reason's Eric Boem offered rings true.

"Walz should be asked why he believes federal taxpayers—who may not live in Minnesota or ever visit the state—should be on the hook to pay for that."

Until someone — not Congress — begins investigating this massive misuse of government power and taxpayer money, we're in danger of having history repeat itself when the next national health emergency is upon us.


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Victor Davis Hanson Discusses the Controversies Surrounding Tim Walz and Offers Advice to the Trump Campaign

Hanson touched on Walz’s record as a far left governor and the questions swirling around his military record.

Hanson also had some advice for the Trump campaign on the messages Trump should focus on and hammer each day as he speaks to voters across the country.

Partial transcript via The Daily Signal:

Hanson: Yeah. So, when she picked Walz, there was no traditional, no unusual, no eccentric reason why he would be picked. Minnesota’s going to go blue. He doesn’t bring the Electoral College to that. He’s not well known. Seventy percent of the people have no idea who he is. He was not vetted.
And so, almost immediately, it took all the attention off what Trump had said, or his campaign was plateauing, and it put it on both his hard-left record, basically greenlighting for four days rioting in Minnesota, the tampons for boys’ restrooms, open borders, illegal alien subsidies, canceling pipeline—I mean, it was more extreme than hers.
And then, personally, all these things started to come out and he kind of asked for it. His first introduction to the American people, he said, he mentioned the completely refuted lie and smear about the couch. And he said, “Couch,” and then he turned to Kamala Harris and he said, “How’d you like that?”Well, she kind of even, “How do you like me lying about the vice president?” It didn’t work.

This is part of what he said about the Trump campaign:

Just focus on, they have nominated two neo-Marxists who are openly proud of what they have done. Here’s the record, here’s what I did in the past, here’s what I’ll do in the future. You couldn’t have a starker choice. And if he does that, he’s got about 88 days to do it, he will win. He still has time.
I mean, in 1988, the Republicans got a similar gift. All of a sudden they nominated Mike Dukakis and he knew his problem because he was from Massachusetts. So he said, “It’s not about ideology. I’ve never been … Competence, I’m more competent than Bush. It’s all about what I’ve done.” And he left the Aug. 1 convention 17 points ahead, and the Bush campaign went into panic. And they asked [Ronald] Reagan and Reagan said, “You know what? It’s bad. I don’t know what I can do to help you.”


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
I'm glad we had kids that knew they could come to us with questions about what they were being taught in school. We informed them that any teachers that discuss politics were to be ignored when they started preaching. "Do your work, behave yourselves, and don't give them any reason to cause you trouble." It served them well.


PREMO Member

Senator Tom Cotton Blasts Tim Walz for His Terrible Record on China (VIDEO)

Republican Senator Tom Cotton was on “Fox News Sunday” with Shannon Bream on Sunday to discuss topics including Tim Walz’ record on China.

“Tim Walz has a terrible record on China, just like Kamala Harris does. He’s consistently appeased and conciliated the Chinese Communist Party and has repeatedly said we don’t need to have an adversarial relationship with China, when China is insisted on have an adversarial relationship with the United States,” Cotton said.

“What the Chinese Communist Party did with Tim Walz going back 35 years is a classic example of how they cultivate younger, local state leaders, teachers and others to try to get mouth pieces in American politics and maybe one day hit it big if that person goes on to be say, a congressman or governor, or Vice Presidential nominee,” Cotton said.




PREMO Member

In 2021 9/11 Speech, Tim Walz References 'Being on the Tarmac at Bagram' During a Ramp Ceremony

Speaking to a crowd of veterans on the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz talked about his time in the National Guard and missing a year of his daughter's life, then immediately followed that reference with a story about standing on the tarmac at Bagram Air Base and watching a ramp ceremony, and the emotional effect that had on him.

If listeners knew nothing else about Walz, they'd believe that he missed a year of his daughter's life because he deployed for combat and saw some hard things. But, as we all know now, that's not the case. He deployed to Italy in a support capacity and shamefully retired early, before his contract was up, when he knew that his unit was going to be sent to Iraq.

Here's a clip of Walz's 2021 speech with the relevant portion (full video at the bottom of the post):


As if intending to further twist the knife of stolen valor, Walz's scripted remarks continued:

As we’ve been reminded today, it was this state that volunteered first when the nation was most in peril. From Gettysburg to Kabul, Minnesotans have been there and they've done what was asked of them.

Minnesotans have done what was asked of them, except for Tim Walz.

By inserting the unscripted remarks about his daughter immediately before talking about being at Bagram, Walz once again implies that his deployment was a combat deployment and that he was in Bagram as part of his National Guard duties. As it turns out, he was in Bagram, but as part of a Congressional delegation in 2011. He conveniently left that part out. As much as he talks about his alleged experiences in the Global War on Terror, it should be obvious that he didn't do anything.


PREMO Member

Tim Walz’s Battalion Commander Comes Out Swinging, Claims Walz Broke His Enlistment Contract and Never Successfully Completed Any Assignment as a Sergeant Major

Tim Walz’s battalion commander came out swinging with a scathing post on Facebook.

Several videos of Tim Walz lying about his military rank and service in combat have surfaced.

Walz never deployed. He abandoned his battalion after they were deployed to Iraq so he could run for Congress.

Tim Walz introduced himself at a 2006 veterans event as a “retired command sergeant major,” which is a lie.

Stolen valor Tim Walz lied about his rank in a 2009 farewell message to soldiers actually deploying to Iraq.

In the 2009 video, Walz falsely claims he is a “retired Command Sergeant Major” as he sends a farewell message to soldiers deploying.

Tim Walz dropped out of the Army after his unit was deployed to Iraq.

Retired Command Sergeants Major Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr also published a scathing letter in the West Central Tribune, exposing what they claim are significant fabrications and omissions in Walz’s military record.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I think people are making the "break his enlistment contract" angle more than it really is. Once a member reaches their 20 year mark, they can drop their retirement paperwork at any time. Contract or no contract. It is up to the service to honor it based on current circumstances.