Election 2024 - VP Waltz


#*! boat!
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‘Most Radical Anti-Semitic Ticket:’ Elise Stefanik Slams Tim Walz For Appearing With Anti-Israel Leader

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik on Monday condemned Democratic vice-presidential nominee and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz for rubbing shoulders with the founder of National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) during a 2019 event.

Walz was photographed with the anti-Semitic scholar and SJP founder Hatem Bazian during the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)’s March 2019 event on “Challenging Islamophobia” at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

“Tim Walz condones and props up anti-Semites like The Most Dangerous Professor in America Hatem Bazian,” Stefanik told The Daily Wire. “Kamala Harris and Tim Walz is the most radical anti-Semitic ticket in history.”


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Hillary Clinton Attempts to Rescue Embattled VP Pick Tim Walz After Stolen Valor Claims

The post did not address Walz’s false claims over the last two decades of being a retired command sergeant major when he actually retired at a rank below.

Nor did her post address Walz’s false claim that he carried weapons “in war” when he never served in combat.

And the post did not address Walz retiring from his then-military contract early, just months before his unit he served in as a leader deployed to Iraq.

Clinton turned replies to the post off as she has with other recent posts on X.


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Minnesotans Destroy Tim Walz in New Video ‘We Will Remember in November’ (Video)

In the video, Minnesotans shared the impact of his failed leadership.

“I won’t forget when you illegally banned physicians from prescribing medications for early treatment.”

“I will never forget being forced out of my job at the V.A. of 20 years because of the vaccine mandate.”

“I won’t forget when you decided which businesses were essential and which ones weren’t.”

“You shut down stores, malls, zoos, everything, and we couldn’t even go outside.”

“I will remember when you sent COVID-positive patients back to the nursing homes, and you chose not to send them to the Bethesda COVID hospital. People died alone.”

“I will never forget how you closed our churches but left the liquor stores open.”

The video concluded with a powerful message from those who know Walz best, “We will remember in November.”



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Don’t Let The Camo Hat Distract You From Tim Walz’s Radical Record

Gov. Tim Walz, D-Minn., was largely unknown to voters across the country when Vice President Kamala Harris selected him as her running mate, so his record is coming under national scrutiny for the first time. Unfortunately for Walz and the Democrats, his record as governor of Minnesota is every bit as bad as that of the Biden-Harris administration, if not worse.


Costly Energy Policy​

Walz is an admirer of California. He has never seen a left-wing California initiative that he hasn’t tried to import into Minnesota. Thus, he has been a strong advocate for wind and solar energy. He authored a proposal to require 100 percent of Minnesota’s electricity to come from wind and solar by 2040. Remarkably, there was no cost estimate for this plan, nor was there a feasibility study to show that it could be done. Energy experts at the Center of the American Experiment estimated the cost of Walz’s plan at $313 billion, a price that still could not assure reliable power. Nevertheless, Walz was able to get that legislation passed, and he signed it into law.

Because of Walz’s “green” initiatives, the cost of electricity in Minnesota has risen much faster than the national average. Minnesota has lost the competitive advantage of cheaper-than-average electricity. This no doubt contributes to Minnesota’s subpar economic growth.


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Tim Walz Knew His Unit Deploying To Iraq And Promised To Go With Them When He Suddenly Retired

The scandal has two aspects, which the media loves to obfuscate and confuse to sow doubt. First is the claim of “stolen valor,” that Walz misrepresented or deceived the public while running for political office about his rank, whether he served in combat, and whether he served in Iraq and Afghanistan. The second aspect is whether he retired after knowing his unit was going to be deployed to Iraq, effectively abandoning the men and women under his command.

On that second aspect, the abandonment of his troops, Democrats and the media have tried to argue that at the time Walz put in for retirement, he did not know his unit would be deployed to Iraq because the actual Order came down a couple of months later. That claim is contradicted by contemporaneous reports, including Walz’s own March 2005 campaign press release, that the unit received word long prior to the official Order, and that Walz as a senior NCO would have known.



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Grandma Jailed for Violating Walz’s COVID Regulations: ‘You Do Not Want Tyranny at This Level’

Walz’s administration cracked down on Hanson within two days of her reopening the business:

Within 24 to 48 hours of first reopening her wine and coffee bistro in December 2020, Hanson said “the state came down on us with a vengeance,” siccing the health department on her business and eventually bringing about a half dozen civil and criminal cases against her. During her trial, Hanson claimed she was denied due process and blamed “rogue judges,” the attorney general, and Walz for operating in “lockstep.”
“They employed all of their resources against We the People, just trying to run a company, serve a cup of coffee to a willing customer. And they said, ‘nope, you can’t do that,'” Hanson said. “And mind you, there was never an injury. There was never an infection of COVID-19, nor was there ever a death that occurred because I had my doors open and willing customers came in to patronize me.”
Incurring tens of thousands in legal fees and fines, Hanson said eventually her business was forced to close while under intense pressure from the government.
“What happened to me was no accident, and they absolutely wanted to make an example, right?” Hanson said. “It was like literally living a nightmare.”

“This is the story that America needs to hear, that Tim Walz is not some cuddly, joyful coach, like all the things that the MSMs are calling him,” stressed Hanson. “That is not who this man is. This man would like to take your rights away. He will take your rights away. Because what happened to me could have happened to anybody. What happened to me will happen to you.”

Those 60 days cost Hanson a lot.

She missed Christmas, her wedding anniversary, and, worst of all, the birth of a grandchild.

My mom always tells me you have kids just to become a grandparent!

More from Hanson:

“I’ve heard some people say that Tim Walz is a real nice guy. Yeah, well he’s not. Take my word for it,” Hanson said. “Through this whole process, I’ve gotten to know other people. Similar things have happened to them when they were trying to run their business and survive. Mostly women, by the way. So Tim Walz and Attorney General Keith Ellison really like to go after women. They’re bullies.”
“They’re bullies. And they like to go after women and torment and destroy women’s lives. This is what they have done in the state of Minnesota. So let America know you do not want Tim Walz as vice president. You do not want tyranny at this level,” she continued. “I have seen firsthand. We, the people of Minnesota, have seen what Tim Walz, the type of evil he orchestrates if he is elected as vice president of this country. He, in lockstep with Harris, who is also evil, will perpetuate this same type of evil on the American people. We do not want that. So this is the truth about Tim Walz.”
“I would like to see Tim Walz impeached. I would like to see him prosecuted for the crimes he has committed against the people of Minnesota,” Hanson said.


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Tim Walz’s Minnesota Economic Record is Depressing


“There are cases where businesses are expanding here and putting up new facilities, but by and large, we are seeing growth elsewhere and it’s partially because of our high-tax climate,” Doug Loon, chief executive of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, told The Wall Street Journal. “We are No. 1 right now in the corporate tax in the country.”

Well, um, Minnesota has a 9.8% corporate tax, making it the highest in the U.S.

So yeah, Loon, your state is #1 in corporate tax, but not in a good way.

In 2019, Walz wanted to increase taxes by $1.3 billion to pay for new $2 billion in spending. He had to compromise for $330 million in tax increases. He wanted high gas taxes and vehicle fees, but the legislation rejected both.

Walz proposed an 11.25% corporate tax in 2021. The GOP-controlled legislature said no. He also wanted to add “a new individual income tax rate of 10.85 percent above the top rate of 9.85 percent, a surtax on capital gains and dividends.”

Walz no longer had to compromise in 2023 when Democrats took over the legislature:

He signed HF 1938 raising taxes on businesses with foreign income, reducing the standard deduction for high earners, and imposing a new tax on investment income. At the same time, he handed out an array of low-income credits, a one-time rebate, and special-interest breaks for e‑bikes, green aviation fuel, film production, and other items.
The same year, Walz hit the middle class with HF 2887, which raised taxes and fees on vehicles and transportation. The increases included indexing the gas tax for inflation, increasing vehicle registration taxes, raising fees on retail deliveries, and raising sales taxes in the Twin Cities area.
The governor hit the middle class again in 2023 with a large tax hike to pay for a new paid leave program. The legislation imposed a 0.7 percent tax on wages to fund the program’s benefits, but then new legislation in 2024 increased the tax rate to 0.88 percent of wages. The tax will raise $1.2 billion the first year of operation and rising amounts after that.

Green Energy​

Walz demanded Minnesota’s electric utilities move to carbon-free energy generation by 2023:

From there, the requirement would increase to 100% by 2040, with a requirement that 55% of all total retail electric sales be generated or procured from eligible energy sources by 2035.
A report by the Minnesota-based Center for the American Experiment criticized the proposal, saying it would cost $313 billion through 2050 and create capacity shortfalls in the electric grid that would result in blackouts because of output fluctuations from wind and solar energy sites.


Walz instilled some of the worst COVID restrictions in the country. He set up a hotline so people could snitch on their neighbors who violated any rules.

To make matters worse, Walz’s administration had no oversight concerning pandemic programs:

Minnesota Republicans criticized Walz’s administration for lax oversight of pandemic programs that cost millions of taxpayer dollars. Federal prosecutors charged 70 people for their role in a $250 million scheme to defraud federal food programs that funded meals for children during the pandemic.
Known as the Feeding Our Future scandal, it was one of the country’s largest pandemic aid fraud schemes. Minnesota’s Office of the Legislative Auditor, a nonpartisan watchdog, said in a June report that Walz’s Department of Education “failed to act on warning signs” and was ineffective in using its authority to respond to the fraud scheme.


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Kamala Campaign in a PANIC as Tim Walz FRAUD Exposed! $250 Million Stolen from Kid's Program​

Kamala Harris Campaign Caught LYING and its bad...​



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Walz STOLEN VALOR SCANDAL Sparks Democrat Crisis, Kamala Admits It Was A Mistake | TimcastNews​



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Tim Walz LASHES OUT Over Stolen Valor Attacks As Kevin O'Learly GOES OFF On Him DESTROYING Minnesota​
