Election 2024 - VP Waltz


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Politico: Walz Not Doing Interviews Because Kamala Has No Agenda

ABC News points out that this has become a talking point for Republicans, which is the usual context of such reporting. At least they're asking, though:

Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to soon face her first post-convention test when she sits for a formal interview -- something she told reporters this month she planned to do by the end of August, but has yet to announce.
With an absence of plans for any such sit-down, Republican critics have accused her of dodging the press.

"Accused"? Harris has dodged the press, objectively speaking. Harris became the presumptive nominee within a day of Joe Biden's withdrawal under pressure from the Democrat establishment. She became the official nominee when the DNC conducted a virtual poll of delegates on August 6. How many press conferences has she held since? How many sit-down interviews? The answer to both questions is zip, zilch, nada, none at all.

So why does ABC frame this as an accusation by critics, rather than objective fact?

Probably for the same reason readers have to wade through seven additional paragraphs of Harris-fluffing to find out that Democrats are also getting concerned about Hiding Harris:

Democrats have cautioned that Harris has several hurdles to clear in the coming weeks.
One of those hurdles is the pending media interview, where Harris would likely have to defend the decisions of the Biden administration and specify some of her policy stances.

That's pretty lame, but at least ABC is finally saying something about The Joy of Silence. And ABC even does some throat-clearing on the biggest reason Harris may be avoiding the media:

Harris is also likely to be pressed on how much she knew about Biden's capacities prior to the June 27 debate. That night, she urged Americans to judge Biden not on the "90 minutes" on stage but the "three-and-a-half years of performance."
Yet, that same debate performance set in motion a weekslong effort by top Democrats to nudge Biden from the race.
Few had a better understanding of what Biden was like behind the scenes than Harris, his No. 2, and an interviewer would likely challenge her about what she witnessed in private.

Welp -- scratch ABC News off the short list for the first-interview choice!

Politico Playbook also takes a deeper dive on The Joy of Silence, but they paint this as mainly driven by Kamala's lack of substance. She's so much of a cipher, they report, that they're keeping Walz on the shelf, too. Why? Because Walz has no idea what Harris plans to do as president either:

— What about Tim? One of the issues that Harris world is currently working to address is how to deploy running mate TIM WALZ in the media. The danger in sending him out to do big solo interviews is that he might not have a full command of where Harris is on every issue. As someone pointed out to us last night, Harris talks about the “opportunity economy,” but if Walz were asked to define it, would he know how?

Tim Walz -- he's just like us! As in, completely mystified by Kamala Harris. And why would Walz be expected to define it when Harris clearly cannot? She can't even get her terms correct on economic policy, let alone convince allies she knows what she's talking about. Or do people think Walz can define what "price gauging" is?



Beloved Misanthrope
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Tim Walz Under Fire for Latest Scandal That Bans Christian, Jewish Teachers From Public Schools

Democrat Vice Presidential candidate Gov. Tim Walz (D-Minn.) is facing yet another scandal after it was revealed he signed new teacher licensing rules that target Christians, Jews, and Muslims.

Taking effect in July 2025, Minnesota will require teacher license applicants to affirm transgenderism, race, and other culturally sensitive issues that violate their religious beliefs. If teachers refuse to accept the new regulations, their teaching license will not be renewed. The policy applies to both public and private schools.

The teacher fosters an environment that ensures student identities such as race/ethnicity, national origin, language, sex and gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical/developmental/emotional ability, socioeconomic class, and religious beliefs are historically and socially contextualized, affirmed, and incorporated into a learning environment where students are empowered to learn and contribute as their whole selves.

Per the Federalist, state universities will also require instructors to adhere to the new regulations. They will be forced to incorporate the standards into their teachings or risk losing their jobs.

Since 2020, in Minnesota, teachers renewing their licenses, which is usually required every five to seven years, must demonstrate “cultural competency” similar to the requirements imposed in 2025 on new teaching licensees. Teachers renewing their licensing must “Show[] evidence of self-reflection and discussion of” topics that include “Gender Identity, Including Transgender Students” and “Sexual Orientation.” They must also show they understand “bias” in themselves and their students related to race, sexual orientation, gender identity, and other cultural Marxist categories.
Minnesota’s teacher requirements, therefore, force Christians, Muslims, Jews, and adherents to other religions to violate their faith and endanger their hopes of eternal life in order to work in government-run schools.


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Tim Walz Signed A Law Creating ‘Ethnic Studies’ Requirements Extending To Elementary School Students

The law requires elementary and middle schools to teach ethnic studies classes by the 2027 to 2028 school year, while high schools must offer a course on the topic starting in the 2026 to 2027 school year, though some districts have already begun implementing ethnic studies programs. The program is described as an “interdisciplinary study of race, ethnicity, and indigeneity” and says it will emphasize “perspectives of people of color” and analyze “the ways in which race and racism have been and continue to be social, cultural, and political forces.”

Some intended learning outcomes of ethnic studies that were set out before the legislation was signed include identifying “the ways power and language construct the social identities of race, religion, geography, ethnicity, and gender” and understanding “the roots of contemporary systems of oppression,” according to a 2021 academic standard document released by the Minnesota Department of Education. The standards outline learning requirements for ethnic studies for every year from kindergarten through ninth grade.

The standards also call for Minnesota children to be introduced to racial topics starting in kindergarten, such as forms of resistance against systemic power and how they can fight against injustices. The benchmarks for high school students include “racial capitalism” and “anti-Blackness” and mention “contemporary systems of oppression” such as “how criminality is constructed and how social, political and legal systems define a person as a criminal.”


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Tim Walz Signed A Law Creating ‘Ethnic Studies’ Requirements Extending To Elementary School Students

The law requires elementary and middle schools to teach ethnic studies classes by the 2027 to 2028 school year, while high schools must offer a course on the topic starting in the 2026 to 2027 school year, though some districts have already begun implementing ethnic studies programs. The program is described as an “interdisciplinary study of race, ethnicity, and indigeneity” and says it will emphasize “perspectives of people of color” and analyze “the ways in which race and racism have been and continue to be social, cultural, and political forces.”

Some intended learning outcomes of ethnic studies that were set out before the legislation was signed include identifying “the ways power and language construct the social identities of race, religion, geography, ethnicity, and gender” and understanding “the roots of contemporary systems of oppression,” according to a 2021 academic standard document released by the Minnesota Department of Education. The standards outline learning requirements for ethnic studies for every year from kindergarten through ninth grade.

The standards also call for Minnesota children to be introduced to racial topics starting in kindergarten, such as forms of resistance against systemic power and how they can fight against injustices. The benchmarks for high school students include “racial capitalism” and “anti-Blackness” and mention “contemporary systems of oppression” such as “how criminality is constructed and how social, political and legal systems define a person as a criminal.”
That's the problem with MD's latest public school scores. We do not have ethnic studies in elementary schools.


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Chinese Dissident Ends Tim Walz's Stupid ‘Grammar’ Excuse for Stolen Valor ... in Two Sentences

That NPR article states the following:

In 1989, a 15-year-old Dai met Walz, who became her first foreign English teacher at Foshan No. 1 Middle School in southern China. During that school year, Walz taught English and U.S. history to around 300 students, she says.

So much for that “gawsh, I’m just a folksy, regular guy who don’t don’t talk no good” routine. He not only knew proper grammar, he was considered proficient enough to teach others.

Incidentally, on some level it doesn’t matter who said it. Facts are facts, no matter who says it. But we have followed Xi Van Fleet for a while and she is one of this author’s favorite follows, a person who escaped oppression who is trying to warn Americans how it can happen here. Here she is talking to Tucker Carlson:



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🔥🔥 Metaphor alert! The Hill ran a prescient story yesterday headlined, “Motorcade accompanying Walz involved in crash in Wisconsin.” The good news is nobody died.

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Details, as you might imagine, were sparse. But the gist is that at least two press vans in the Walz motorcade, maybe as many as five, crashed while parading from Minnesota to a rally in Wisconsin. Several reporters suffered minor injuries, one got a concussion, and one broke her arm.

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The Hill said Walz’s car was “not involved in the pileup.” So technically he wasn’t fleeing the scene of the accident when he continued toward the scheduled campaign event without stopping.

The cause of the crash was reportedly “unclear.” We don’t know yet. It’s a baffling mystery. We may never know. In fact, I’ll bet we find out who killed JFK and who filmed the moon landing before we find out who crashed Walz’s motorcade.

Haha! The scenario is pregnant with metaphorical meaning yearning to be born. Walz’s car crash of a campaign remains stuck in his home state. The mendacious media wrecked on the highway of politics, compulsively lying about who caused it. Sold-out reporters were bruised wrangling with Cackle’s political pile-up. You get the idea.

I can’t wait to see what happens next.



PREMO Member

Did Tim Walz Lie About Getting Turned Away From a George W. Bush Rally?

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who was chosen as Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate, has claimed that he entered politics after he was turned away from a George W. Bush rally in 2004 with some of his students in tow.

According to a report from The Washington Examiner, this does not add up.

The Examiner reported that Walz was admitted into the Busy rally that occurred 20 years ago. The two students he brought with him, Matt Klaber and Nick Burkhart, were not his students. Burkhart did not attend Walz’s school. Klaber was not a student at the school at the time of the rally, and, when he attended, Walz was not one of his teachers.

The teenagers were barred from the event after they took part in a confrontation with the Bush campaign that made the local news. As a result, they were denied tickets because the Secret Service deemed them a threat. Walz, however, “walked right inside” the event.

Reportedly, Walz had even participated in an anti-Bush protest prior to the rally. This protest occurred on Aug. 4, 2004.



PREMO Member
So, Tim Walz’s family thinks he’s a schmuck, just like the troops he sort of served with until he abandoned them. We should encourage his family members to dish the dirt on him. Who knows what it is? Is he a liar and a scumbag around the Thanksgiving table, just like he is during this campaign on the rare occasions he speaks to somebody? The last time he ran as fast as he did when he got a question about how his Hamas friends murdered an American was when he found out he might have to go to Iraq. Maybe he stole inheritance money – after all, stealing is what communists do. Maybe they would tell us that he is some kind of pervert – I could see the guy in a Ford panel van idling outside an elementary school. Who knows?

Well, his family knows the truth about Tim Walz, and I’m hoping they tell us every embarrassing and disgusting detail.

I’m hoping they open the door and allow us all to see the truth about this guy, although most of us already suspect the truth. But coming from his brother and other relatives, that gives the dirt a whole different cast. After all, they’ve spent 60 years knowing this guy – yeah, he’s 60, not 85, if you can believe it. I guess all that cavorting with Chinese communists ages you. Hey, maybe the dirt is about that!

Now, this is the point where normal people say, “Wait, Kurt, hold on. I’m not sure this is how we want to go. I think it’s terrible. I don’t like politically opposed relatives turning on their family members over politics.”

And you know what? I agree with you. I think it’s terrible form. I actively opposed normalizing this kind of behavior. But others disagreed. When some third cousin twice removed of Trump started talking about how he was horrible, I wondered why she was getting a platform. After all, she came off as a dumpy malcontent, as lonely leftist middle-aged cat women tend to be. Why would anyone let her waddle in front of a mic? But the regime media plastered her all over. She was the voice of reason, even though, apparently, she hadn’t seen Trump in forever. She was speaking from unequivocal moral authority because they shared a little bit of DNA. Quick, come on MSNBC and run your fat mouth!

I thought this was terrible. I thought it was ugly. The idea of coming out against someone in your own family over politics was just alien to me, but then again, I wasn’t raised by wolves, and I’m not a moral illiterate. I think normal people felt this way, too, although the liberals lapped it up. They loved it because it had everything they enjoyed. It trashed their political opponent, it demonstrated casual cruelty, and, as a bonus, it undermined the concept of the family, which they hate because the family sits in opposition to Marxist totalitarianism. So it’s pretty much a trifecta for the communists. For normal people, it’s just gross.

And I said so. I advocated keeping the Old Rule that you don’t publicize family squabbles about politics. I thought changing the rule was a terrible idea, not just because it was my guy who was being defamed, but because the whole idea of turning families against one another over politics is just completely repellent to any normal human being. I guess I forgot that I was dealing with leftists and not normal human beings.



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Tim Walz' Family ENDORSES Trump IN LEAKED Photo After Brother PUBLICLY REBUKES Him On Facebook!​
