Election 2024 - VP Waltz


Well-Known Member
Liars got to do what liars do.... keep lying, regardless how obvious it is.

Seems whomever "vetted" Walz failed in their job, but liberals don't care.
Yeah: They failed to vet Obama too, purposely, but they don't mind looking at republican Boo-boo's.


PREMO Member

Tim Walz Stumped By Question on Inflation; Repeats Lie About Trump ‘Sales Tax’

He then offered a series of her proposals unrelated to inflation:

I tell them Kamala Harris and I know something about it being middle-class folks. Our family sit at the table trying to pay the bill. We know coming out of the COVID pandemic with prices where they were, that people need to see some relief.
And I think that’s why Kamala Harris has put out a plan — especially around home ownership — making sure we’re building 3 million more affordable homes, making sure we’re making the down payment assistance there.
Drug prices, especially for seniors, making sure we’re keeping a cap on those. That’s making a difference.
And then making sure we’re investing in rural communities like the Investment Acts that have created a lot of new jobs in terms of infrastructure and other things. Those are things that we start to get a handle on it.

Home ownership has nothing to do with families struggling to meet monthly expenses. Lowering drug prices is something President Donald Trump started, and which President Joe Biden also takes credit for doing. And investing in infrastructure is a long-term project. In fact, the slow pace of the Biden-Harris administration’s progress on infrastructure — just eight charging stations in three years — has cast Harris’s promise on homebuilding in doubt.


PREMO Member

Walz’s former National Guard colleague alleges classified nuclear manual went missing in Nebraska during his tenure

Alpha News has learned from a former National Guard colleague of Walz that, during that time, a classified document allegedly went missing—the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) manual detailing the howitzer’s nuclear capabilities.

The retired Nebraska National Guard soldier, who worked with Walz for three years, recounted the disappearance in a phone interview with Alpha News. Fearing retaliation, he wishes to remain anonymous but is willing to cooperate with the FBI.

According to the retired soldier, Walz had just returned from another trip to China around the time when the manual went missing. He alleges Walz was one of the few with access to the building where the top-secret manual was stored and was “often the only one there.” The former battalion member said he believes Walz stole the nuclear SOP manual and later returned it.

Alpha News asked why the missing manual was never reported. The former battalion member explained there was frustration at the time within the unit over Walz “double-dipping,” as he was holding a full-time teaching job while also being expected to serve full time with the unit. He claims that Walz frequently neglected key duties, such as recruitment and payroll, which allegedly raised concerns to the point that a superior had to investigate. The former soldier stated that the unit was more focused on those issues, and when the manual eventually reappeared, it went unreported. In hindsight, the soldier believes he should have reported it when it first went missing but feared repercussions for not addressing it sooner.


PREMO Member

Tim Walz Posts DESPERATE Ad Pretending To Fix Truck After CNN ROASTS Kamala Harris LOSING Men Voters​



Power with Control

Tim Walz Stumped By Question on Inflation; Repeats Lie About Trump ‘Sales Tax’

He then offered a series of her proposals unrelated to inflation:

Home ownership has nothing to do with families struggling to meet monthly expenses. Lowering drug prices is something President Donald Trump started, and which President Joe Biden also takes credit for doing. And investing in infrastructure is a long-term project. In fact, the slow pace of the Biden-Harris administration’s progress on infrastructure — just eight charging stations in three years — has cast Harris’s promise on homebuilding in doubt.

So, a few trillion to pay some well connected national builders to build houses. Nobody else would be able to meet the insane requirements that will be levied upon them. And of course they will not be built well. And just like the homeless sheltering programs, each house will cost an insane amount.

Then a few more trillions to pay down payments, helping folks who cannot afford to keep a home to get in one, then lose it to foreclosure. That'll be great for the economy.

Lastly, I want to see this rural community money..... Aint gonna happen.


Well-Known Member
Go to Leonardtown and look around at new housing.
Houses so close you can smell you neighbors farts built on a 10th of an acre and selling for $400,000 dollars
They can cut the grass with a weed eater. No thanks.


PREMO Member



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PREMO Member

Who's the Weird One?

However, what goes beyond weird and is highly disturbing is Walz's relationship with the Communist Chinese Party. What was the purpose of all of those trips for American students that he led to China? I mean, why did da ol' football coach not spend more time taking his students to historical places in America, lots of great places like Independence Hall? Why not share the U.S. Constitution instead of Mao's little red book? And not just that association, what about his relationship with a very radical Islamic jihadist Imam in Minnesota? And let's not forget the number of Somali males who departed Minnesota to fight for ISIS.

Walz had some of the most stringent COVID lockdown policies as Governor and even instituted a "snitch line" to report those in violation. Sounds like something you would hear from China or perhaps the East German Stasi state. Yep, weird.

Minnesota has the highest State corporate tax rate at 9.8% and the sixth highest state individual income tax rate. Now, for leftists, that ain't weird, it is just who they are. Walz's Minnesota has seen a 6.2% economic growth, far below the US economic growth rate of 11.5%. Walz signed legislation expanding taxation of businesses' international income and curtailed standard and itemized deductions for taxpayers. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Minnesota's employment growth has been just .5% since January 2019. The national number is 5.8%.


Well-Known Member

Hasn't the Education of students in America reached a point where it has to be improved, and democrats want to bring in a Communist.
I agree with Trump. Let the States run their own education departments. Get rid of people like this.