Elections and Junk.


The one and only Princess
:popcorn: It takes me a while to post as I type very slow,

and I try to reply to every post that I can,

so eventually I will catch up till the next day. :bigwhoop:

Thanks. I did see your response and added more. So feel free to respond when you can.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Your use of Ghandi as your avatar makes me physically ill.
:buddies: Well I wish you would explain why???

I see myself as following much inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi so that avatar seems to suit me fine.

Plus I have had several compliments about my Gandhi avatar while I got many cut-downs for me using that Napoleon avatar.

Napoleon was a violent war monger and Gandhi a religious man that worked for justice so it works for me.



Well-Known Member
Thanks. I did see your response and added more. So feel free to respond when you can.
Did seeing some of his previous posts, reinforced by his current words, help you understand why we are a little upset with his attitudes on things?

As for your case, I'm glad you got it resolved, that you and your ex were adult enough to work things out, and that your child(ren) had the two of you available to them - responsibly caring for them. A case like yours proves there are reforms that could be made to the system. Honest, real problems that need to be fixed. A "candidate" for the federal system (where the law is NOT decided on child support) who supports effectively abolishing the system is NOT the way to get any reform.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.


What do you mean the law steals the child?
:diva: The law orders one parent to have custody and that legally alienates the other parent.

That is the law stealing the child(ren) and then demand child support as ransom payment or the separated parent will never see their own children again.

Then claiming the separated parent has some "rights" as a glamorized baby sitter twice a month by the Court is another part of the kidnapping or stealing the children.

And then still the law and the custodials demand the alienated parent must pay the thieves and it is disgusting.
FerretRescue said:
If you are divorced where should the child go since the parents are no longer together?
:coffee: We need a real solution and that is what I mean by reform the custody and child support system because now it is very unjust and destructive.

I see a big idea as a remedy would be that parents of a minor child must not be granted a divorce until the child reaches 22 years old.

That is only an idea but it is a logical solution since our society needs to protect and defend the family units.

Parents that have a minor child are still bonded and thus still married and it must not be legally adulterated.
FerretRescue said:
What do you mean your child was well cared for?
:coffee: I recognize now that he needed his father and it was my mistake to leave my son,

but he did have all his physical needs completely filled with housing, food, clothing, schooling, medical needs, etc.

What he only lacked was the guidance from his father and the situation denied that.
FerretRescue said:
Why shouldnt both parents help take care of the child?
:buddies: I really whole heartedly agree with that,

but the laws do not, and the Courts do not.

They take parental place away from one parent and gives custody to the other parent and thus the family is legally and factually destroyed by our misguided laws.

Paying the dirty thieves their ransom demands in c/s is NOT taking care of one's child.



The one and only Princess
Did seeing some of his previous posts, reinforced by his current words, help you understand why we are a little upset with his attitudes on things?

As for your case, I'm glad you got it resolved, that you and your ex were adult enough to work things out, and that your child(ren) had the two of you available to them - responsibly caring for them. A case like yours proves there are reforms that could be made to the system. Honest, real problems that need to be fixed. A "candidate" for the federal system (where the law is NOT decided on child support) who supports effectively abolishing the system is NOT the way to get any reform.

yes, and I agree.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Thank you for taking the time to answer. I know people say that child support is based on income but that really does not work out for everyone.
:coffee: It does not work out for anyone.

Some have found ways of getting around the system or made it easier but that only means a lighter yoke of bondage and it is only a little lesser injustice.

The law itself is corrupt and oppressive like an unjust heavy burden forced onto parents and it hurts families.

See this insiders report and that is the same corruption Nationwide link HERE.
somdprincess said:
When we divorced, we decided for the best interest of the children we would have joint custody. He having physical for the first two years then me and so on.
:coffee: Everybody I see or speak with say very similar things that they (the two parents) had decided for themselves the best interest of their own children,

then the unjust custody and child support laws got in the middle and screwed everything up.

The gov laws are hurting families and it needs to be stopped and reformed.
somdprincess said:
I got slammed with child support even though we had joint custody.
:coffee: It is not an accident that the law interferes and destroys the family unit because it is designed that way.

Parents can not even order the thieving gov out of their family business and we have a big problem from the abusive big daddy gov that needs to be corrected.

Whether I win or loose then I will continue trying to undermine the family destroying laws that our system is forcing onto our population.
somdprincess said:
I was barely making money at the time, working and going to school. But I was not about to let my children go without. I lost my car, and many other things. If I had not have had the grants I would not have been able to go to school.
:popcorn: You show that you were fortunate not to completely fall under the abuse but many other parents and families are destroyed by the unjust oppression.

It is not an accident that the law harmed you or other parents because the unjust laws are designed to harm the separated parents, and thereby degrade the custodials and the children.
somdprincess said:
I kept going to school because I knew down the road it would lead me to better jobs.
:diva: Many other parents fail and fall under the unjust laws and we must not overlook them.
somdprincess said:
When it came time for the kids to move in with me, I thought the child support would be reveresed. Nope. They continued to take. I had to fight to get it stopped while I had physical custody. Despite what it said in the divorce papers.
:popcorn: Note particularly that it was the law and the legal system that interfered and harmed your own parenting.

It is not the custodial (though many custodials do turn petty) and many blame the custodials but it is the unjust and abusive laws and Courts and enforcement Offices that destroy the family unit.

Other families and parents will provide for their own children as they have done since "Adam and Eve" but our big daddy gov has interfered and made of mess of things.

Marriage and family are religious institutions and we were to have a separation of Church from State but the gov broke that plan.
somdprincess said:
DSS was a complete joke filled with idiots.
:popcorn: I disagree, and see that video in the link above for the reality.

The custody and child support enforcement are smart and determined to do their hateful activity.

They believe their abuse of parents is their job and their duty and so our big daddy gov has case workers pretending to be a parenting God.

I trusted the law and the Courts too until I had to stand in front of them and found out that our society has been betrayed.
somdprincess said:
I am glad we got that all taken care of but it took a long time and with no help from DSS.
:coffee: The poorer and working poor and lower class parents that need our help the most are not competant to get legal help or to help themselves.

The jails have parents that are forced to agree with every injustice and then fail again.

Then the smarter ones turn to crime as I had to do, and I still say that defying the thieves is better then serving them.
somdprincess said:
Thank goodness my ex was willing to help get it all fixed but imagine if he was not.
:popcorn: That is a big point because most of the custodials are not,

and most custodials are not even given that option.

The laws cheat the separated parents when the custodials do not want it and when the children do not need it.

The child support and custody laws need to be reformed or our gov will destroy the family base of our society.


JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Maybe joint custody? But that did not work out too well for us.
:coffee: Anything less then joint custody is immoral.

Except is cases of factual physical abuse.

Taking custody away from one parent means legally destroying the family unit.


JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

But why should two people be forced to stay together if it is not working?
:buddies: Not granting a legal divorce does not mean that the parents must stay together.

There is lots of middle ground between divorce and marriage.

The gov pushes divorce onto our society and now we have a mess.

Many people will not even get married now and their reason is very well known that they fear the legal (gov) problems.

And now the gov has created the pre-nutual so it is not a real marriage at all.

If our society would give real protection to the marriage and give real defense of the family unit then marriage could go back to the high ground that it needs to be on in order to survive.

And it is not just marriage - because we need to start making child-birth and children back into being a blessing that it really is and not a burden.

Otherwise the USA is a large prison where the population is abused by our unjust and immoral gov.



Well-Known Member
yes, and I agree.
Many, many people tried to help me not bother myself with talking with him, answering his idiotic posts, etc. More people have put him on ignore than anyone I've heard of on this forum.

I couldn't stop. I honestly thought I could help him if I just understood where he was coming from. I was very wrong.

His viewpoint seems to be from his perceived injustices, and his limited mental capacity combined with that hatred hardened him to any logical or compassionate thought. You can see his heart was hardened to his son's plight, to his ex-wife's plight, and now to his bastard grandchild's plight.

I still attempt, with what little empathy I have left for him, to help him see the error of his thoughts. It's been a fruitless attempt for me. If you choose to continue, I wish you far more luck thatn I've had. For your sanity, and his soul.


Free to Fly
:buddies: Not granting a legal divorce does not mean that the parents must stay together.

There is lots of middle ground between divorce and marriage.

The gov pushes divorce onto our society and now we have a mess.

Many people will not even get married now and their reason is very well known that they fear the legal (gov) problems.

And now the gov has created the pre-nutual so it is not a real marriage at all.

If our society would give real protection to the marriage and give real defense of the family unit then marriage could go back to the high ground that it needs to be on in order to survive.

And it is not just marriage - because we need to start making child-birth and children back into being a blessing that it really is and not a burden.

Otherwise the USA is a large prison where the population is abused by our unjust and immoral gov.


I agree with you that many people give up on their marriages too soon. I do wonder though why you did not fight for your own marriage if you believe in marriage so strongly or did you? It looks as though your wife waited many years while you were gone and even after you came back before she finally filed for a divorce.


The one and only Princess
:buddies: Not granting a legal divorce does not mean that the parents must stay together.

There is lots of middle ground between divorce and marriage.

The gov pushes divorce onto our society and now we have a mess.

Many people will not even get married now and their reason is very well known that they fear the legal (gov) problems.

And now the gov has created the pre-nutual so it is not a real marriage at all.

If our society would give real protection to the marriage and give real defense of the family unit then marriage could go back to the high ground that it needs to be on in order to survive.

And it is not just marriage - because we need to start making child-birth and children back into being a blessing that it really is and not a burden.

Otherwise the USA is a large prison where the population is abused by our unjust and immoral gov.


But if it does not mean they have to stay together then what does it mean?


Well-Known Member
Oh, once we're done with CS, you can learn why JPC believes America should end its resistance against Muslim extremism and allow nutjobs like bin Laden to do whatever they want.
You mean, like where he started with this post?
It turns out that Usama Bin Laden gave a text book press release that goes right to the point.

Of course the message is mostly hidden from the USA public, link HERE.

We in the USA (land of free press) do not get the full and accurate transcript of the Bin Laden message, but enough is told that it is clear that UBL gave the speech text book perfect.

The Holy Quran says specifically that he is to tell the infidels in command - the ones in power and of privledge and position, he tells them to repent and turn from the evils, and if they do not turn then comes utter destruction.

The Quran does not instruct him to tell the "utter destruction" part but all of us that read the Quran know it.

Therefore Bin Laden has put a curse on the USA and its allies, he has called the wrath of God and he has done it the right way again.

He has offered terms for peace, or else destruction.

Surely the whole world by now has understood the true meaning of that message except for the self righteous Americans that haved turned into infidels.
People might say many things about Usama Bin Laden but he speaks for himself. :nerd:
Could he be supporting terrorism here?


Well-Known Member
But if it does not mean they have to stay together then what does it mean?
One of his previous answers to this very question:
The point is that a legal marriage gives options besides just divorce.

Like a spouse can bring law suit against the person adulterating the marriage and can legally do great harm to the one cheating with the spouse.

It is a sweet revenge and a satisfying tactic and if one jumps to a divorce then the options deteriorate.

A couple can separate and stay married at the same time and such legal strings on the other spouse are incredibly difficult against the other spouse that wants to get a divorce.

If the other spouse files for divorce then the other can ask the Court to deny it and demand reconciliation and that forces the adulterer out of hiding.

Fighting and abuse are real reasons for separating but by refusing to divorce then the fighting and the abuse is then forced into livable terms or else the pressure will brake the violent one.

Marriage is not meant to be easy and giving an easy divorce just cheats each of the couple out of their due.

I am not saying to accept wrong doings, I am saying to stay and fight for right.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.


and now to his bastard grandchild's plight.

:popcorn: This post quote above is not just that T_p is breaking the Forum rules link HERE,

as all I am saying to do is reform the child support to make it fair and just.

And now my one (1) year old grand daughter is degraded by that poster that also sees a children's school bus as a symbol of something dirty.

Many people still claim wrongly that the child support only goes after "deadbeat" parents but that has never been true.

The child support laws degrade the whole family because we have such self-righteous people that see a one year old child as being a "bastard" instead of the blessing from God that she truely is.

That kind of name calling and child degrading is based on and empowered by the child support laws because that is where T_p got his opinion and the child support is really a child degredation.

But that foolish T_p does not know that our gov sees his children as completely equal with mine.



Well-Known Member
This post quote above is not just that T_p is breaking the Forum rules link HERE,
Turn me in. I know I'm not doing what you claim, and I can withstand the scrutiny.
And now my one (1) year old grand daughter is degraded by that poster.
No, by your son. Is he married to your grandchild's mother? You've told me they're not married previously. Here's the dictionary definition of "bastard":
bas·tard Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[bas-terd] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a person born of unmarried parents; an illegitimate child.

Thus, I am using the English language properly, not degrading anyone. Her status is degrading, not my words.
That kind of name calling and child degrading is based on and empowered by the child support laws because that is where T_p got his opinion and the child support is really a child degredation.
But that foolish T_p does not know that our gov sees his children as completely equal with mine.:shortbus:
While I couldn't actually care less about how the government sees our children, mine have two parents who were married prior to birth (by significantly more than 9 months, if you get my drift). Mine have never been on a government handout system because one parent refused to support them (I just sucked it up). The parenthood of my children was never called into question, in court or anywhere else, by one of the parents (or anyone else, to my knowledge). So, I have to disagree with you on this one.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

I agree with you that many people give up on their marriages too soon. I do wonder though why you did not fight for your own marriage if you believe in marriage so strongly or did you? It looks as though your wife waited many years while you were gone and even after you came back before she finally filed for a divorce.
:coffee: I was a poorly educated and ignorant person and I screwed up my own marriage and destroyed my own family.

It was all my own fault and that is a fact.

She was not perfect and she had her times but I am the one that destroyed our marriage.

We were married in 1976, and separated in 1981 (5 years), divorced 1983.


I did not even find my now religious roots until five years later when I was about 30 years old.

So my beliefs and principles are hugely different now then they were at that time.
