Elections and Junk.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Do you get a little more ignorant each day or what?

I DO blame the parents Jimmy, as I would want someone to blame me and my husband had we ignored our son, and NEGLECTED him. And THAT is exactly what a parent who does not support or care for their child does. Feeling guilty yet?

The government has absolutely nothing to do with these compromising situations. My dad didn't run out on me because a law made him do it. That is a pathetic excuse of a cop out and you know it. So how about now?

Oh, and its posted matter of factly because anyone with a pair of eyes can see that point blank!

Do you want to know what I find degrading to children? Having to try and explain why their clothes are too small, because they can't afford new ones. Or why they can't go out with their friends because the money isn't there. Or how about the fact that they no longer have a mommy or daddy because one of them decided they weren't worth sticking around for? THAT is degrading. And now? Anything yet Jimmy?

And are you telling me you were poor and thats why you went to jail? NO. Its because of you ignorance and your neglect and your EMOTIONAL ABUSE through that neglect to your son that locked you up. So don't blame others because you could not stand up and be a man. Now are you feeling it yet?

Its not a false guilt, cupcake. Its because they failed to hold up their parental responsibility. Its that twinge when they KNOW they are doing wrong. Why else would so many of them hide? And run from it? Because they are COWARDS. Period. So if you aren't feeling it by now, then I am afraid you have no soul, Jimmy
:diva: A lot of people try to put the separated parents onto guilt trips like that,

but I know that those accusations are not real.

Many if not most parents do not have the self assurances that I have so they need my help in taking down such slander as that.


JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

You lie,that's not news .You advacate neglect of children with ignorant views of child support and you promote other parents to do the same ,wether you like to hear it or not I don't care but yes you advocate child abuse.It is your views that are wrong and unjust and to the people that can not defend or fend for themselves....well that makes you scum and a bully.
:popcorn: You will go down with the others when the child support gets exposed.

And I will remember your foolishness no more. :howdy:


:diva: A lot of people try to put the separated parents onto guilt trips like that,

but I know that those accusations are not real.

Many if not most parents do not have the self assurances that I have so they need my help in taking down such slander as that.


For Christ's sakes JPC, give it a rest. :shutup:


Well-Known Member
You want me to speak for myself? Okay, here's speaking for myself:
The child support arrears is not a true debt, that money never existed, there was nothing for the gov to steal or else they would have.

When the gov tells a parent that they owe $300 for next month or for last month then it is just a made-up out of nothing claim. The $300 does not exist except when the gov manages to steal the money and then stolen money exist. The stealing is real but the claim is false.

Like the gov said I owed $27,000 but that money never existed.

If I had that money then I could have gone to Los Vegas and spent it, but no.
If the money doesn't exist, how can it be stolen? If you weren't paying ($27,000 in arrears implies you were not paying), then what did you provide your child instead of child support money? (you already answered this one, you said you gave him nothing, but I'm trying to bring Princess up to speed)

Why did you feel your child wasn't worth your support? (I make this assumption based on no child support, and no support otherwise)


bite me
You want me to speak for myself? Okay, here's speaking for myself:If the money doesn't exist, how can it be stolen? If you weren't paying ($27,000 in arrears implies you were not paying), then what did you provide your child instead of child support money? (you already answered this one, you said you gave him nothing, but I'm trying to bring Princess up to speed)

Why did you feel your child wasn't worth your support? (I make this assumption based on no child support, and no support otherwise)

I am a little interested in knowing this myself before I vote.

Why didn't you support your child?
Why do you feel only one person needs to support the child?
How can you feel that it is stealing when the money is going to feed and clothe a child you brought into this world?

Okay that is it for now. I would like to have this information to know who I am going to vote for. TYI:howdy:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

I am a little interested in knowing this myself before I vote.

Why didn't you support your child?
Why do you feel only one person needs to support the child?
How can you feel that it is stealing when the money is going to feed and clothe a child you brought into this world?

Okay that is it for now. I would like to have this information to know who I am going to vote for. TYI:howdy:
:coffee: You have T_p's quote yet the questions appear to be directed at me.

If you think T_p is running for election then he can answer you.

This is why that I have been saying that this T_p is a fraud in that you are asking me questions based on his slander and his false claims.

So if you want to talk to me then do not hide behind the slander of T_p.

If you believe that obvious fraud of T_p then I do not care who you vote for.



I'm Rick James #####!
This is why that I have been saying that this T_p is a fraud in that you are asking me questions based on his slander and his false claims.

So if you want to talk to me then do not hide behind the slander of T_p.

If you believe that obvious fraud of T_p then I do not care who you vote for.


Hey crack head, This_person has been QUOTING you. Not making stuff up. He's provided verbatim quotes AND links to your original posts. That is not fraud. That is not speaking FOR you. That is not putting words in your mouth.

I find it amusing that you continue to use the shortbus smiley even after denigrating others for using it!:lol: Even more amusing, is you calling YOUR OWN quoted words "Filth", "Fraud", "False claims", etc.!!! :roflmao:

Even YOU don't believe your "platform"! :lmao: Now THAT is funny!!!


New Member
Have you guys seen those things where it says the definition of an idiot is where the do/say the same things over and over expecting a different result?


Free to Fly
Have you guys seen those things where it says the definition of an idiot is where the do/say the same things over and over expecting a different result?

That is the definition of "Insanity", not an "Idiot" - well, that is the quote attributed to insanity and not an idiot.


Methodically disorganized
Such entertaining memories, and some good stuff posted today as well. Good job, TP, for refreshing so much of ol' Jimmy's chart-topping vileness. :yay:

Where is princess now? :tap:


Methodically disorganized
I do try hard to communicate honestly and openly with everyone on here, and some times I may fail at it but I still do try.
You have said this many times, yet it seems impossible to believe. No one could be as daft as you, therefore, you must be consciously spewing crap. But perhaps that judgment is in error; perhaps you are genuinely trying to be honest.

Unfortunately, neither approach is ultimately positive for you. Either you are a calculating liar or a bumbling sociopath; neither type deserves any power beyond controlling himself - and sometimes I doubt you should have even that much.

JPC sr said:
I am never going to accept T_p or anyone else speaking for me and that is all I can do.
You must have stated differing versions of this at least ten times today. But for all your whining, you never did attempt to correct the supposed "fraud" or "twisted words". If TP is not speaking for you and/or is speaking wrongly... correct him.

Of course, that's based on the presumption that TP has said anything, when all he has really done is used your own words against you.

Do you or do you not stand by your previous statements, candidate?

guilt trips... accusations... slander
Great response to mella. She posted with reason and actually addressed your statements, and all you could come back with was... your cut-and-paste :blahblah:

So if you want to talk to me then do not hide behind the slander of T_p. If you believe that obvious fraud of T_p then I do not care who you vote for.
Excellent response to someone who actually gave you a fair chance! You are SPEEDING towards that 50.1%. :lmao:


New Member
:coffee: You have T_p's quote yet the questions appear to be directed at me.

If you think T_p is running for election then he can answer you.

This is why that I have been saying that this T_p is a fraud in that you are asking me questions based on his slander and his false claims.

So if you want to talk to me then do not hide behind the slander of T_p.

If you believe that obvious fraud of T_p then I do not care who you vote for.


Ok, answer the questions...........

1)Did you support your own son financially when you were suppose to?

2) If it is not the parents job to support their own children,who's job is it and why?
3) Did you go to jail becuase you didn't want to pay(or refused to pay) child support?


New Member
Such entertaining memories, and some good stuff posted today as well. Good job, TP, for refreshing so much of ol' Jimmy's chart-topping vileness. :yay:

Where is princess now? :tap:

She is home,till Jimmie pays her to post again.Does she charge per word or a flat fee?


Methodically disorganized
I was thinking more about Jimmy's inconsistencies, and decided to add this...

I want to reform and improve the child support laws and I run for election to get the process going

Versus something Jimmy posted less than 3 months ago...
The slander and lies are meaningless to me, and the message will destroy your dirty little child support.
So which is it, Jimmy? Do you wish to "reform" the laws or "destroy" them? My guess is that you softened your most recent words because you are attempting to retain Princess's support. If she knew that your real wish is to totally dismantle the CS system, she may turn on you.

But, I'm certainly not the type to speak for you - like that dog TP, so why don't you explain what you are really seeking.

See he does not give a link too my so-called words as then anyone could see the entire thing and see the context and see the rest of the post.
By the way, you never did apologize for being completely wrong there. TIA! (That's "Thanks In Advance", not profanity.)


The one and only Princess
:coffee: You have T_p's quote yet the questions appear to be directed at me.

If you think T_p is running for election then he can answer you.

This is why that I have been saying that this T_p is a fraud in that you are asking me questions based on his slander and his false claims.

So if you want to talk to me then do not hide behind the slander of T_p.

If you believe that obvious fraud of T_p then I do not care who you vote for.


I am pretty sure the questions were directed to you. But, Okay, then let me give it a go. I will try not to be rude but hope you will take the time to answer, running for any kind of office you should expect some positive as well as negitive questions.

Why did or do you feel that you should not have paid child support to help feed and cloth your child?

Since both of you had the child, and you left why was it only up to the mother to take care of the child?

How do you plan on changing child support for the better because it does need reform.

How do you think people should approach raising a child without having to depend on the government for a hand out?



Methodically disorganized
How do you think people should approach raising a child without having to depend on the government for a hand out?
Another good JPCism.

JPC has made his hatred of the U.S. government and the laws that maintain our civility and stability well-known. So on the one hand, he says...
We really need to get the gov out of the family business.

We do not need the gov monitoring the personal lives of our families.

However, he also needs to find a rationale that can supply a basis for his belief that it is okay for a parent to leave their family at will. That basis is that children already "have their needs met" by way of guess who...
Plus the custodials can get assistance from extended families (remember the Waltons) or from friends and churches and the gov is required to provide for the welfare of the population so the custodial has a right to public assistance whenever it is needed.

All of those alternatives is better then being a thief - or recieving stolen money called child support.
Ponder the last sentence for a moment: JPC believes being on welfare is better than supporting one's family with child support.

That is honestly one of the most disturbing and disgusting assertions he has ever made, in my opinion. And he never has come up with a reasonable answer to why the government should remove itself in one way, but be a key source of financial aid on the other.


The one and only Princess
Another good JPCism.

JPC has made his hatred of the U.S. government and the laws that maintain our civility and stability well-known. So on the one hand, he says...

However, he also needs to find a rationale that can supply a basis for his belief that it is okay for a parent to leave their family at will. That basis is that children already "have their needs met" by way of guess who...Ponder the last sentence for a moment: JPC believes being on welfare is better than supporting one's family with child support.

That is honestly one of the most disturbing and disgusting assertions he has ever made, in my opinion. And he never has come up with a reasonable answer to why the government should remove itself in one way, but be a key source of financial aid on the other.


I am not going to get a response from JPC am I?


Methodically disorganized
I am not going to get a response from JPC am I?
I'm sure you will... but don't expect it to be on point or coherent whatsoever.

Oh, once we're done with CS, you can learn why JPC believes America should end its resistance against Muslim extremism and allow nutjobs like bin Laden to do whatever they want.


Free to Fly
She is home,till Jimmie pays her to post again.Does she charge per word or a flat fee?

Oh Please! Like he would break out even .50 cents from his wallet? Besides I think Princess has used her own wisdom to read and see JPC for exactly the delusional phony (this is the clean cut version) that he is based on her most recent post.