Elections and Junk.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Hey crack head, This_person has been QUOTING you. Not making stuff up. He's provided verbatim quotes AND links to your original posts. That is not fraud. That is not speaking FOR you. That is not putting words in your mouth.
:coffee: Why do you not do that ???

Because you speak for your self like an adult.

I am proud of my words and I like my posts and if anyone wants to know what I say or believe then me and my posts are readily available.

That T_p is only presenting a fraud and he needs to speak for himself.

If he wants to run for election then he would not need to pretend speaking for me.
Lugnut said:
I find it amusing that you continue to use the shortbus smiley even after denigrating others for using it!:lol: Even more amusing, is you calling YOUR OWN quoted words "Filth", "Fraud", "False claims", etc.!!! :roflmao:
:shortbus: Others mis-use the schoolbus to degrade people and I do not in any way mean anything negative or dirty by the bus as like others do.

That is the BIG difference.
Lugnut said:
Even YOU don't believe your "platform"! :lmao: Now THAT is funny!!!
:coffee: Of course I believe my own platform and it is still the same on my campaign website, see link in Signature.

If you accept T_p as speaking for me then that does not make me the fool.


JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

you never did attempt to correct the supposed "fraud" or "twisted words". If TP is not speaking for you and/or is speaking wrongly... correct him.
:coffee: I am never going to play childish games with T_p or anyone else on here. :bigwhoop:


Methodically disorganized
I am proud of my words and I like my posts and if anyone wants to know what I say or believe then me and my posts are readily available.
Yes, and thanks to TP we have your words right in front of us because...
what TP quoted were your posts!

JPC sr said:
If you accept T_p as speaking for me then that does not make me the fool.
And you still have not given any opposition to any of your posts he quoted.

Do you or do you not stand by your own words?

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

1)Did you support your own son financially when you were suppose to?
:coffee: I say that I (or any parent) am the one to decide what I am to do and not to do as a parent (excluding physical abuse).

Of course my son was fine and very well provided for.
Giantone said:
2) If it is not the parents job to support their own children,who's job is it and why?
:coffee: Of course the parents are to care for their own children,

but when the law steals the child(ren) from one parent then the parent with custody must provide as that is what custody means.

If the one parent can not or does not want to provide then give custody to the other parent.

They do not have the right to steal.
Giantone said:
3) Did you go to jail becuase you didn't want to pay(or refused to pay) child support?
:coffee: No, I went to Court the first time believing I would get a fair hearing and we would work out whatever was needed.

The Court did not and the crooks put me in jail immediately on the spot at the end of that so-called "Court Hearing",

then after that I went back to jail and to prison in direct defiance of the dirty thieves.

But none of that had anything to do with my son as he was never there and he was well provided for.


JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

So which is it, Jimmy? Do you wish to "reform" the laws or "destroy" them?
:coffee: The mis-represented quote is saying that I want to destroy the dirty little child support situation for T_p doing to his children's mom,

but I want to reform the whole system too.

So I want to reform the child support system and I particularly want to destroy the hate filled situation that T_p describes of his mistreatment of his children's mom through the degrading child support thievery.

There is no contradiction there.



Methodically disorganized
Of course the parents are to care for their own children
But at the same time, they are "not morally obligated" to provide anything they don't want to, correct?

JPC sr said:
No, I went to Court the first time believing I would get a fair hearing and we would work out whatever was needed.
You did not pay for 3 years, and you treated him unfairly for 3 years; whether your son was "well provided for" or not is irrelevant. I think you got exactly what you deserved.

JPC sr said:
But none of that had anything to do with my son as he was never there and he was well provided for.
And, as an aside, I still don't know how you knew he was well cared for during the timespan that you had a total disconnect from him.

The mis-represented quote...
I would ask how I misrepresented you, but I don't want to be called a dog and a fraud. :lmao:

JPC sr said:
is saying that I want to destroy the dirty little child support situation for T_p doing to his children's mom
To the contrary, I think you are misrepresenting me, as I was not referring to TP's case in the slightest; I was highlighting your inconsistencies.

JPC sr said:
So I want to reform the child support system and I particularly want to destroy the hate filled situation that T_p describes of his mistreatment of his children's mom through the degrading child support thievery.
That almost makes sense. So it is safe to reason that when you said, "the message will destroy your dirty little child support," you made a bit of misstatement, since you do not wish to destroy CS altogether, just the perceived injustices.

Of course, then we come to the fact that what you perceive as an injustice is child support. I think that you, at the very least, would like to remove all CS enforcement and obligation, thus making the system so weak and pointless that it will virtually be non-existent. Correct?

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Why did or do you feel that you should not have paid child support to help feed and cloth your child?
:coffee: At first I did believe the child support was right and proper and I truely did try to comply.

Even after many set backs and failures I kept trying for years.

I moved back to home St. Mary's County to repent and to fix things and I went to Court willingly and honestly and the Court trashed me and got immediately thrown into jail (which I later learned was illegal in itself as it was a Master's Hearing) and even after jail I kept trying to comply and I lost my rent and got out homeless in my car and they took me back to Court and put me back in jail again 179 days for child support and then got released with the car no longer available and on the streets of Leonardtown in January winter and the BOSE (Bureau of Support Enforcement) ordered me to pay while homeless and jobless and about to freeze to death. So it was then that I decided that I needed to live and survive in this world and I had the truely inspirational idea, that I still love having had, of spray painting the Court House with my only message I thought apropriate - "Thieves of Child Support" "Thou shalt not steal" in green and I was thereafter at war with the dirty thievery of child support.
somdprincess said:
Since both of you had the child, and you left why was it only up to the mother to take care of the child?
:coffee: It was the law that got in the way.

I was happy to help with my son, but I was not and still am not happy with being violently robbed.

I say any honest citizen needs to help fight the dirty thievery while we still can.
somdprincess said:
How do you plan on changing child support for the better because it does need reform.
:coffee: First and foremost is we need to stop the name calling and slander of "deadbeat" and start helping parents instead of persecuting the parents.

The laws are corrupt and that slander is not true or correct.

It is not just the name calling words that I object to, but the mind-set and concept behind the degrading of parents which is so wrong to do.

The first need in reforming the child support is to expose the ugly and hateful reality of what is really being done.
somdprincess said:
How do you think people should approach raising a child without having to depend on the government for a hand out?

:coffee: Welfare is not really a "hand out" but a hand up.

Our welfare system tries really hard to help people in need and the persons must qualify under the aplication process and gov subsidized welfare is a needed and valuable part of our society.

The degrading of parents and degrading the people on welfare are wrong and unjust.



Methodically disorganized
I say not.
When I suggested you shut your piehole and stop whining I was following your advice.
I have often heard it said as an American tradition: That if one has nothing to add to the convesation then they need to shut up.
I think a dozen repetitions of you calling TP a "fraud" and claiming he was somehow "twisting" your quoted words, all while not advancing the discussion, qualifies to receive your sage advice. :shrug:

I had the truely inspirational idea, that I still love having had, of spray painting the Court House

JPC sr said:
It was the law that got in the way. I was happy to help with my son, but I was not and still am not happy with being violently robbed.
You really should stop making this so easy! Let's go back to one of your old accounts of the events that followed your separation - and what is probably TP's favorite [JPC] post ever...
When I first separated I paid all the bills as she stayed in our house and that was rediculous as it was like I just was not home, so then I stopped and she would not file for divorce or for child support so again it was unacceptable, then it was thought that they could live off the family or the gov if need be, but since there was property and credit available then the time restraints became a problem, so I deserted to let them figure it out. It took another two years (1983) before a divorce decree was issued.
So, to sum up, immediately following your separation, your ex-wife took no legal action at all, in fact refusing to do so. Eventually, you left town of your own free will. And the law did not become involved for another two years.

How do you resolve that with the statements you made tonight? (If you choose to ignore this, I will repost it into oblivion until you answer one way or another... but you will answer. And the others here will recognize your inconsistency in recounting your own history.)

JPC sr said:
First and foremost is we need to stop the name calling and slander of "deadbeat"... The laws are corrupt and that slander is not true or correct.
This reminds me of your standard response when someone calls you a "retard" or an "idiot"; you could be an idiot and still be correct. Likewise, we could remove the label of "deadbeat" from all the deserting parents... but they would still be deserting parents.

JPC sr said:
Our welfare system tries really hard to help people in need and the persons must qualify under the aplication process and gov subsidized welfare is a needed and valuable part of our society.
Good point there that the parents need to actually qualify for welfare benefits. Need I repost my posts discussing the very meager amounts the average welfare recipient receives? Or the fact that welfare benefits are now limited to a total of 60 months (I think)? So for the deserting parent who thinks it okay to let their kid eat welfare food and wear welfare clothing, that parent would have to come up with a new excuse once the benefits run out and the family is once again hungry.
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bite me
:coffee: I say that I (or any parent) am the one to decide what I am to do and not to do as a parent (excluding physical abuse).

Of course my son was fine and very well provided for.
:coffee: Of course the parents are to care for their own children,

but when the law steals the child(ren) from one parent then the parent with custody must provide as that is what custody means.

If the one parent can not or does not want to provide then give custody to the other parent.

They do not have the right to steal.:coffee: No, I went to Court the first time believing I would get a fair hearing and we would work out whatever was needed.

The Court did not and the crooks put me in jail immediately on the spot at the end of that so-called "Court Hearing",

then after that I went back to jail and to prison in direct defiance of the dirty thieves.

But none of that had anything to do with my son as he was never there and he was well provided for.


What do you mean the law steals the child? If you are divorced where should the child go since the parents are no longer together?

What do you mean your child was well cared for?

Why shouldnt both parents help take care of the child?


The one and only Princess
:coffee: At first I did believe the child support was right and proper and I truely did try to comply.

Even after many set backs and failures I kept trying for years.

I moved back to home St. Mary's County to repent and to fix things and I went to Court willingly and honestly and the Court trashed me and got immediately thrown into jail (which I later learned was illegal in itself as it was a Master's Hearing) and even after jail I kept trying to comply and I lost my rent and got out homeless in my car and they took me back to Court and put me back in jail again 179 days for child support and then got released with the car no longer available and on the streets of Leonardtown in January winter and the BOSE (Bureau of Support Enforcement) ordered me to pay while homeless and jobless and about to freeze to death. So it was then that I decided that I needed to live and survive in this world and I had the truely inspirational idea, that I still love having had, of spray painting the Court House with my only message I thought apropriate - "Thieves of Child Support" "Thou shalt not steal" in green and I was thereafter at war with the dirty thievery of child support.:coffee: It was the law that got in the way.

I was happy to help with my son, but I was not and still am not happy with being violently robbed.

I say any honest citizen needs to help fight the dirty thievery while we still can.:coffee: First and foremost is we need to stop the name calling and slander of "deadbeat" and start helping parents instead of persecuting the parents.

The laws are corrupt and that slander is not true or correct.

It is not just the name calling words that I object to, but the mind-set and concept behind the degrading of parents which is so wrong to do.

The first need in reforming the child support is to expose the ugly and hateful reality of what is really being done.:coffee: Welfare is not really a "hand out" but a hand up.

Our welfare system tries really hard to help people in need and the persons must qualify under the aplication process and gov subsidized welfare is a needed and valuable part of our society.

The degrading of parents and degrading the people on welfare are wrong and unjust.


Thank you for taking the time to answer. I know people say that child support is based on income but that really does not work out for everyone. When we divorced, we decided for the best interest of the children we would have joint custody. He having physical for the first two years then me and so on.

I got slammed with child support even though we had joint custody. I was barely making money at the time, working and going to school. But I was not about to let my children go without. I lost my car, and many other things. If I had not have had the grants I would not have been able to go to school.

I kept going to school because I knew down the road it would lead me to better jobs.

When it came time for the kids to move in with me, I thought the child support would be reveresed. Nope. They continued to take. I had to fight to get it stopped while I had physical custody. Despite what it said in the divorce papers. DSS was a complete joke filled with idiots.

I am glad we got that all taken care of but it took a long time and with no help from DSS.

Thank goodness my ex was willing to help get it all fixed but imagine if he was not.
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The one and only Princess
What do you mean the law steals the child? If you are divorced where should the child go since the parents are no longer together?

What do you mean your child was well cared for?

Why shouldnt both parents help take care of the child?

Maybe joint custody? But that did not work out too well for us.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.


I am not going to get a response from JPC am I?
:popcorn: It takes me a while to post as I type very slow,

and I try to reply to every post that I can,

so eventually I will catch up till the next day. :bigwhoop:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

How do you resolve that with the statements you made tonight?
:buddies: It is because I have to tell things in short post while the story covers some 15 years of child support.

I separated from my wife in 1981 but did not go to jail untill 1994 and so I first paid child support in 1981 and first went to jail in 1994 and first spray painted the building of the c/s thieves in 1996.

Of course I could try to write a year by year autobiography but I say not.

Also I have tried hard not to make the injustices done to myself in my own case as part of my position as I am not trying to go back in time for myself (except for late justice) but rather to go forward to help other parents and other families that are still presently being mistreated by the child support thievery.
