Elections and Junk.


Free to Fly
:coffee: I was a poorly educated and ignorant person and I screwed up my own marriage and destroyed my own family.

It was all my own fault and that is a fact.

She was not perfect and she had her times but I am the one that destroyed our marriage.

We were married in 1976, and separated in 1981 (5 years), divorced 1983.


I did not even find my now religious roots until five years later when I was about 30 years old.

So my beliefs and principles are hugely different now then they were at that time.


Thank you. That explanation makes a lot of sense and it happens to a lot of marriages.


New Member

I say that I (or any parent) am the one to decide what I am to do and not to do as a parent (excluding physical abuse).

When you walked out on your family you gave that right up.

Of course my son was fine and very well provided for. Of course the parents are to care for their own children,

Your Ex took care of your son ...you did not.

but when the law steals the child(ren) from one parent then the parent with custody must provide as that is what custody means.

If the one parent can not or does not want to provide then give custody to the other parent.

This is a childs life we are taliking about not apet that you just walk away from. The law did not steal from you .............YOU RAN AWAY FROM YOUR WIFE AND YOUR SON.

They do not have the right to steal. No, I went to Court the first time believing I would get a fair hearing and we would work out whatever was needed.

The Court did not and the crooks put me in jail immediately on the spot at the end of that so-called "Court Hearing",

then after that I went back to jail and to prison in direct defiance of the dirty thieves.

But none of that had anything to do with my son as he was never there and he was well provided for.

BS.............it has everything to do with your son you moron! Had you paid your child support you never would have gone to jail.
YOU were 3 years behind in payments the judge can do what he wants to you.......you weren't homeless either you stayed with your Mom and you went on disability ,which was another lie becuase you could and can work you choose not to like you choose to abandon you wife and child.
I see you ignore the fact that you ex only asked for help when she found out she was dying of cancer and you , you worthles peice of scum made her life hell buy not helping her .She only wanted to know her child...YOUR SON... would be safe while she was dying and you would'nt even willing to do that.Nope you want others to take care of your child Grandparents,Aunts,Uncle's,Brothers and Sisters and even the tax payer ...everyone but you.


New Member
Not sure why you'd not see it as your duty to inform as many as possible through your interview what your message is. :confused:

So, in the interest of being helpful, let's give you a practice interview:

What is your stand on the illegal alien issue?
You've made it clear that you support anyone being here for any reason at any time. You've made it clear that you perceive an illegal alien as having the rights of a full citizen, and that no one has any responsibilities as a citizen.
What is your stand on border security?
See above, you see no reason for borders, as they are simply needless imaginary lines drawn by thugs.
What is your stand on the Iraq war? Or, the war on terror in general?
You've made it clear that we all need to follow bin Laden and accept that we must live however he tells us. When he says we are not following our own religion correctly (yes, fellow forumites, I know that's not what he said, but this is Jimmy's belief) and we must change our ways or be killed, we must change our ways and hope that we act as bin Laden demands so he'll stop telling people to kill us. That was what you suggested was his peace offer, and you've made it clear that you think we should follow his demands. Then, all will be good. As for Iraq, we should get out now, ending our "occupation", and let that country run itself - regardless of the consequences to us, or other nations.
What is your view on Mideast Peace process?
You've made it clear that there can be "no peace until those bastard Jews get out of Palestinian land."
What is the main plank of your platform? What do you most hope to accomplish if elected?
Two things:
  • Repealing any laws that force the brutal government to steal non-custodial parents money from them to give luxuries to their children; while removing any ability for people to divorce until their children are at least a certain age (what age was it, Jimmy? 23?)
  • Remove ANY ability for ANYONE to get an abortion EVER. All children are God's gifts to parents, and these children should never be aborted - not in the case of rape, not if the pregnancy is physically harming the mother - never.

What do you think, did I nail your talking points for you?

Deserved a bump.:buddies:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

But if it does not mean they have to stay together then what does it mean?
:whistle: If we had laws that defended the marriages and protected the families then there could be reconcilliation in troubled marriages.

That would be better then the push divorce and only divorce laws that we have now.



The one and only Princess
:coffee: I was a poorly educated and ignorant person and I screwed up my own marriage and destroyed my own family.

It was all my own fault and that is a fact.

She was not perfect and she had her times but I am the one that destroyed our marriage.

We were married in 1976, and separated in 1981 (5 years), divorced 1983.


I did not even find my now religious roots until five years later when I was about 30 years old.

So my beliefs and principles are hugely different now then they were at that time.


why did you leave? you dont have to answer but it would be nice if you did.


The one and only Princess
:whistle: If we had laws that defended the marriages and protected the families then there could be reconcilliation in troubled marriages.

That would be better then the push divorce and only divorce laws that we have now.


but then that allows the government to decide if you should stay married or not. It would be easier to make getting married harder.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

why did you leave? you dont have to answer but it would be nice if you did.
:coffee: It is true that I can not tell that - or more correctly - I will not tell that.

It was my own fault and I remember it well and that just has to be sufficient.

But I am NOT running for election nor basing any of my positions based on my own past history.

I am only trying to help other parents and other families being persecuted by the unjust laws and it is not to help myself.



The one and only Princess
:coffee: It is true that I can not tell that - or more correctly - I will not tell that.

It was my own fault and I remember it well and that just has to be sufficient.

But I am NOT running for election nor basing any of my positions based on my own past history.

I am only trying to help other parents and other families being persecuted by the unjust laws and it is not to help myself.


understandable. I was just curious as to why you would want to stregthen marriages when you did not do yours. I am not trying to throw stones.

It just reminded me of the drinker who quits drinking or the smoker who quits smoking.

What are you plans to promote your platform? Any public appearances?


New Member
:whistle: If we had laws that defended the marriages and protected the families then there could be reconcilliation in troubled marriages.

That would be better then the push divorce and only divorce laws that we have now.


So it's just another law you (JPC) would break and go to jail for .........,ya see you would just get up and runnaway like you did before................JPC is a liar and a fruad and he promotes child neglect.


New Member
:coffee: It is true that I can not tell that - or more correctly - I will not tell that.

It was my own fault and I remember it well and that just has to be sufficient.

But I am NOT running for election nor basing any of my positions based on my own past history.

I am only trying to help other parents and other families being persecuted by the unjust laws and it is not to help myself.


See this is one big lie,you are a self serving liar and are strickly out for yourself............ask your son?


bite me
If only intelligent people who were going to do right by their children were allowed to reproduce I wonder what the world population would drop down to?

I am not sure, depends on who is doing the judging, that is why I would prefer to leave that in Gods hands. He knows alot better than we do.


Free to Fly
I am not sure, depends on who is doing the judging, that is why I would prefer to leave that in Gods hands. He knows alot better than we do.

Excellent Point! There are people who think they are highly intelligent but would be the only ones who thought so and humble people who have wisdom that they never boast of. Very well said.