Elections and Junk.


Well-Known Member
But I say to ONLY prosecute the outsider that actually adulterates the marriage and not the married spouse that messed up.
The married spouse does never get off free from reprecussions but under force of law the gov must protect the marriage and defend the family from immoral attacks from outside.
Yes, it's not the person who is tempted's fault, it's the temptress. The person who actually made the promise should not be held responsible, but someone who had nothing to do with the promise should bear the brunt of the blame.

Oh, wait, that's stupid. Never mind!
If some one comes into our house and steals stuff then we can blame the owner that left the door open and left the valuables exposed but the law punishes the thief.
See, when you say this, you make it sound like you understand. HAVING stuff would be temptation, like someone tempting the theif. Actually stealing is taking an action, like cheating on your spouse - the cheating spouse is the thief! But, someone, you twist it around. I wish I could get through your skull and understand what warped your thoughts so much.
Well look at what is left now. High divorce rates, broken homes, damaged families, children without their parent, custody battles, child support collection agencies,:)eyebrow:) and more.
We either defend marriages and protect families or else we watch our society deteriorate.
Are you speaking of people taking responsibility for correcting the society in which they live by raising their own actions? Or, are you talking about somehow legislating morality - your version thereof?
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JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Yes, it's not the person who is tempted's fault, it's the temptress. The person who actually made the promise should not be held responsible, but someone who had nothing to do with the promise should bear the brunt of the blame.

Oh, wait, that's stupid. Never mind!

See, when you say this, you make it sound like you understand. HAVING stuff would be temptation, like someone tempting the theif. Actually stealing is taking an action, like cheating on your spouse - the cheating spouse is the thief! But, someone, you twist it around. I wish I could get through your skull and understand what warped your thoughts so much.Are you speaking of people taking responsibility for correcting the society in which they live by raising their own actions? Or, are you talking about somehow legislating morality - your version thereof?
:diva: You can still blame your spouse and you can still kick people that are already down and you can still get divorces and you will always be able to keep criticizing everything that comes up.

Nobody and no law will ever stop your kind of self righteousness and I am not trying to do that either.

I am only making suggestions on how to improve things and to help strengthen marriages and families and I do not like the nasty way things are now.



Well-Known Member
You can still blame your spouse
For what, for cheating on me? I do. I also blame myself for letting the marriage get to that point. However, it was at that point for me, too, and I didn't cheat. That's why I blame her. And, not the person with whom she cheated. See, she made her promise to me. He didn't, the government didn't. Thus, her failing to live up to her promise was her fault. Letting the marriage get to that point was both of our faults.
and you can still kick people that are already down
Whom are you claiming I'm kicking while down?
and you can still get divorces and you will always be able to keep criticizing everything that comes up.

Nobody and no law will ever stop your kind of self righteousness and I am not trying to do that either.

I am only making suggestions on how to improve things and to help strengthen marriages and families and I do not like the nasty way things are now.
And, thus, my question was what is your suggestion? To make a law, legislating morality (as you see it), or are you suggesting just that people start acting better? What, exactly, are you suggesting?

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

For what, for cheating on me? I do. I also blame myself for letting the marriage get to that point. However, it was at that point for me, too, and I didn't cheat. That's why I blame her. And, not the person with whom she cheated. See, she made her promise to me. He didn't, the government didn't. Thus, her failing to live up to her promise was her fault. Letting the marriage get to that point was both of our faults.
:coffee: The woman is the lesser vessal so that if we push them then they break.

Put pressure on and they fold.

It is not their weakness - it represents their value, link.
This_person said:
Whom are you claiming I'm kicking while down?
:diva: You appear to do it every chance you get - to anyone for any reason.
This_person said:
And, thus, my question was what is your suggestion?
:coffee: At the moment some other poster suggested pre-marriage classes so the couple would be better prepared to make it work and make the marriage last long.

I like that idea very much.
This_person said:
To make a law, legislating morality (as you see it), or are you suggesting just that people start acting better? What, exactly, are you suggesting?
:coffee: I am saying that all people are morally weak and outsiders prey on the weaknesses and the vulnerabilities of married persons and so I say we need laws to help the married couple to remain faithful and moral while at the same time creating laws that would protect the marriage from being immorally violated by an outsider adulterer.

Now I can not do such a thing as our 5th District Congressman but if I won then I would have a podium or pulpit to preach such suggestions to those that do make the laws and to the general public.

Here we are just discussing the possibilities.


Free to Fly
Yes, it's not the person who is tempted's fault, it's the temptress. The person who actually made the promise should not be held responsible, but someone who had nothing to do with the promise should bear the brunt of the blame.

Oh, wait, that's stupid. Never mind!See, when you say this, you make it sound like you understand. HAVING stuff would be temptation, like someone tempting the theif. Actually stealing is taking an action, like cheating on your spouse - the cheating spouse is the thief! But, someone, you twist it around. I wish I could get through your skull and understand what warped your thoughts so much.Are you speaking of people taking responsibility for correcting the society in which they live by raising their own actions? Or, are you talking about somehow legislating morality - your version thereof?

I have debated this issue before with JPC. These are the same answers I received. I also mentioned the promises made before me and before the Lord. I asked how many times was I to forgive the thief being allowed into the store. It became another one of those vicious circles but you are welcome to try and see how you do of course. Good luck!


Lem Putt
The woman is the lesser vessal so that if we push them then they break.
Now you're saying that women are too weak to resist adultery? What an incredibly sexist thing to say!

So, are you going to change your stance and just charge the man in all cases?


Well-Known Member
:coffee: The woman is the lesser vessal so that if we push them then they break.
So, the logical conclusion from this would be that you think it is only the man who can be wrong in this case? After all, if a husband is tempted by a "lesser vesal" who would break if we pushed them, she can never be at fault. Monica was not at fault, Bill was. I see.
Put pressure on and they fold. It is not their weakness - it represents their value, link.
Do you really think this of women? Especially what the link you provided says? If you do, I'd like to ensure it gets posted in "The Ladies Room"
I am saying that all people are morally weak and outsiders prey on the weaknesses and the vulnerabilities of married persons and so I say we need laws to help the married couple to remain faithful and moral while at the same time creating laws that would protect the marriage from being immorally violated by an outsider adulterer.
We have laws like that. When a husband or wife acts unfaithfully, or immorally, then the other spouse may divorce them, dividing property, ruining lives by the unfaithful and immoral spouse's actions. What more do we need?
Now I can not do such a thing as our 5th District Congressman but if I won then I would have a podium or pulpit to preach such suggestions to those that do make the laws and to the general public.

Here we are just discussing the possibilities.
You can't convince people on here of anything. Should you declare the sky blue, the night dark, and the year to have four seasons you'd be roundly attacked - because you're you. When you (rarely) state something true, no one will believe you, because it comes from you. You are soooooooo wrong on 99.9% of what you say - and so tirelessly defensive of everything you're wrong about - that no one will ever take you seriously. Your pulpit would only help anyone and everyone who disagrees with you.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

I have debated this issue before with JPC. These are the same answers I received. I also mentioned the promises made before me and before the Lord. I asked how many times was I to forgive the thief being allowed into the store. It became another one of those vicious circles but you are welcome to try and see how you do of course. Good luck!
:diva: Well I do believe that we need to promote more forgiveness and repentance and reconciliation and marriage counciling and more to try to save the families.

If the person repents each time then I say to forgive them 70 times 7 times.

Remember Hillary Clinton who has greater power and respect now because she saved her marriage instead of dumping the fool.



Well-Known Member
I have debated this issue before with JPC. These are the same answers I received. I also mentioned the promises made before me and before the Lord. I asked how many times was I to forgive the thief being allowed into the store. It became another one of those vicious circles but you are welcome to try and see how you do of course. Good luck!
I read it then and was as shocked then as I am now. It's incredible to see what he'll say next.

BTW, I DID put it in The Ladies Room. I'm curious how people will respond.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

We have laws like that. When a husband or wife acts unfaithfully, or immorally, then the other spouse may divorce them, dividing property, ruining lives by the unfaithful and immoral spouse's actions. What more do we need?
:coffee: We could do a lot more.

But when people settle for that quoted above then that is what they get.

And again I point to Hillary Clinton as an honorable example of defying that horrible method.



Well-Known Member
We could do a lot more.
What, specifically, would you preach for - wasting federal taxpayers money by wasting your time on a subject that you can do nothing about in that position?
And again I point to Hillary Clinton as an honorable example of defying that horrible method.
But, isn't she just the "lesser vessal", broken by Bill's pushing? Of course she defied the method, if women are what you say. She was too weak not to. As was Monica too weak not to submit to Bill's unfaithful and immoral ways. That was clearly all Bill's doing, and you have shown it for what it is.


Free to Fly
I read it then and was as shocked then as I am now. It's incredible to see what he'll say next.

BTW, I DID put it in The Ladies Room. I'm curious how people will respond.

The "Weaker Sex" my,uh,foot! If it's true "That which does not kill us makes us stronger!" than I am a female Hercules! As far as being morally stronger I think that does not depend on gender it depends on the person. (Of course I still want to see a male give birth without drugs and then we will talk about who can handle pain better!)


New Member
The woman is the lesser vessal so that if we push them then they break.

Put pressure on and they fold.

It is not their weakness - it represents their value

NO YOU DID NOT GO THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone call CNN ...I was wrong I said JPC could not get any dumber ...........I was wrong!

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

NO YOU DID NOT GO THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone call CNN ...I was wrong I said JPC could not get any dumber ...........I was wrong!
:coffee: I like what I posted as I say it is very apropriate and respectful. :diva:


The one and only Princess
:coffee: That is not likely to happen any time soon from this wicked society.

Again, it is just an idea and not my political platform or agenda.

But I say to ONLY prosecute the outsider that actually adulterates the marriage and not the married spouse that messed up.

The married spouse does never get off free from reprecussions but under force of law the gov must protect the marriage and defend the family from immoral attacks from outside.

If some one comes into our house and steals stuff then we can blame the owner that left the door open and left the valuables exposed but the law punishes the thief.

So the outsider adulterer that violates a marriage and family is a destructive part of our society that needs to be controlled.:whistle: Well look at what is left now.

High divorce rates, broken homes, damaged families, children without their parent, custody battles, child support collection agencies, and more.

We either defend marriages and protect families or else we watch our society deteriorate.

That will never work. Not in a million years. You cannot say you want the government in one aspect of a relationship but not in others. You cannot twist the world into what you believe.

A marriage would not be broken if it is strong to begin with. But even if someone is to have an affair it is nobody's business but the family.

You need to clarify this more.


The one and only Princess
That's up to them, though, isn't it? The way they were raised, their parents/morals/etc.

Yeah, but look at how many children grow up in single parent homes. Wouldn't it be nice that something was offered to people to help educate them more about the ups and downs of marriage and how to maybe deal with the issues before breaking up.

Maybe this would be impossible though, like you said different people, different backgrounds, cultures and so on. I guess it is just a pipe dream.


The one and only Princess
For what, for cheating on me? I do. I also blame myself for letting the marriage get to that point. However, it was at that point for me, too, and I didn't cheat. That's why I blame her. And, not the person with whom she cheated. See, she made her promise to me. He didn't, the government didn't. Thus, her failing to live up to her promise was her fault. Letting the marriage get to that point was both of our faults.Whom are you claiming I'm kicking while down?And, thus, my question was what is your suggestion? To make a law, legislating morality (as you see it), or are you suggesting just that people start acting better? What, exactly, are you suggesting?

All good points.


The one and only Princess
:coffee: The woman is the lesser vessal so that if we push them then they break.

Put pressure on and they fold.

It is not their weakness - it represents their value, link.:diva:

Oh no you didn't. Women are much stronger than you think. many of us raise our children, take care of our families, work, go to school and so much more. We are not the weaker sex anymore or really ever was. Strength is more than physical.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but look at how many children grow up in single parent homes. Wouldn't it be nice that something was offered to people to help educate them more about the ups and downs of marriage and how to maybe deal with the issues before breaking up.

Maybe this would be impossible though, like you said different people, different backgrounds, cultures and so on. I guess it is just a pipe dream.
No, I don't think it's a pipe dream. It already exists. It's just that people don't take advantage of it.

High divorce rates have been the news for a long time. Like smoking or drugs, there's no one alive in the United States now, that could get married, that doesn't know of this problem. There are many, many religious institutions that would be glad to offer advice, counseling, etc. Mostly for free (or, certainly, for less than the cost of a divorce ten years later). There are psychologists/therapists that can help a couple determine compatibility. There are weekend seminars on how to do it correctly. There are whole sections of libraries and book stores, internet sites, etc., that are filled with sage advice.

I don't want the federal or state government offering it's help. Anti-religious zealots would take out the bulk of the realistic help. Auditing programs would begin.... the slope of problems is endless.

What we need are parents - single or divorced or together or whatever - to help teach their kids that seeking advice is worthwhile. That their offspring will be responsible for their decision. That their offspring's offspring will bear the result of that decision, and any to follow.

Parents need help. I agree. I think we need to stop buying any magazine that has Britney's current collapse, or Lohan's current jail time, or any of that crap on it. That won't happen, but it should. I don't think that should become law (that pesky first amendment), but we consumers can stop it.

Personal responsibility. We're getting exactly what we're asking for.


Well-Known Member
Oh no you didn't. Women are much stronger than you think. many of us raise our children, take care of our families, work, go to school and so much more. We are not the weaker sex anymore or really ever was. Strength is more than physical.
Did you visit the link? It's nauseating.