Elections and Junk.


The one and only Princess
:diva: Well I do believe that we need to promote more forgiveness and repentance and reconciliation and marriage counciling and more to try to save the families.

If the person repents each time then I say to forgive them 70 times 7 times.

Remember Hillary Clinton who has greater power and respect now because she saved her marriage instead of dumping the fool.


You think she did that out of love??


The one and only Princess
No, I don't think it's a pipe dream. It already exists. It's just that people don't take advantage of it.

High divorce rates have been the news for a long time. Like smoking or drugs, there's no one alive in the United States now, that could get married, that doesn't know of this problem. There are many, many religious institutions that would be glad to offer advice, counseling, etc. Mostly for free (or, certainly, for less than the cost of a divorce ten years later). There are psychologists/therapists that can help a couple determine compatibility. There are weekend seminars on how to do it correctly. There are whole sections of libraries and book stores, internet sites, etc., that are filled with sage advice.

I don't want the federal or state government offering it's help. Anti-religious zealots would take out the bulk of the realistic help. Auditing programs would begin.... the slope of problems is endless.

What we need are parents - single or divorced or together or whatever - to help teach their kids that seeking advice is worthwhile. That their offspring will be responsible for their decision. That their offspring's offspring will bear the result of that decision, and any to follow.

Parents need help. I agree. I think we need to stop buying any magazine that has Britney's current collapse, or Lohan's current jail time, or any of that crap on it. That won't happen, but it should. I don't think that should become law (that pesky first amendment), but we consumers can stop it.

Personal responsibility. We're getting exactly what we're asking for.

You should have ran against JPC.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Oh no you didn't. Women are much stronger than you think. many of us raise our children, take care of our families, work, go to school and so much more. We are not the weaker sex anymore or really ever was. Strength is more than physical.
:whistle: That is the same thing I said. :otter:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

I DID put it in The Ladies Room.
:diva: That was not a nice thing to do to that Forum.

It says "Ladies Room" so we are to stay out of there.

If anyone there wanted to read my post then they come over here.

Other people are not obsessing over me as you are and you are violating their space.

I am not posting there and never would and they are not interested in me on that thread.

You are acting like a tattle-tail baby when no one wants to hear it.


New Member
:diva: That was not a nice thing to do to that Forum.

It says "Ladies Room" so we are to stay out of there.

If anyone there wanted to read my post then they come over here.

Other people are not obsessing over me as you are and you are violating their space.

I am not posting there and never would and they are not interested in me on that thread.

You are acting like a tattle-tail baby when no one wants to hear it.

JPC you are acting like a low life scum sucking............oh wait you are a low life scum sucking peice of...................................stuff.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

JPC you are acting like a low life scum sucking............oh wait you are a low life scum sucking peice of...................................stuff.
:coffee: I actually appreciate the way you worded that - and I mean it.

God bless you.



Well-Known Member
:whistle: Maybe some of it was out of love,

because I say that Hillary did it out of principle and conviction which are some of the higher aspects of love. :buddies:
The woman is the lesser vessal so that if we push them then they break.

Put pressure on and they fold.

It is not their weakness - it represents their value, link
Hillary and Monica, being the women, were clearly the lesser vessals by your wording here. Bill pressured them, and they folded. It represented their value.

Or, were you just full of pointless value?


JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Hillary and Monica, being the women, were clearly the lesser vessals by your wording here. Bill pressured them, and they folded. It represented their value.

Or, were you just full of pointless value?

:coffee: My words were written to you and about your children's mom, link HERE.

I did not say it about other situations. :whistle:


Well-Known Member
:coffee: My words were written to you and about your children's mom, link HERE.

I did not say it about other situations. :whistle:

"The woman is the lesser vessal so that if we push them then they break.

Put pressure on and they fold.

It is not their weakness - it represents their value"

You're clearly demonstrating yourself to be a liar. Again.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

"The woman is the lesser vessal so that if we push them then they break.

Put pressure on and they fold.

It is not their weakness - it represents their value"

You're clearly demonstrating yourself to be a liar. Again.
:popcorn: I was talking to you and about your children's mom.

And it goes to you pushing or pressuring your new replacement wife / mother too.

If you refuse to apply it as it was posted then you take it out of context.

But onward - I do say it applies to me and to other men as well (and other women too) and I will be happy to discuss that fuller, but I will not do it under some false pretense that T_p is presenting.

Being the "lesser vessal" only means that the females are not as physically large as the male.

Plus I said that it does not mean "weakness" as my own wife was far stronger than I and strength of character is more and most important in comparison to physical strength.



Well-Known Member
I was talking to you and about your children's mom.

And it goes to you pushing or pressuring your new replacement wife / mother too.
I don't have a replacement wife, nor replacement mother. I have a second wife, which is an entirely different thing.

Now, my second wife was not being discussed, so you're lying - again.

And, if you were only speaking of two people you know nothing about, why did you include that God-awful link?
If you refuse to apply it as it was posted then you take it out of context.
You're creating a context that wasn't there. You're lying, got caught - again - and now you're trying to find a way out. Sad, Jimmy, really sad.
But onward - I do say it applies to me and to other men as well (and other women too) and I will be happy to discuss that fuller, but I will not do it under some false pretense that T_p is presenting.
What's false about it, in context? Look at your link. Look at your words. I'm entirely in context. You just got shown to be the misgynistic horse's ass you really are.
Being the "lesser vessal" only means that the females are not as physically large as the male.

Plus I said that it does not mean "weakness" as my own wife was far stronger than I and strength of character is more and most important in comparison to physical strength.
I thought it "represented their value"? :lmao: You really are a sad, little, little man.


Well-Known Member
I guess that some hard headed persons might not like the link that I gave, but I still see it as very apropriate and I agree with its content.
5 pages of justification for considering a woman's worth only by her sexual attractiveness, then a single paragraph on how we need to stop that.

You're a twisted, misogynistic old coot, do you know that?

Besides, that doesn't answer the question. If you were only describing my ex-wife and a person who was never mentioned previously nor since (until your lame "explaination"), why the need for the link? Why did you call these two people them, they, etc., instead of who you were talking about? How did it fit into the conversation? How did it "represent their value?"

It didn't. That's not what you were saying. You're covering your tracks.

Sad, Jimmy. Sad.