Elections and Junk.


Well-Known Member
You can claim the letters stand for anything, but a dirty mouth gives us dirty words. :shortbus:
Aren't you the same person who says that even idiots can be right sometimes, and regardless of the source one should consider the message, not the source?

You are only considering the source, and your view of the source, not the message. The message is not dirty words, but you can't see that. Maybe this will help you understand that even on those very rare occaisions when you are right, people won't believe you could be right - they consider only the source as you are here.


Well-Known Member
The issue of abortion is enough to fuel a civil war if it only finds a trigger. And the unjust child support only needs a trigger to start the civil and human rights fight and I try to supply the triggers.:shortbus:
You never have explained what you expect to do at the federal level regarding the state issues of child support and abortion. You would have nothing to do with federal judges (in the HoR), and nothing to do with abortion laws, and nothing to do with child support laws. You would have nothing to do with the local infrastructure that you claim Hoyer is impacting negatively. Basically, you would have no input on any of your issues.

Why are you running for a position of absolutely no importance on your issues?

Also, you keep neglecting to answer: Will li'l Jimmy be campaigning for you? Does he publicly support you, or ignore you as he did with your child support advise?
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JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

You never have explained what you expect to do at the federal level regarding the state issues of child support and abortion. You would have nothing to do with federal judges (in the HoR), and nothing to do with abortion laws, and nothing to do with child support laws. You would have nothing to do with the local infrastructure that you claim Hoyer is impacting negatively. Basically, you would have no input on any of your issues.
:coffee: You are very mistaken by believing our House Representative has so little power and influence.

It certainly is true that I would have a BIG challenge and I might not get any of my goals satisfied but at least with me the 5th District would start heading in the better direction then it does now with Hoyer.

The Newpaper report said it clear that I do not expect to be able to effect much of child support on the Federal level but I will try and I might be able to do much, on the murder of babies then we need our 5th District Representative to speak for our pro life values and Hoyer does not do that, and if you do not believe the overload of our infrastructure through the efforts of Hoyer then you are not well informed.
This_person said:
Why are you running for a position of absolutely no importance on your issues?
:diva: Many people believe our Representative has no or little influence on those important issues,

but I say that is because our area has grown accustomed to having the weak and shallow Representation like Hoyer is.

I believe that misinterpretation makes it far harder for me to prove the authority then it will be for me to do it.
This_person said:
Also, you keep neglecting to answer: Will li'l Jimmy be campaigning for you? Does he publicly support you, or ignore you as he did with your child support advise?
:popcorn: My son has no involvement in my campaign at all and I do not ask him to.

I did tell that my son did not do as I would have had him do in a big part of his own child support case, but I respect his decision and we still agree on some other aspects of his case.

We want the best for the child.

My son is 30 years old and he does as he chooses and he does not do all that I demand.


Well-Known Member
The Newpaper report said it clear that I do not expect to be able to effect much of child support on the Federal level but I will try
Okay, you just restated what I did - you have no effect at the federal level. Thank you for acknowledging the obvious.
We need our 5th District Representative to speak for our pro life values and Hoyer does not do that
As a Representative, what difference does it make? You would effect nothing
If you do not believe the overload of our infrastructure through the efforts of Hoyer then you are not well informed.
My point wasn't whether or not the infrastructure is overloaded. My point was you can't do anything about it at the federal level. It's a local issue.
Many people believe our Representative has no or little influence on those important issues,
do you know why people believe this? It's true
I believe that misinterpretation makes it far harder for me to prove the authority then it will be for me to do it.
Can you demonstrate that the authority exists from our federal Constitutions? Because, I will be happy to show you how the authority you wish does NOT exist there.
My son has no involvement in my campaign at all and I do not ask him to. I did tell that my son did not do as I would have had him do in a big part of his own child support case, but I respect his decision and we still agree on some other aspects of his case.
No involvement. Won't listen to your advise. I feel sad for your lack of support from your own child. It's almost as if he learned to be disrespectful and unsupportive of family from someone early in life.
We want the best for the child.
The best what?
My son is 30 years old and he does as he chooses and he does not do all that I demand.:shortbus:
What would you tell voters that would help them understand why your own flesh and blood will not support your campaign nor listen to your advise, but they should?
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JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

My point wasn't whether or not the infrastructure is overloaded. My point was you can't do anything about it at the federal level. It's a local issue.
:whistle: It really is very simple.

Cut off the head and the rat dies.

Vote out Hoyer and his destructive and immoral policies will go out with him.

The pro-abortion will then stop, the do-nothing about the unjust child support will end, the dumping excessive growth will stop, all of it will end when Hoyer is stopped by voting him out.
This_person said:
What would you tell voters that would help them understand why your own flesh and blood will not support your campaign nor listen to your advise, but they should?
:coffee: Since I do not speak for my son,

then T_p certainly does not speak for him either, and I did not say the slander that T_p has posted above.

My campaign is doing just fine and I have no problem concerning my son in this, and I am the one running for election and not him.

Trying to drag my son into this ugly smear trash of T_p is not something that I will cooperate with.


Well-Known Member
It really is very simple. Cut off the head and the rat dies. Vote out Hoyer and his destructive and immoral policies will go out with him.
What part of Hoyer's beliefs have anything to do with the laws as they are now? What would actually change? (I'll give you a hint, the answer is "nothing")
The pro-abortion will then stop, the do-nothing about the unjust child support will end, the dumping excessive growth will stop, all of it will end when Hoyer is stopped by voting him out.
Once again, what will stop it? Will the abortion laws change? No. Will the child support laws change? No. Will the infrastructure issues change? No. Can the HoR effect any changes to any of these things? No.

Again, you'd make no difference on any of your issues. You've proven you'd be ineffective for anything you find important. Good job.
Since I do not speak for my son, then T_p certainly does not speak for him either, and I did not say the slander that T_p has posted above.
I didn't slander. You said he does not support your campaign, and you said he did not follow your advise on his bastard child's support (they aren't married, are they? Isn't that why he challenged paternity?). I asked a reasonable question based upon your information.
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Lem Putt
:diva: I have read about the subject and I have known some homosexuals and I do know a lot about some of the problems that affect them,

so I do not believe that one must be in a wreck to know how it feels to crash, that I do not need to "try it out" in order not to be gay.

I do agree with you some in that the homosexuality is much like a narcotic (ie: crack cocaine) and if one tries it they might well like it and become addicted and that is a sound reason NOT to try it in the first place.

To truely succeed in this world then one must often shun what they like and simply do what is right.

So, to sum this up: you like being gay, but you shun it. You are scared that you would like it too much and wouldn't be able to stop, kind of like how you got hooked on crack cocaine.

Jimmy, those late nights with Bubba while in prison still count. You have tried it, haven't you? And you liked it, didn't you? That's why you are so homophobic: because you are one, and you hate yourself for it.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

What part of Hoyer's beliefs have anything to do with the laws as they are now? What would actually change? (I'll give you a hint, the answer is "nothing")Once again, what will stop it? Will the abortion laws change? No. Will the child support laws change? No. Will the infrastructure issues change? No. Can the HoR effect any changes to any of these things? No.

Again, you'd make no difference on any of your issues. You've proven you'd be ineffective for anything you find important. Good job.I didn't slander. You said he does not support your campaign, and you said he did not follow your advise on his bastard child's support (they aren't married, are they? Isn't that why he challenged paternity?). I asked a reasonable question based upon your information
:diva: I regret that you feel this way, and I feel sorry for you. :bigwhoop:


Well-Known Member
I regret that you feel this way, and I feel sorry for you. :shortbus:
Your regret is as useful as your repentance.

But, you regret I feel what way? That there' no point in your election, because you would not be able to effect child support laws? And, you would not be able effect abortion laws? And, you would not be able to effect the local infrastructure? Or, that I feel I need to state what's obvious to others in the hopes you'll learn it and stop?

Or, do you regret that I feel asking why the people of the 5th district should support someone who didn't support his family, and isn't supported by his family, and whose advise is not listened to by his family is an acceptable question to ask?

What exactly is it you regret I feel?


Methodically disorganized
Aren't you the same person who says that even idiots can be right sometimes, and regardless of the source one should consider the message, not the source?

You are only considering the source, and your view of the source, not the message. The message is not dirty words, but you can't see that.
I wonder if he regrets that you feel this way too...

... but we can't know for sure because this is another question he refuses to asnwer. Good job, candidate!

The Newpaper report said it clear that I do not expect to be able to effect much of child support on the Federal level but I will try and I might be able to do much
I appreciate your effort to save us time searching for and quoting multiple posts by stating your latest ridiculous contradiction in the span of one sentence. Thanks. :yay:

JPC sr said:
on the murder of babies then we need our 5th District Representative to speak for our pro life values and Hoyer does not do that
Why have you not considered the possibility that the majority of people in this region want legalized abortion? P.G. in particular is one of the most liberal counties in the state. I think you are projecting your values as "our" values, when in fact, your values are actually the minority.

JPC sr said:
I did tell that my son did not do as I would have had him do in a big part of his own child support case, but I respect his decision and we still agree on some other aspects of his case. We want the best for the child.
Considering that you thought the best thing for your child was to move 2,000 miles away, drop all contact, and party like a frat boy for 3 years, your above statement is not encouraging.

JPC sr said:
My son is 30 years old and he does as he chooses and he does not do all that I demand.
You know, I think my idea that you are 'projecting' was spot on. You lost control over your own life, and you have tried to control your son's life - to no avail, so now you are turning your attention to the general public via elected office. You have felt and been told that you are a loser for the past 20 years, and now you think that if you get elected, people will have to bow down to you.

I think you are setting yourself up for a MAJOR disappointment. To that, I say :yahoo:!

Since I do not speak for my son, then T_p certainly does not speak for him either, and I did not say the slander that T_p has posted above.
Yeah ya did... :lol: Fortunately, even though you suffer obstacles to comprehending English, others don't, and they will see what a bonehead you are. Again, good job sealing your own fate, candidate! :lmao:
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JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

You can do a sign that says "Pro-life, but don't support the offspring." You could spray paint it on the district court! :clap:
:buddies: Turns out that all I need is 50.01 % and then I win the election. :yahoo:


In My Opinion
:buddies: Turns out that all I need is 50.01 % and then I win the election. :yahoo:
I think that your idiot boy omouthy might have taken a few more votes from you or any other dem with his ####### tax increases to fund the baltimore crack hos.

you might want to thank him for this.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

I think that your idiot boy omouthy might have taken a few more votes from you or any other dem with his ####### tax increases to fund the baltimore crack hos.

you might want to thank him for this.
:buddies: I do wish you had used more family friendly expressions on this Community Forum,

but aside from that I would say you are basically correct that our O'Malley has harmed the Democratic Party and the State of Maryland too.

What O'Malley is doing by pushing gambling and increasing taxes and under-funding our infrastructures just hurts me down in my bones.

I feel pain and betrayed by O'Malley.

I voted for him, and I loved his work as Mayor in Baltimore, and he ran a brillient campaign for Governor, and he was our prime candidate to be the Clinton vice-President, and now I am so very disappointed.

If I had won in 2006 (District 29b) then nobody in this world would shut me up in open opposition to this garbage going on now.

Instead our boy Bohanan signed along with every dirty deed that O'Malley pushed like a subservient lap dog.

I remember when the Republican Governor was asking for slots and Bohanan wrote an impressive denunciation of slots as to how detrimental and unwanted the slots were.

That Bohanan press release was in the Enterprise being so powerful and bold that I personally sent Bohanan an email telling him how much I respected his words. I even wrote another email to the MD House speaker as to being proud of his stand against slots.

But now Bohanan says nothing and no press release as our boy Bohanan signs onto every one of the O'Malley betrayals.

I see it all as disgusting and irritating and it hurts me.



Lem Putt
:blahblah: O'Malley betrayals.


He is doing everything he promised to do while campaigning. If you are truly surprised by this, you are the only one. If you voted for him without knowing that this is his agenda, you are a foolish sucker who is getting exactly what you deserve.

Stupid people like you who voted for him without knowing what he would do are the reason the state is in this mess. You should be ashamed of yourself.


New Member
Hey JPC Jr .. I just recently moved to Md from Florida. I see you are trying to become elected. What is your background, who are you ? Someday I may run myself, I would like to see more happening with local education.

Since I have joined this forum, I have noticed that you have become quite infamous with the local forumites here.


Hey JPC Jr .. I just recently moved to Md from Florida. I see you are trying to become elected. What is your background, who are you ? Someday I may run myself, I would like to see more happening with local education.

Since I have joined this forum, I have noticed that you have become quite infamous with the local forumites here.

Have no fear, JPC is near ! :lmao:


The one and only Princess
:buddies: I do wish you had used more family friendly expressions on this Community Forum,

but aside from that I would say you are basically correct that our O'Malley has harmed the Democratic Party and the State of Maryland too.

What O'Malley is doing by pushing gambling and increasing taxes and under-funding our infrastructures just hurts me down in my bones.

I feel pain and betrayed by O'Malley.

I voted for him, and I loved his work as Mayor in Baltimore, and he ran a brillient campaign for Governor, and he was our prime candidate to be the Clinton vice-President, and now I am so very disappointed.

If I had won in 2006 (District 29b) then nobody in this world would shut me up in open opposition to this garbage going on now.

Instead our boy Bohanan signed along with every dirty deed that O'Malley pushed like a subservient lap dog.

I remember when the Republican Governor was asking for slots and Bohanan wrote an impressive denunciation of slots as to how detrimental and unwanted the slots were.

That Bohanan press release was in the Enterprise being so powerful and bold that I personally sent Bohanan an email telling him how much I respected his words. I even wrote another email to the MD House speaker as to being proud of his stand against slots.

But now Bohanan says nothing and no press release as our boy Bohanan signs onto every one of the O'Malley betrayals.

I see it all as disgusting and irritating and it hurts me.


Can I ask you a question or two? Why do you continue to try a reason with these people? Judging from their posts they are rude, and only make fun of you. I did some research on here. I know the things they said about your past. I understand people make mistakes and I think you are really trying to change. I may not agree with all that you post but I am astounded you have the courage to run, even after your first failure.

No one in here is perfect. They may try to make look like they are in here but they aren't. They are so narrowminded to think that if you do not fit into their little molds in the way you should think, feel or behave then there must be something wrong with you.

Correct me if I am wrong but I have never seen you resort to their childish and immature behavioe or cursing, name calling or taunting. You always seem to give it your best in answering even if all they say is the same thing over and over. These people are just a small portion of somd. Even though you did not win the first time, maybe not the second time either do not give up.

Anyone trying to better themselves and start a new leaf in life is a-ok in my book. :howdy:


The one and only Princess
Hey JPC Jr .. I just recently moved to Md from Florida. I see you are trying to become elected. What is your background, who are you ? Someday I may run myself, I would like to see more happening with local education.

Since I have joined this forum, I have noticed that you have become quite infamous with the local forumites here.

Why don't you go to his website, or do a little research on here. You can find a lot of information that way.