Elections and Junk.


The one and only Princess
to the karma giver

Elections and Junk. 12-09-2007 08:52 AM Well you're just as dumb and uninformed as he is.

I find it comical that you felt the need to attack me but was unwilling to give me a chance to address your comments one on one.

To each his own, don't like him...don't vote for him. I like him, and name calling is not going to change my mind any quicker.


Well-Known Member
Judging from their posts they are rude, and only make fun of you. I did some research on here. I know the things they said about your past. I understand people make mistakes and I think you are really trying to change.
With all due respect, Princess, you need to do more research. He is not only not trying to change, he sees nothing wrong with his past. He abandoned his family, and very recently encouraged his son to do the same (financially). He encourages lawlessness without first attempting to work within the rules to affect change. He encourages racism, religious bias and bigotry, and is horrifically misogynistic. There is virtually nothing redeemable about him.
No one in here is perfect. They may try to make look like they are in here but they aren't. They are so narrowminded to think that if you do not fit into their little molds in the way you should think, feel or behave then there must be something wrong with you.
Not at all. We are fairly tolerant and respect other people's positions for the most part. However, when the argument is not over the details, but over the big picture of right and wrong, we are ruthless.
Correct me if I am wrong but I have never seen you resort to their childish and immature behavioe or cursing, name calling or taunting. You always seem to give it your best in answering even if all they say is the same thing over and over.
You're wrong. If you'd like many, many posts of evidence, I'd be glad to do the research for you and prove it.
Anyone trying to better themselves and start a new leaf in life is a-ok in my book. :howdy:
If these were his goals, we'd probably support him. However, as I said above, they're not even close.

Ask him what he's actually trying to do better (ie, what mistakes he feels he did and how he's trying to correct them). If he answers at all, I feel you'll get a better understanding. I would suspect that you would find his vandalism/property destruction a mistake - he's eminantly proud to this day of it. I would suspect you'd find his desertion of his family a mistake - he encourages others to do the same and wants the law changed to require people to remain married regardless of reason for divorce. Again, I'll find the posts and show you if it will help.
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Methodically disorganized
Judging from their posts they are rude, and only make fun of you. I did some research on here.
:lmao: You need to do better research! Numerous people have tried to debate him, and it's only when he gives confusing and/or elusive answers repeatedly that one is left with calling him a loser... because he is one, and will always be one. He does not care about the law or facts, only what his twisted experiences and corrupted worldview tell him to believe.

somdprincess said:
I know the things they said about your past. I understand people make mistakes and I think you are really trying to change.
Everything about his past that has been presented here was either originally posted by him or is somewhere on public record, so he is not some victim of slander and libel as he claims. And you are correct that he has changed in the past few years - his mind has become even further disconnected from reality.

somdprincess said:
Correct me if I am wrong but I have never seen you resort to their childish and immature behavioe or cursing, name calling or taunting. You always seem to give it your best in answering even if all they say is the same thing over and over.
Again, you really need to do more than 5 minutes worth of "research". Quite a few posts can be pulled up where he has "yelled" and used nasty language. The reason you see so many questions posted repeatedly is that he refuses to answer or does so in an obfuscatory way.

You can choose to join his side, but everyone else who has ever done so has given up fairly quickly because they possess at least an ounce of sanity. Or you can stay in his corner and be embarrassed right along with him. Good luck, either way! :howdy: :lmao:


The one and only Princess
With all due respect, Princess, you need to do more research. He is not only not trying to change, he sees nothing wrong with his past. He abandoned his family, and very recently encouraged his son to do the same (financially). He encourages lawlessness without first attempting to work within the rules to affect change. He encourages racism, religious bias and bigotry, and is horrifically misgynistic. There is virtually nothing redeemable about him.Not at all. We are fairly tolerant and respect other people's positions for the most part. However, when the argument is not over the details, but over the big picture of right and wrong, we are ruthless.You're wrong. If you'd like many, many posts of evidence, I'd be glad to do the research for you and prove it.If these were his goals, we'd probably support him. However, as I said above, they're not even close.

Ask him what he's actually trying to do better (ie, what mistakes he feels he did and how he's trying to correct them). If he answers at all, I feel you'll get a better understanding. I would suspect that you would find his vandalism/property destruction a mistake - he's eminantly proud to this day of it. I would suspect you'd find his desertion of his family a mistake - he encourages others to do the same and wants the law changed to require people to remain married regardless of reason for divorce. Again, I'll find the posts and show you if it will help.

wow, now that was very nice of you. No where did I see you being rude. All good points. So thanks for that.

fair enough. Okay JPC can you or are you willing to answer the questions this_person has brought up. I am open minded so I am not trying to attack you but I would love to know what your thoughts are on this. :howdy:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
As if this really matters but my

GPA 3.84
ACT 22
SAT 1800

now that was a few years ago, and since then the scoring has changed but since I was able to obtain my Masters back in 2003 I am satisfied.
:bs: The highest SAT score used to be 1600 until they recently added the essay portion boosting the possible to 2400.

Support JPC all you want, maybe you will increase his total vote tally by a factor of 2.


New Member
Can I ask you a question or two? Why do you continue to try a reason with these people? Judging from their posts they are rude, and only make fun of you. I did some research on here. I know the things they said about your past. I understand people make mistakes and I think you are really trying to change. I may not agree with all that you post but I am astounded you have the courage to run, even after your first failure.

No one in here is perfect. They may try to make look like they are in here but they aren't. They are so narrowminded to think that if you do not fit into their little molds in the way you should think, feel or behave then there must be something wrong with you.

Correct me if I am wrong but I have never seen you resort to their childish and immature behavioe or cursing, name calling or taunting. You always seem to give it your best in answering even if all they say is the same thing over and over. These people are just a small portion of somd. Even though you did not win the first time, maybe not the second time either do not give up.

Anyone trying to better themselves and start a new leaf in life is a-ok in my book. :howdy:

Well if your book likes JPC then it's a comic book,you like people who abandon there families run away and leave a young wife and a son to fend for them selves with no help from him?You like people who turn their back on his own sons mother when she asked for help in taking care of his own son after finding out she was dying of cancer?When the courts step in and orderd child support not only didn't he pay it he went to jail so they could'nt garnish his wages not once but twice.You like lazy people who let there Mom put them on welfare and even after admitting they could work but won't becuase they will lose there free money?You like a guy who told his only son to do what he did and almost went to jail.........he would rather have his son in jail than take care of his own children.Well if you like that and think it's a small group well then .................you as much a fool as he is.:smack:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Hey JPC Jr .. I just recently moved to Md from Florida. I see you are trying to become elected. What is your background, who are you ? Someday I may run myself, I would like to see more happening with local education.
:coffee: See my Biography page ( BioPage link HERE ) from my campaign website for much of my history.

I will try to answer any questions but I do not know exactly what else to tell.
Harvick29 said:
Since I have joined this forum, I have noticed that you have become quite infamous with the local forumites here.
:howdy: They really love me,

some just do not know that yet. :shortbus:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Can I ask you a question or two?
:buddies: Yes, of course, I like questions.
somdprincess said:
Why do you continue to try a reason with these people? Judging from their posts they are rude, and only make fun of you.
:coffee: Those posters are examples of our population and I respect that.

Jesus gives me power as He said for us (me) to give right to their wrongs.

If you ever see the British Prime Minister in the House of Commons and they yell insults and false accussations and then the Prime Minister stands to give the correct.

The exchanges here are much like that here when I show those common posters the right way and give out the correct info.

On here if I were getting praises and flatteries then I might crawl into a hole to hide.

The conflict with the general population on this forum would eat Hoyer up and spit him out, but not I.
somdprincess said:
I did some research on here. I know the things they said about your past. I understand people make mistakes and I think you are really trying to change. I may not agree with all that you post but I am astounded you have the courage to run, even after your first failure.
:diva: I had to be willing to take the hits,

and capable of standing against the petty accusations.

If I had not changed (repented) and turned to the Gospel then I would have broken a long time ago.
somdprincess said:
No one in here is perfect. They may try to make look like they are in here but they aren't. They are so narrowminded to think that if you do not fit into their little molds in the way you should think, feel or behave then there must be something wrong with you.
:coffee: That is true, but it is a common human weakness and we must deal respectfully with those that are weaker.
somdprincess said:
Correct me if I am wrong but I have never seen you resort to their childish and immature behavior or cursing, name calling or taunting. You always seem to give it your best in answering even if all they say is the same thing over and over.
:drool: I say I do fairly well most of the posts but I have slipped up a few times and said things that were not appropriate.

Then I try to repent or apologize for my mistakes and then try all over again to post right.
somdprincess said:
These people are just a small portion of somd. Even though you did not win the first time, maybe not the second time either do not give up.
:coffee: Yes, I keep trying, and there are some on this board that are not against me, plus there are thousands of people that just view and read but never post - that moral majority that remains silent.
somdprincess said:
Anyone trying to better themselves and start a new leaf in life is a-ok in my book. :howdy:
:coffee: I agree.


Well-Known Member
Princess, like I said "If he even answers". As you can see, he chose to answer this instead of your followup to me and HVP.


Methodically disorganized
The exchanges here are much like that here when I show those common posters the right way and give out the correct info.
And what do you do when someone presents you with factual information [that disproves you]? You ignore them, call them wrong (because you are always right), or you simply insult them.

JPC sr said:
On here if I were getting praises and flatteries then I might crawl into a hole to hide.
Upon reconsideration, I would like to say...

JPC you are SUPER!

Is he still here? :tap:

JPC sr said:
Then I try to repent or apologize for my mistakes and then try all over again to post right.
Hmm... I don't recall you ever apologizing or repenting for calling TP a liar and kidnapper with regards to his children and ex-wife. Or the same for godsbutterfly. Or the other couple people you have labeled "greedy" and "kidnapper" for requesting child support. Or how about MMDad, whom you unjustly said was using profanity, when it was clear he was not?

Do you repent any of those statements?

JPC sr said:
there are thousands of people that just view and read but never post
I have always figured you suffered from multiple personalities - the real disorder, not just on the forum - but I did not imagine you had thousands of personalities. :faint:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

wow, now that was very nice of you. No where did I see you being rude. All good points. So thanks for that.

fair enough. Okay JPC can you or are you willing to answer the questions this_person has brought up. I am open minded so I am not trying to attack you but I would love to know what your thoughts are on this. :howdy:
:popcorn: He is not really asking any questions.

T_p is only making untrue accusations and giving his version of slander against me. Here is the post link HERE.

T_p does not speak for me, but he is pretending as if he does.

T_p does not speak for my son or my family but he is pretending as if he does.

That is my answer to him in that T_p is a fraud and his posts are beligerant and arrogent and even when I respond to him as I have done many times then he refuses to accept my answers to the same repeated questions.

If you want to ask me anything then please do, but do not stand behind some other poster like that.

I gave my campaign website out on the Internet for the whole world to see and I give my biography where T_p gets a lot of his twisted slanders and yet I tell that I had a failed marriage and I broke the laws and I went to jail and three years in prison so I am not bashful about my history.

If anyone wants to vote for T_p then that is fine, but T_p does not speak for me.

His slanders and his twisted realities belong to himself and not mine.



Methodically disorganized
T_p is only making untrue accusations and giving his version of slander against me.

That is my answer to him in that T_p is a fraud and his posts are beligerant and arrogent and even when I respond to him as I have done many times then he refuses to accept my answers to the same repeated questions.
Looks like we're going to dig up all of that stuff again after all.

If somdprincess - or anyone else, for that matter - can read and understand plain English she will see who's telling the truth, who's being diversionary, and who's living in a self-made reality.

I do not foresee this thread progressing positively for you, Jimbo. :lol:


New Member
:coffee: See my Biography page ( BioPage link HERE ) from my campaign website for much of my history.

I will try to answer any questions but I do not know exactly what else to tell.:howdy: They really love me,

some just do not know that yet. :shortbus:

You promote the neglect of children ,you are a child abuser.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

You promote the neglect of children ,you are a child abuser.
:popcorn: I do NOT promote that.

I want to stop the abuse of parents by the unjust laws.

No child is ever helped through the legalized degrading of their parent(s).

People really need to stop claiming child abuse when the child(ren) are fine.

The false and fake claims of "child abuse" are hiding the real problems behind that untrue mis-representation.
