Elections and Junk.


New Member
Just because...

I don't want anyone to be confused on some of the frequently used terms in these discussions....

Neglect-verb 2. to be remiss in the care or treatment of: to neglect one's family; to neglect one's appearance.

Abuse-noun 1. to use wrongly or improperly; misuse: to abuse one's authority.
2. to treat in a harmful, injurious, or offensive way: to abuse a horse; to abuse one's eyesight.
3. to speak insultingly, harshly, and unjustly to or about; revile; malign.
4. to commit sexual assault upon.
5. Obsolete. to deceive or mislead.
–noun 6. wrong or improper use; misuse: the abuse of privileges.
7. harshly or coarsely insulting language: The officer heaped abuse on his men.
8. bad or improper treatment; maltreatment: The child was subjected to cruel abuse.
9. a corrupt or improper practice or custom: the abuses of a totalitarian regime.
10. rape or sexual assault.
11. Obsolete. deception.

slander-noun 1. defamation; calumny: rumors full of slander.
2. a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: a slander against his good name.
3. Law. defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing, pictures, etc.

libel-noun 1. Law. a. defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures.
b. the act or crime of publishing it.
c. a formal written declaration or statement, as one containing the allegations of a plaintiff or the grounds of a charge.

2. anything that is defamatory or that maliciously or damagingly misrepresents.

Just so everyone is on the same page...seems certain people throw these words around without full understanding of them. :pete:


Free to Fly
Can I ask you a question or two? Why do you continue to try a reason with these people? Judging from their posts they are rude, and only make fun of you. I did some research on here. I know the things they said about your past. I understand people make mistakes and I think you are really trying to change. I may not agree with all that you post but I am astounded you have the courage to run, even after your first failure.

No one in here is perfect. They may try to make look like they are in here but they aren't. They are so narrowminded to think that if you do not fit into their little molds in the way you should think, feel or behave then there must be something wrong with you.

Correct me if I am wrong but I have never seen you resort to their childish and immature behavioe or cursing, name calling or taunting. You always seem to give it your best in answering even if all they say is the same thing over and over. These people are just a small portion of somd. Even though you did not win the first time, maybe not the second time either do not give up.

Anyone trying to better themselves and start a new leaf in life is a-ok in my book. :howdy:

I have some examples for you of how JPC name-called and taunted me. He accused me of "Kidnapping" my children and "holding them for child support money ransom, keeping their poor father from seeing them". When I tried to explain that I couldn't support them without help from their father he said I should have given them to their father who, by the way, was cruel & abusive. He accused me of hating their father & when I said we pray for their father still he accused me of basically trying to sound righteous to hide my deeds or something to that effect. I posted something where I said I was soft-hearted. He basically called me a liar because I had another post where I said it pains me greatly that I have loved ones that never got saved and they did not go to Heaven and he said if have a soft heart I couldn't say they were burning in Hell. The only time I have jumped on his case is when he has made statements like this to me. Does that make me right? No, it doesn't. Unfortunately, I am human too. Thank you for your time reading this.


Methodically disorganized
I have some examples for you of how JPC name-called and taunted me.
I felt bad for you when he said those things, because I know they took you off-guard and at one point you gave him a fair shot. As I said earlier, he used the same baseless, inflammatory argument against TP and a couple others because his delusions are black and white (i.e., "I am right and everyone else is wrong..."). A couple months ago a girl tried to explain her situation and he called her a demon; I'd have to search to find that one again though.

Nothing aggravates him more than facts, and people whose experiences completely counter his own. Keep it up! :yay:


The one and only Princess
:lmao: You need to do better research! Numerous people have tried to debate him, and it's only when he gives confusing and/or elusive answers repeatedly that one is left with calling him a loser... because he is one, and will always be one. He does not care about the law or facts, only what his twisted experiences and corrupted worldview tell him to believe.

Everything about his past that has been presented here was either originally posted by him or is somewhere on public record, so he is not some victim of slander and libel as he claims. And you are correct that he has changed in the past few years - his mind has become even further disconnected from reality.

Again, you really need to do more than 5 minutes worth of "research". Quite a few posts can be pulled up where he has "yelled" and used nasty language. The reason you see so many questions posted repeatedly is that he refuses to answer or does so in an obfuscatory way.

You can choose to join his side, but everyone else who has ever done so has given up fairly quickly because they possess at least an ounce of sanity. Or you can stay in his corner and be embarrassed right along with him. Good luck, either way! :howdy: :lmao:

Nobody is perfect. Taking into consideration the nonsense I see posted in here on a regular basis and the immature remarks left it karma it is hard to believe that many people in here are any better.


The one and only Princess
:bs: The highest SAT score used to be 1600 until they recently added the essay portion boosting the possible to 2400.

Support JPC all you want, maybe you will increase his total vote tally by a factor of 2.

That is correct and those are my scores.


The one and only Princess
Well if your book likes JPC then it's a comic book,you like people who abandon there families run away and leave a young wife and a son to fend for them selves with no help from him?You like people who turn their back on his own sons mother when she asked for help in taking care of his own son after finding out she was dying of cancer?When the courts step in and orderd child support not only didn't he pay it he went to jail so they could'nt garnish his wages not once but twice.You like lazy people who let there Mom put them on welfare and even after admitting they could work but won't becuase they will lose there free money?You like a guy who told his only son to do what he did and almost went to jail.........he would rather have his son in jail than take care of his own children.Well if you like that and think it's a small group well then .................you as much a fool as he is.:smack:

What I dont like is people who think they are so much better than others and insist on not letting people change. Change will not happen over night.

his past is his business. if it costs him the election then so be it. what happened then is over. it is none of my business. I will give him a fair chance and make the determination myself without you or anyone else trying to bully me into thinking your way.


The one and only Princess
I have some examples for you of how JPC name-called and taunted me. He accused me of "Kidnapping" my children and "holding them for child support money ransom, keeping their poor father from seeing them". When I tried to explain that I couldn't support them without help from their father he said I should have given them to their father who, by the way, was cruel & abusive. He accused me of hating their father & when I said we pray for their father still he accused me of basically trying to sound righteous to hide my deeds or something to that effect. I posted something where I said I was soft-hearted. He basically called me a liar because I had another post where I said it pains me greatly that I have loved ones that never got saved and they did not go to Heaven and he said if have a soft heart I couldn't say they were burning in Hell. The only time I have jumped on his case is when he has made statements like this to me. Does that make me right? No, it doesn't. Unfortunately, I am human too. Thank you for your time reading this.

Hi :howdy:what I would like see, is for him to learn and grow here too. Nobody is perfect and sometimes change can a very long time. See, we were able to talk here and I am willing to see another persons views. I think you are a wonderful person with a big heart. God sees that and that is all that matters.


The one and only Princess
I felt bad for you when he said those things, because I know they took you off-guard and at one point you gave him a fair shot. As I said earlier, he used the same baseless, inflammatory argument against TP and a couple others because his delusions are black and white (i.e., "I am right and everyone else is wrong..."). A couple months ago a girl tried to explain her situation and he called her a demon; I'd have to search to find that one again though.

Nothing aggravates him more than facts, and people whose experiences completely counter his own. Keep it up! :yay:

A demon?


Methodically disorganized
it is hard to believe that many people in here are any better.
Better than him? :faint: Rare has been the occurence that I have met someone so twisted, self-centered, and arrogant as JPC. As TP said earlier, there is very little, if anything, redeeming about him; if only one or two people were saying that, the "unfairness" claim may be valid, but virtually everyone that has encountered him has come to realize his warped nastiness, so maybe there is something to the point.

his past is his business.
Did you read his earlier post where he said, "I am not bashful about my history"? He put it out there; he has made it known he "deserted" his family to "figure it out for themselves," meanwhile he moved ~2,000 miles away and partied like a rock star for some 3 years without looking back to care for his son or ex-wife even a little.

His ex let him slide for those 3 years, until he was ~$27,000 in CS arrears, at which time she called CS enforcement on him... and he paid the price. Now he sees himself as the victim and uses his anger as motivation to topple the system - even though he claims his case is closed and not effectual on his current actions.

what I would like see, is for him to learn and grow here too.
TP said that for a long time, too. You should ask him how and why he changed his mind... :lmao:


Methodically disorganized
Her name was Gwendolyn, and she posted this. Jimmy's response was this.

She could have been somewhat more eloquent, but people do tend to get angry when Jimmy prods them personally the way he so enjoys doing. Her basic point was, "Spite is not expecting someone to contribute to their child's upbringing both financially and emotionally." To that he said, "You are like an angel / messanger showing the demon role."

He sees only what he wants to see, not what's actually there.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
That is correct and those are my scores.
Then I say you have fabricated that score and hold no credibility with me on anything you have posted or will post. Up through 2005 the 1600 point high was used on math and verbal tests and since 2006 it has been the 2400 point possibility with an addition of a writing portion, each section has a possible 800 point potential. This is easily verified so please, if you can, explain how you achieved 1800 out of a possible 1600, did you take the test through the muffler? :tap:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

I see. But wouldnt it be nice if people really do try to change for the better.
:coffee: I do regret if some people take my comments soooo personally, but I say my comments here are far more correct.

1) I said that the Court laws give custody to only one parent like kidnapping the children and then demanding the child support as ransom money or else the separated parent will never see their kids again.

2) I said if the custodials feel their own God given children are a burden then give the kids to the separated parent instead of stealing the child support loot.

3) The child support needs reform and I will get the process started when I get elected.

Some of my comments might be hard for some others involved but the child support steals and it impoverish parents and it puts dead broke parents into jail for being poor and slanders all the separated parents even when the parents do pay the ransom money.

So the custodials have the kids (the prize) and get paid child support for nothing and the custodials slander the separated parent and I talk back to them and thus some turn their venum onto me too, and they are wrong.

That is my point and it is only a personal shot if there is truth personal.



Methodically disorganized
I do regret if some people take my comments soooo personally, but I say my comments here are far more correct.
No you don't [regret it], or you wouldn't keep making such comments.

How else are people supposed to take your accusations when you say such nasty things which are clearly not factually-based? Godsbutterfly already recounted her story, I just reposted another, and I'm sure TP would love to repost his.

Everything is out there to be read... and you have been wrong every single time.


Well-Known Member
I see. But wouldnt it be nice if people really do try to change for the better.
It would be. He's not.

Ask him yourself those things I brought up. Ask him if he's proud of his temper tantrum thrown against a building for being forced to pay child support. Ask him if he believes parents should remain married as long as they have a child, unless one parent is physically abusing the other. Ask him if he's suggested his son not pay "those thieves" at child support - to stand against the theivery by going to jail as a political prisoner against such defamation of parents. Ask him if there are any children - anywhere - that are going without unless it is the custodial parent's fault, and ONLY the custodial parent's fault.

If you ask him to answer me, he'll simply say I'm lying and twisting his words. Ask him these things yourself, and see what answer (if any) you get from him regarding the issues, not the messanger.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

It would be. He's not.

Ask him yourself those things I brought up. Ask him if he's proud of his temper tantrum thrown against a building for being forced to pay child support. Ask him if he believes parents should remain married as long as they have a child, unless one parent is physically abusing the other. Ask him if he's suggested his son not pay "those thieves" at child support - to stand against the theivery by going to jail as a political prisoner against such defamation of parents. Ask him if there are any children - anywhere - that are going without unless it is the custodial parent's fault, and ONLY the custodial parent's fault.

If you ask him to answer me, he'll simply say I'm lying and twisting his words. Ask him these things yourself, and see what answer (if any) you get from him regarding the issues, not the messanger
:diva: I say that this T_p needs to just try speaking for himself. :whistle:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Everything is out there to be read... and you have been wrong every single time.
:coffee: You keep going around the point.

That your "right" and my "wrong" is being based on the present unjust system.

I am saying that I am going to change the wrongs into right when I get the power to do so.



Well-Known Member
:diva: I say that this T_p needs to just try speaking for himself. :shortbus:
Shortbus, I have spoken for myself. I've made my point with you over and over, and you're too thick to get it, because truth violates your inaccurate view of reality. I've tried for months to help you be an honest and better human being, and you not only refuse, you actively fight against the truth.

I'm trying to help someone else from going through that.

But, if you feel the need, I'll ask you: is there anything I quoted you as saying in that paragraph that you did not say?


Well-Known Member
:coffee: You keep going around the point.

That your "right" and my "wrong" is being based on the present unjust system.

I am saying that I am going to change the wrongs into right when I get the power to do so.

Shortbus, you're not seeking the power to do so, you're a candidate for HoR. You've been shown that each of your signature issues is not something that the HoR has any direct bearing on. You're seeking support for later runs locally, because you think people are stupid enough to follow you later because of your words now (this, of course, is just my opinion - not something you admitted to publicly yet). You know you can't affect abortion, you know you can't affect the child support system, you know you can't affect the local infrastructure, you know you can't affect marriage laws..... so what are you talking about?

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Shortbus, [ :shortbus: ]
:coffee: It has been brought to my attention that some people on this Forum do mis-use this school bus for children :)shortbus:) as one of their symbols to degrade others.

So just for the record I tell that I see nothing wrong with the short-bus and I never ever mean anything dirty or hateful when I use it, as other do.

I am not one of that group, thank God.

This is a way for that poster to mis-use and degrade children and a school bus to make his perverted point.

That poster is being a pervert concerning school children and I am not going to cooperate with his dirty claims.
