Electric Car News


Well-Known Member
Its all about management, right. Gas cruisers are not magically full all the time. You have to manage that process. This is no different. Most cruisers are not finishing up the day empty. Do all Deputies or State Police here fill up at end of shift, or do they push it til morning? No idea. You get home at say 40% charge, plug in in the driveway, maybe you get called back out 10 minutes later and the call is what 30 miles away? Here in the county, cant be much more than that, right? And if you are a rural county where you get calls 100 miles away, then maybe you require the officer to hit a level three charger on the way home or install them at the department.

My point is that the benefits depend on your departments specific use case and analysis is required. There's no blanket statement that applies to all departments.
I'm really not an EV hater at all, but they are not for everyone. I don't think they are for emergency response at all due to the unpredictable nature of the work. A hybrid can often get 500+ miles of range and takes 5 minutes to completely refill that. Someone could cripple emergency response by simply cutting off a couple charge cords.


Power with Control
I'm really not an EV hater at all, but they are not for everyone. I don't think they are for emergency response at all due to the unpredictable nature of the work. A hybrid can often get 500+ miles of range and takes 5 minutes to completely refill that. Someone could cripple emergency response by simply cutting off a couple charge cords.

You could, but what are the odds that actually happens? Thinking antifa attacking? City center type stuff doesn't require a lot of miles to respond to. 10 miles maybe? Maybe some Fast and Furious or Oceans 11 style heist? What criminal plot requires them to disable emergency response? Heck, quicker and easier to just flatten every tire in lot......... I don't know that that has ever happened.

And I've never claimed they are for everyone. But I think for the vast majority of departments, it makes sense. Maybe keep a blended fleet so you have that immediate response. How many places ever had events that require every single vehicle they own to go do 100+ miles at a hat drop?

I get that hybrid benefit, but along with that, you get all the maint cost that comes with a gas engine. So, I think you need to make a use case where if I turn the car in at end of shift with 20% charge (call it 50 miles left) What emergency is going to require all the cars off duty to drive 50 miles? Where might that happen?


Well-Known Member
You could, but what are the odds that actually happens? Thinking antifa attacking? City center type stuff doesn't require a lot of miles to respond to. 10 miles maybe? Maybe some Fast and Furious or Oceans 11 style heist? What criminal plot requires them to disable emergency response? Heck, quicker and easier to just flatten every tire in lot......... I don't know that that has ever happened.

And I've never claimed they are for everyone. But I think for the vast majority of departments, it makes sense. Maybe keep a blended fleet so you have that immediate response. How many places ever had events that require every single vehicle they own to go do 100+ miles at a hat drop?

I get that hybrid benefit, but along with that, you get all the maint cost that comes with a gas engine. So, I think you need to make a use case where if I turn the car in at end of shift with 20% charge (call it 50 miles left) What emergency is going to require all the cars off duty to drive 50 miles? Where might that happen?
Yada yada yada 😆 🤣


Well-Known Member
You could, but what are the odds that actually happens? Thinking antifa attacking? City center type stuff doesn't require a lot of miles to respond to. 10 miles maybe? Maybe some Fast and Furious or Oceans 11 style heist? What criminal plot requires them to disable emergency response? Heck, quicker and easier to just flatten every tire in lot......... I don't know that that has ever happened.

And I've never claimed they are for everyone. But I think for the vast majority of departments, it makes sense. Maybe keep a blended fleet so you have that immediate response. How many places ever had events that require every single vehicle they own to go do 100+ miles at a hat drop?

I get that hybrid benefit, but along with that, you get all the maint cost that comes with a gas engine. So, I think you need to make a use case where if I turn the car in at end of shift with 20% charge (call it 50 miles left) What emergency is going to require all the cars off duty to drive 50 miles? Where might that happen?
I wasn't necessarily thinking an intentional act. Just cops needing some charge either to get home or back and someone cut the cords to take the copper and suddenly several officers might not be able to get to the station. Cops don't live where they are employed by policy usually.

I'm a world were Podunk police forces seem to need armored breaching vehicles I would think needing a vehicle that can be ready at any time within minutes would be high on the list of importance.

What happens when a bullet penetrates the battery pack?
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Power with Control
I wasn't necessarily thinking an intentional act. Just cops needing some charge either to get home or back and someone cut the cords to take the copper and suddenly several officers might not be able to get to the station. Cops don't live where they are employed by policy usually.

I'm a world were Podunk police forces seem to need armored breaching vehicles I would think needing a vehicle that can be ready at any time within minutes would be high on the list of importance.

What happens when a bullet penetrates the battery pack?
Again, it's possible, but the improbability of these events lining up in such a way are pretty low.

Those battery packs are pretty well protected. Especially from side impact. As far as I know with all the millions built and there's been exactly one case. That was some guy who somehow had an accidental discharge through the back seat of his car under the top of a Tesla battery pack. And it did catch on fire. But like most EV fires, you initially have heat and smoke. Plenty to let you know. Hey, it's time to get out. The only people I know that have ever been burned in an EV fire were people whose cars were so destroyed in a crash they were probably dead already.

And yes, I know police vehicle is much more likely to take fire than a civilian vehicle. But I would say the probability of your EV police car taking fire in the remote chance of a golden BB finding its way to the battery pack so it burns are ow enough that it's statistically much more likely you'll run over a piece of road debris or something. Remember Evie's catch fire at a much lower rate than ice vehicles? And yes that number is corrected for quantities in the field


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
What happens when a bullet penetrates the battery pack?
That's gonna be an interesting spectacle to see.



Power with Control
Like you don't, you are just long winded! Plus, you post like kamala talks, drivel.
Sorry if facts and logical thought such bother you. You are free not to read them and continue your low information rants against things you wont bother to understand. :) You effectively just scream "Phreddy hates EVs" all day. :)

Caution, more facts below.

scarlet macaw parrot GIF by Head Like an Orange

Back to shot up EVs. The best info we have so far is that one Model s that the owner initially blamed Tesla for, until the bullet was found, positioned such that it was fired down through the rear seat. That and the Israeli guy who ran a Hamas roadblock and got his car shot up.



Well-Known Member
Sorry if facts and logical thought such bother you. You are free not to read them and continue your low information rants against things you wont bother to understand. :) You effectively just scream "Phreddy hates EVs" all day. :)

Caution, more facts below.

scarlet macaw parrot GIF by Head Like an Orange

Back to shot up EVs. The best info we have so far is that one Model s that the owner initially blamed Tesla for, until the bullet was found, positioned such that it was fired down through the rear seat. That and the Israeli guy who ran a Hamas roadblock and got his car shot up.

You don't have logical thought you rant.

As far as EVs go, yes I know that they are junk and NOT ready for prime time, but I have always backed HYBRIDS because they make more sense for everyday use and are not restricted to pizza delivery. Now rant away!


Power with Control
You don't have logical thought you rant.

As far as EVs go, yes I know that they are junk and NOT ready for prime time, but I have always backed HYBRIDS because they make more sense for everyday use and are not restricted to pizza delivery. Now rant away!

See, "everyday use" is a fiction, there's average use cases. And blanket statements like all junk just don't hold water against the facts we have so far. But these two points not supported by facts are the same points you mention every time. Repetition doesn't equate to truth. Unless you are a liberal, I suppose.


Well-Known Member
See, "everyday use" is a fiction, there's average use cases. And blanket statements like all junk just don't hold water against the facts we have so far. But these two points not supported by facts are the same points you mention every time. Repetition doesn't equate to truth. Unless you are a liberal, I suppose.
You are so correct, everyday use is for normal folks who purchase a vehicle to use everyday, alas that does not happen in your dimension where you are supposed to have multiple vehicles for separate uses. The negatives far outweigh the positives on EVs, but with hybrids you get the pros from both ICE and EVs .

Not please get back to the rant I know is coming. Entertainment has been a little slow this week, but I am sure you are about to fill that void.


Power with Control
You are so correct, everyday use is for normal folks who purchase a vehicle to use everyday, alas that does not happen in your dimension where you are supposed to have multiple vehicles for separate uses. The negatives far outweigh the positives on EVs, but with hybrids you get the pros from both ICE and EVs .

Not please get back to the rant I know is coming. Entertainment has been a little slow this week, but I am sure you are about to fill that void.
Well, looks like more than half of American households choose my reality. More of that pesky data.


Power with Control
Yep and kamala is ahead and Biden has ALL of his marbles, inflation is beaten and the job numbers are correct. I just cannot believe that you are this naive!

But you are entertaining!

So any data that conflicts with your preconceived notions is false. Got it. You sound like a 9/11 truther.

Always Sunny Reaction GIF


Well-Known Member
So any data that conflicts with your preconceived notions is false. Got it. You sound like a 9/11 truther.

Always Sunny Reaction GIF
Nope you just plain don't learn. If one thing even someone as nieve as you are is all the the numbers are skewed in anything the government announces.

But you my friend slurp them down faster than Kamala downs Willie's load.

But you are entertaining, carry on.