Do you now long pursuits normally last? Not very long.
Not what I said. I said to vet the the poll/survey data sources and look for possible bias of the folks doing to information gathering. Always vet ALL data sources. Even your own experience. If you land at SEATAC and drive north through Seattle, you will get a far different perception of Washington State than if you head southeast towards Mount Rainer, or take the ferry over to Southworth and drive north.
Like the Trump poll issue, where he polls lower than he get votes for. The thought is that people are embarrassed to say they are voting for him, but will still vote for him. Or maybe the group polling just calls more liberals.
So, when I look at census data bout number of cars per household, I cannot see either a reason for anyone to lie about that on the forms, or the govt to massage that data. Tell what logic leads you to think that data is wrong.
P.S. Calling me a liberal doesnt do anything, you know. You seem to think that because I don't think the way you do about EVs, I must be liberal
I do look for EV rentals when I travel. But if there is not available charging like my recent trip to the Bremerton area (although there will be next year since a 12 port Supercharger was waiting final hook up a few weeks back) or I cant get one for the same price as the intermediate sedan I normally rent, then I wont get one.
Hertz did a horrible job on purchasing and rollout. And not allowing a return state of charge below a certain point without stupid penalties was a poor choice as well.
EDIT: I see it was Budget.