Entering the Areana.........


New Member
Wow! Normally, I would agree with someone who thought that making Southern Maryland bigger and more populated.. But you Mr. C., should be run out of town. You are basing your "platform" on solely seflish garbage. I'm one of those single mom's you propose to take the NOMINAL child support from you retard. Without it, even though I work full time and use my family for help, I would be homeless and my kids would be living in some home.. YOU can go #### yourself, you have no ones best interest in mind but your own.
Have a nice day.. I hope to run in to you sometime.


Lem Putt
Let's add this up. Who has he offended:

1. Everyone who is employed on base.

2. Everyone who supports the base.

3. Everyone who sells things to 1 and 2.

4. Everyone who receives child support.

5. Women.

Who's left? (not wing, who is remaining)
MMDad said:
Let's add this up. Who has he offended:

1. Everyone who is employed on base.

2. Everyone who supports the base.

3. Everyone who sells things to 1 and 2.

4. Everyone who receives child support.

5. Women.

Who's left? (not wing, who is remaining)
Don't forget the disabled that are gainfully employed and shaking their head ruefully at a man who feels he is up to running for office yet isn't up for holding down a paying job.


Lem Putt
kwillia said:
Don't forget the disabled that are gainfully employed and shaking their head ruefully at a man who feels he is up to running for office yet isn't up for holding down a paying job.

You are right, but they are probably included in one of the other categories, since they are productive members of our society.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Schizo said:

Good catch!

He rants on some more about child support.
JPC,Sr/PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 3:32 pm

Question The custody and child support laws say that children cost a lot of money but is that true??

A child eats very little, small mouth - small stomach.

Clothes for children can be had for free or at discount prices.

Going to College does not happen until one turns 18 years old,
and student loans are available.

The children live under the same rent house as the parent and children can sleep anywhere that is safe.

There are free public school buses.

Question So what does the child support pay for??????????


JPC, Sr.

I would not cast a vote for you to be Supreme Chancellor of the Peoples Republic of Retardistan.

Your Pal,

Registered voter of Distric 29B


I sure hope JPC,Sr. continues to post here well after the elections... SO BE NICE TO HIM. :killingme


New Member
kwillia said:
Don't forget the disabled that are gainfully employed and shaking their head ruefully at a man who feels he is up to running for office yet isn't up for holding down a paying job.

He probably thinks running for office is a paying job... :eyebrow:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Schizo said:
I sure hope JPC,Sr. continues to post here well after the elections...

Don't count on it...given his past record of being a big :loser: he'll probably be doing time for spray painting the Board of Elections office in St Mary's.


Lem Putt
He's trying to get the best paying job of his life. Any idea what it pays? In '02 it was 31,509, plus $30/day meals, mileage to Annapolis, and hotels. It also includes standard state employee benefits.

It's easy to see why most state reps have outside jobs beside being on the dole.

Set the bar high!


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Not to mention everyone who DOESN'T receive their child support.
That's right Vrai. I happen to be on both sides of that fence.. One "deadmeat" who just chooses to lay around in jail and one who I have to constantly "remind" to pay his meager $400 dollars a month. While he moves in yet another girlfriend to watch my son and clean his newly purchased home.
GRRR!! I'm absolutly livid now..

That f*cktard hasn't a friggin' clue.. My child support for MY son didn't even come last month... When I did get it.. Over two weeks after Christmas, I bought him a new jacket and repaid my father for paying my rent for me on time. My son got a new bike and new clothes for Christmas.. Not from "DADDY". His father sees him 4 days a month(his choice) and has never bought him a new pair of shoes.

MISTER BOOZEMONKEY, I'd like to invite you to follow me around one day of my life with my kids and tell me that the money isn't well spent or that I don't need more. Aferwards, if you can still look at me and say I'm a pawn or a moneyhungry troll looking to suck the life out of MEN. Then sir, we shall take it outside.


New Member
The USDA issued a report on the cost of raising a child, born after 1999, from birth to 18, college not included.


It says, that the cost is about $170,460.00 based on an average income of $52,000 a year.

Dingleberry's half is $85,000
I"m sure his bebe's momma will take that upfront just so she can be done with him.


Lem Putt
fttrsbeerwench said:
That's right Vrai. I happen to be on both sides of that fence.. One "deadmeat" who just chooses to lay around in jail and one who I have to constantly "remind" to pay his meager $400 dollars a month. While he moves in yet another girlfriend to watch my son and clean his newly purchased home.
GRRR!! I'm absolutly livid now..

That f*cktard hasn't a friggin' clue.. My child support for MY son didn't even come last month... When I did get it.. Over two weeks after Christmas, I bought him a new jacket and repaid my father for paying my rent for me on time. My son got a new bike and new clothes for Christmas.. Not from "DADDY". His father sees him 4 days a month(his choice) and has never bought him a new pair of shoes.

MISTER BOOZEMONKEY, I'd like to invite you to follow me around one day of my life with my kids and tell me that the money isn't well spent or that I don't need more. Aferwards, if you can still look at me and say I'm a pawn or a moneyhungry troll looking to suck the life out of MEN. Then sir, we shall take it outside.

Sounds like we feel the same way. When I was 14, my mom worked three jobs. I would push my brother to school in his wheel chair, come home, and cook dinner for the two of us. Once I turned 16, it was my job to drive him up to Stanford for his orthopedist appointments. My dad didn't pay child support because my mom wasn't mormon.

Deadbeats belong in jail. Period. End of argument. If you can't do the time, don't spread your slime.


New Member
MMDad said:
Sounds like we feel the same way. When I was 14, my mom worked three jobs. I would push my brother to school in his wheel chair, come home, and cook dinner for the two of us. Once I turned 16, it was my job to drive him up to Stanford for his orthopedist appointments. My dad didn't pay child support because my mom wasn't mormon.

Deadbeats belong in jail. Period. End of argument. If you can't do the time, don't spread your slime.
Wow, you mother was like my mom. Who never got a dime, ever. He wouldn't pay because my mother left his drunk, stoned, abusive arse so we could have a chance. He blamed her for his life being miserable, years and years after we left.
My ex-boyfriends mom went through the same thing, with 4 kids.
These women are saints, I love my mother for just being strong enough to get us through it on her own. I wish I were half the woman she is.
But there are some who will just say, I should not have spread my legs, right?
This is not the point, that has NOTHING to do with the child who suffers. Sure, My life is hard because I'm a single mom, blah blah blah, but that doesn't mean my kids can't have or don't deserve a quality upbringing. This isn't about me and the fact that I don't have a nice car or that I cant afford to go places most of the time.

Mister Lowbrow Semensplatter hates having to get up and go to work to give someone he isn't humping a check every month. :killingme He can't let go that she got the best of him(his child) and that check is a constant reminder that all he was left with were calloused hands and teeny weenie paystub!


New Member
JPC said:
:yay: I will point out that one of our school houses ( at Carver E.) has already caught fire and burned down and yet we still send students to classes in these out side "relocatables" and tell the teachers if they smell smoke then get the students out. Now I am not college educated but I can figure out that we must stop bringing in more people / more students and we must make the schools safe again, BUT - BUT - BUT, all those college educated ones like Hoyer and McKay and Bohanan and more are still bringing in more big business and more people and expanding the Base and yet their college degrees do not tell them that one school house has already burned and we got lucky so stop bringing in more of the problem. Plus we recently had a disease outbreak at the County Detention Center and the overcrowding there made so it could have been worse then it was. We got lucky again. The same is true all over the area. It is those educated with greed that make so their educations are putting us all in real dangers.
My kids attend Carver and it is not overcrowded. It also did not "burn down". They had a fire caused some damage and had the repairs completed in 2-3 days. Aren't they building a new Carver as well? :confused:

Did you attend the meeting at the school after the fire? I think not.


New Member
slotted said:
My kids attend Carver and it is not overcrowded. It also did not "burn down". They had a fire caused some damage and had the repairs completed in 2-3 days. Aren't they building a new Carver as well? :confused:

Did you attend the meeting at the school after the fire? I think not.

Are you the guy with the dreads I saw at the choral concert? I think I walked in behind you...
Nice hat.:yay: