Environmentalist Opposes Affordable Housing


You're all F'in Mad...
Mrs Whitbeck Sues St. Mary's County (again!)

If you've ever watched a Planning Commission meeting, she's the lady who comes up and hates everything. She ran for County Commissioner against Tommy Mattingly and part of her platform was affordable housing. Now, she opposes Lexington Park Apartments 252 unit apartment complex. (She also hates the development of First Colony, and continues to oppose any development there including the housing.)

This is another frivelous lawsuit in which she should be forced to reimburse the cost of the county defending itself. She contends that the "procedure" isn't being followed. Our County Attorney basically says that the technical review is a later step in the development process, but she contends that it should have happened first. (Technical review is where they determine adequate public facilities.)

I guess she expects a developer to spend a bunch of money surveying and drawing plans and THEN bring it to the planning commission?

She's another environmentalist with too much time, wasting our tax money. Filing a lawsuit is just too easy. Add hers to the others against our county, wasting my money and yours!


I've always felt, that Claires main goal in life is to stay in the spotlight. I honestly don't think she cares how frivilous she is as long as her names in the paper.


New Member
For every Larry Jarboe, we have a Clare Whitbeck. Too liberal and too preoccupied with regulation, she is. (Like the Yoga style language there?:biggrin: ) I don't get how someone can be that contrary when we NEED those apartments. There is not affordable housing here. I don't care what the environmental toll is. Clare doesn't understand this because she lives in here nice house in Breton Bay with no concerns about others that need to find a place that they can live in frugally.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by demsformd
For every Larry Jarboe, we have a Clare Whitbeck. Too liberal and too preoccupied with regulation, she is. (Like the Yoga style language there?:biggrin: ) I don't get how someone can be that contrary when we NEED those apartments. There is not affordable housing here. I don't care what the environmental toll is. Clare doesn't understand this because she lives in here nice house in Breton Bay with no concerns about others that need to find a place that they can live in frugally.

Affordable housing has always been one of her talking points. Last year, she wanted to rent a bus and take people up to Montgomery County to see how affordable housing works there. She criticized her opponent's board of commissioners for their lack of affordable housing in the county. Now, she's part of the problem, not part of the solution.


You're all F'in Mad...
Does anyone know what web site she posts her notes on? A companion article in today's post showed a picture of her with her laptop saying the notes she types at County meetings are then posted on the web. Where?


New Member
I hate that Clare Whitbeck is in my party. God, we need affordable housing here. Regulation is needed but its purpose is not to stop all development.


Football season!
We have plenty of affordable housing here. Not our fault they feel "too good" to live in a trailer park.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by SmallTown
We have plenty of affordable housing here. Not our fault they feel "too good" to live in a trailer park.

Actually, that is -the- problem. So many trailer parks have disappeared that we just don't have enough so we have to build fancy apartment buildings and subsidize the rent.


New Member
if we get rid of affordable housing, maybe they won't build any more fast food joints.


Originally posted by SmallTown
We have plenty of affordable housing here. Not our fault they feel "too good" to live in a trailer park.

Smalltown! Of all people! You know darn well that most of us only make 70,000 a year here in good ol' SOMD. How can you say that?

But really, on the serious side the county does lack affordable housing. It's not a matter of feeling "too good."

When I was single mother back in the day. My rent was $840.00 a month. That was for a two bedroom apartment.

Considering that I worked at the jail and only made 31,000 a year, that was killer!

Food for 4, Rent, Utilities, Car payment, Insurance, Daycare, Clothing, Medical Bills. Christmas, Birthdays, etc... Not easy!

I know where your coming from, but let me tell ya, I remember when things were tough!

Clare Whitbeck

Opposes Affordable? Housing

Hi Oz and other readers. I am Clare Whitbeck. I would like to thank Oz for saying publicly what a lot of other people are probably saying privately. Oz, are you interested in facts or do you just want to vent? If you are interested in facts, we should be able to get a good discussion going. Best wishes.


Claire I've searched the world over for your web site to no avail.... Can you post the link?

Clare Whitbeck

Hi Kain99,
I certainly didn't mean to hide the web site from you. I don't know how to insert a link in this posting, so here's the address:
If you want to see notes on the BOCC meeting, click on BOCC Meeting Notes. My husband insists that I tell everyone that he has nothing to do with the web site.
By the way, from the research I've been able to do, not only is there not enough low income housing, there is just not enough housing of any kind.


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by Clare Whitbeck
Hi Kain99,
I certainly didn't mean to hide the web site from you. I don't know how to insert a link in this posting, so here's the address:
If you want to see notes on the BOCC meeting, click on BOCC Meeting Notes. My husband insists that I tell everyone that he has nothing to do with the web site.
By the way, from the research I've been able to do, not only is there not enough low income housing, there is just not enough housing of any kind.

Hi Clare!
Welcome to the boards. It's always good to have someone come here with an open mind and offer to debate the issues intelligently.
What are you wearing?

Clare Whitbeck

Hello Oz,
The reason the law suit was filed is that the schools are overcrowded, and overcrowding affects chidren's learning. Did you see Sunday's Washington Post? Wildewood is proposing 358 new apartments. The schools that will serve that project are also overcrowded. Wildewood is not covered by the adequate facilities ordinance, so those apartments will get built whether they overcrowd the schools or not. We need to build enough schools so our children can get a good education.
If trying to protect children makes me ultra liberal, then every mother in St. Mary's County is ultra liberal.


Clare It's really sad that Oz isn't here tonight. I know he'd love to chat with you regarding these issues.

Personally, I must say that I have a new respect for you! I takes integrity to address tough issues publically.
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Clare Whitbeck

Hello bknarw,
Please excuse me for not replying earlier. This posting stuff is new for me.
I'm wearing what I've had on all day, which means at the BOCC meeting and at the Democratic Club meeting tonight - a blue pants suit.
Am I properly dressed?


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by Clare Whitbeck
Hello bknarw,
Please excuse me for not replying earlier. This posting stuff is new for me.
I'm wearing what I've had on all day, which means at the BOCC meeting and at the Democratic Club meeting tonight - a blue pants suit.
Am I properly dressed?

Thanks Clare. It's a bit of a formality, and I mean no disrespect. I just have to ask that of all new women here.
My apologies if I disrupted this otherwise intelligent discourse, but I'm just doin' my job ma'am...just doin' my job...

Clare Whitbeck

Originally posted by Oz
Affordable housing has always been one of her talking points. Last year, she wanted to rent a bus and take people up to Montgomery County to see how affordable housing works there. She criticized her opponent's board of commissioners for their lack of affordable housing in the county. Now, she's part of the problem, not part of the solution.
Hi Oz,
I undertand you're not here tonight. I hope you're back soon. While knocking on doors in Wildewood, I found out that we have inclusionary zoning right here in Wildewood, and don't need to go to Montgomery County. Wildewood has been doing affordable housing for years.
I'd like to invite you and anyone else who is interested to attend the first planning meeting for the 2003 Affordable Housing Forum this Thursday at 7:00 PM. You can send an e-mail to clare@clarewhitbeck.com for directions to the meeting.