Equating a job to marriage

Larry Gude

Strung Out
But the reverse is not true, unless you count good looking black men with trashy white trailer buffaloes, which is a phenomenon I could never figure out. It's common to see beautiful women with average or below men; almost unheard of to see a good looking man with a dumpy frumpy woman; and so common it's cliche to see a black man with a white woman who isn't even within spitting distance of his physical equal.

I asked about that, young guy worked for me briefly this spring. He said an ugly white woman will be nice to him and be grateful. A good looking white woman won't put up with him and are too high maintenance and he says black women are mean. Like scary mean. :lol:


Luvin Life !!!
It takes time, on average 18 months, for people to get over being in love with someone. Some sooner, some longer, some, never.

I don't get how you could be madly and completely and unconditionally in love with someone, be married and it not work.

Because it takes two Larry. What may have been roses and angels for me, somehow became a moving crew and an asta la vista from him. We were never married and truthfully when he should have gotten mad, spoke his mind etc. He held it in then just said one day I'm done. Needless when you have dated someone for 7 years and lived with them for six, it is quite a bombshell.


Because it takes two Larry. What may have been roses and angels for me, somehow became a moving crew and an asta la vista from him. We were never married and truthfully when he should have gotten mad, spoke his mind etc. He held it in then just said one day I'm done. Needless when you have dated someone for 7 years and lived with them for six, it is quite a bombshell.

Just an overhead question because I know nothing of your situation but, did he speak his mind but it wasn't heard or dismissed and he just stopped speaking about it?


happy to be living
Physical attributes are over rated. Some of the nicest looking people I have ever met were phony and very ugly inside.


Luvin Life !!!
Just an overhead question because I know nothing of your situation but, did he speak his mind but it wasn't heard or dismissed and he just stopped speaking about it?

Honestly I can only ever recall him showing any real emotion a handful of times. I saw him cry once. I tried but you can't break open an oyster without a knife or some heat. Its okay though I have 6 really good years of memories. I guess this just goes to show I am not ready to date. I think as we get older we become more gun shy or at least wiser. Lol.


New Member
But the reverse is not true, unless you count good looking black men with trashy white trailer buffaloes, which is a phenomenon I could never figure out. It's common to see beautiful women with average or below men; almost unheard of to see a good looking man with a dumpy frumpy woman; and so common it's cliche to see a black man with a white woman who isn't even within spitting distance of his physical equal.

I see fairly good looking men with frumpy women around here, and I have never seen as many anywhere else that I've lived. It is a somewhat shocking observation when I truly actually thought about it

Hank, not just money but power


Well-Known Member
I see fairly good looking men with frumpy women around here, and I have never seen as many anywhere else that I've lived. It is a somewhat shocking observation when I truly actually thought about it

Hank, not just money but power

I see the same around here. I have a few really hot guyfriends and their girlfriends/wives are just eh. BUT, those women are gems. They are sweet, smart, and loyal. I know that one of the guys dated super model types before and he said they were all "fake".


PREMO Member
I am still madly and completely in love with my ex, He didn't want us anymore, I can honestly say he was the first person who I ever felt unconditional love with and almost a year later from our breakup I cannot imagine anyone even coming close to him.

how long were you together ?

I heard it takes 6 months for every yr you were together to get over someone, as part of the grieving process ...


Lem Putt
how long were you together ?

I heard it takes 6 months for every yr you were together to get over someone, as part of the grieving process ...

After 17 years of marriage, I can verify that the correct number is one millisecond for every year.


I am so very blessed
After 17 years of marriage, I can verify that the correct number is one millisecond for every year.

Clearly, you are having no second ....er, millisecond.......thoughts on moving forward with the divorce.

Good on you for not wasting another day on something that just wasn't working for you. It takes a lot of guts to make a change such as this.

Life is too short to be miserable.


Well-Known Member
Except when he's going off on some animal nuttie tangent and wants to start killing people. :roidrage:

:yay: Yep, eye for an eye for that worthless, redneck ####.

Roid rage? Hitting the gym more than they hit the bottle may not seem normal? (I get it, it's an SoMD thing) Sorry :poorbaby:
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New Member
People have as many different veiwpoints on jobs as they do marriage. All equally valid. Some people are just happy to have a job. Others need their work to be meaningful in a way that is unique to them. Some people think it's worth it to spend a lot of time/money on getting to a specific point. Others need power and authority. Some need high return.

For me, regarding my marriage and my job choice, I need to be happy about what I'm doing. It needs to be meaningful and I am not ok with doing the same thing everyday or having the same results as everyone else. I simply refuse to settle. Maybe it's just a weird personality thing but I need more than just the appearance of having everything together and my bills getting paid. I'll take the long, less traveled road if it means I'm happy about waking up every morning. The article doesn't speak for me but I can certainly understand his point.

Plus, I love Mike Rowe. That man is propped pretty high on a pedestool in my book, not much unlike Peyton Manning. He can do no wrong and every word that comes out of his mouth does so at the tune of angels singing.