Erasing history...


God bless the USA
I'll rephrase the statement......
Answer my questions...Sh!t for brains.....

Pretty much. Really sad. Let's talk about what Sec. Kelly is talking about NK nuclear capability game changer on Judge Janine. Talk about sh!t for brains. Does Kim not understand his country would be annihilated if he attacks the US? History may repeat itself soon. Dumb sh!ts.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I would say that a super majority doesn't even know who the monuments are for or even care. A handful of people want them removed, a handful of people want them to stay.

I have always considered WWII and the Revolutionary war more important than our Civil war and there are far more monuments dedicated to the Civil war.

There is arguably NOTHING more important than our civil war in modern world history. Hell, it started modern world history. I could make a list from here to next week of the issues that were impacted not least of which was a war that, never mind why it began, a civil war was fought FOR a third party. It ended the agrarian era of our history. It expanded, massively, the role and purpose and understanding of the central gummint. it completely flipped the idea and concept of citizenship and individual rights; you could now be forced to serve a gummint supposedly of, by and for you. It planted and germinated the seeds of our robber baron era. It transformed the entire concept of what the US was.

The revolution, in contrast, was far less earth shaking, being more or less the logical next step in the Reformation; a new nation birthed from it's ideas. The Civil need not and should not have happened. WWII was a continuation and the conclusion of WWI.

Our civil war sowed the seeds of the second most important event in world history; WWI

In my view.

I mean, maybe the Reformation is #1? In any event, the removal of monuments is censorship and erases one of the primary tools that helps us remember who we were, where we are and where we seek to go.

Anyone who posts in here ought to know about it;


Well-Known Member
There is arguably NOTHING more important than our civil war in modern world history. Hell, it started modern world history. I could make a list from here to next week of the issues that were impacted not least of which was a war that, never mind why it began, a civil war was fought FOR a third party. It ended the agrarian era of our history. It expanded, massively, the role and purpose and understanding of the central gummint. it completely flipped the idea and concept of citizenship and individual rights; you could now be forced to serve a gummint supposedly of, by and for you. It planted and germinated the seeds of our robber baron era. It transformed the entire concept of what the US was.

The revolution, in contrast, was far less earth shaking, being more or less the logical next step in the Reformation; a new nation birthed from it's ideas. The Civil need not and should not have happened. WWII was a continuation and the conclusion of WWI.

Our civil war sowed the seeds of the second most important event in world history; WWI

In my view.

I mean, maybe the Reformation is #1? In any event, the removal of monuments is censorship and erases one of the primary tools that helps us remember who we were, where we are and where we seek to go.

Anyone who posts in here ought to know about it;

See I believe the Revolution was more important because we broke from the most powerful empire the modern world has ever seen, this started the unraveling of the British empire.

Robber Barrons did not start after the American civil war, they have existed throughout history, just less mechanized. The war itself had nothing to do with industrialization, that was going to happen regardless because it was already happening.

WWI was probably more important for world events, but we had a relatively small part in it, WWII had far more importance to the US because it left us as the only manufacturing power in the world that wasn't decimated and directly caused our huge economic success in the mid 20th century.


New Member

I'll admit feely that I do not know, nor do I care about who, what, or why that monument is there. I don't care if it is a 100' statue of a hooded KKK member right in downtown!

The point is WHY are these people up in arms about a statue that sits there doing absolutely NOTHING yet, they won't do a damn thing about murders, rapes, and rampant crime in their own communities!

Does an offensive statue deserve to be there? NO! Are there more important priorities for the black community to focus on? HELL YES!


Well-Known Member
I'll admit feely that I do not know, nor do I care about who, what, or why that monument is there. I don't care if it is a 100' statue of a hooded KKK member right in downtown!

The point is WHY are these people up in arms about a statue that sits there doing absolutely NOTHING yet, they won't do a damn thing about murders, rapes, and rampant crime in their own communities!

Does an offensive statue deserve to be there? NO! Are there more important priorities for the black community to focus on? HELL YES!

If it doesn't deserve to be there why should it be left up any longer, and why should there be any conditions connected to taking it down?

Besides, if we applied your logic the monuments to racism would never have been placed.


New Member
If it doesn't deserve to be there why should it be left up any longer, and why should there be any conditions connected to taking it down?

Besides, if we applied your logic the monuments to racism would never have been placed.

So, it is your contention that the black community should focus their attentions on this and not the deaths of hundreds of black youths happening right now? Is that correct?

Also.... are you going to ever answer BirdDog's questions? :tap:


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
No WW I was a result of the French poking Germany in 1870 and losing

Our Civil War illustrated, to the many, many keen foreign observers of it, that a) even with carnage on a grand scale, there will be/can be a winner and a loser, b) advanced weapons do matter, c) all sorts of entrenching and bunker techniques work..or not.. We "showed them the way" and off they went. With a vengeance and unlimited confidence. A collective sense of "we got this".


Well-Known Member


New Member
You are pretty retarded if you got that from my post. You and bird dog both have google, right?

A direct quote from your "reference:"

"Shifting the responsibility for the violence onto those who live in the midst of it relieves others of responsibility. It allows you to sleep well at night, convinced that a murder in North Lawndale, Englewood, Roseland or Auburn Gresham is "their" problem, one that can only be solved by "them."

Geee... holding the people in the neighborhood accountable for trying to fix crime that happens in their neighborhood. What a novel idea!

So tell me genius.... who should be responsible? You, me, the people of Fiji?

BTW... still waiting for those responses to the questions. :tap:

EDIT: And it's not that they don't CARE about the crime. It's that they aren't doing SH!T that is worth while to fix it! I bet if there were white groups going through the town shooting up black neighborhoods that there would be every black political pundit and fame seeker condemning it!
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Well-Known Member
A direct quote from your "reference:"

"Shifting the responsibility for the violence onto those who live in the midst of it relieves others of responsibility. It allows you to sleep well at night, convinced that a murder in North Lawndale, Englewood, Roseland or Auburn Gresham is "their" problem, one that can only be solved by "them."

Geee... holding the people in the neighborhood accountable for trying to fix crime that happens in their neighborhood. What a novel idea!

So tell me genius.... who should be responsible? You, me, the people of Fiji?

BTW... still waiting for those responses to the questions. :tap:

EDIT: And it's not that they don't CARE about the crime. It's that they aren't doing SH!T that is worth while to fix it! I bet if there were white groups going through the town shooting up black neighborhoods that there would be every black political pundit and fame seeker condemning it!

IMO they don't want the crimes to stop. Many of them have a relative or close friend selling the dope or doing the thieving.

Police can do nothing unless they have witnesses and no one will be a witness because they are too afraid or too involved.
The ones who are afraid are afraid because the criminals exist in such numbers that they are running the city.
Or they have children involved or who are threatened.
They care big time right after a child is killed, but not enough to involve themselves with the police.


God bless the USA
I do think that trying to erase history is a mistake because we learn from it. I, actually, have a personal story about the Lee monument at Lee Circle in NOLA. My father worked for Amoco as a geophysicist back in the day on that circle. I used to work there in the summers. I don't know if that big red brick building is still there. I was taught not to be racist. I am not. I have mixed feelings about the removal of the monument/s. I think it is ok to have them taken down if it is causing anxiety, but history should not be forgotten. It happened, and it was horrible. But, in the same turn, I, being a white person, should not be asked to make reparations for something I had nothing to do with; that whole reparation thing is another thread. Anyway, I, also, find it fascinating that Lee fought for the South when he was considered a Northerner. How are children of the future ever going to learn about war and strife, and differences, if it is all obliterated? What has been done cannot be undone, no matter how the powers that be tear down monuments or rewrite the school books. Don't y'all see what is happening? If y'all don't, I can't help you. I was raised on the bayou; no slaves there. My father happened to be extra smart and got 3 degrees. He was one of the ones that got to say 'drill here'. I am so sick of the hypocrisy of it all.

My middle name is Lee. Too funny. Go, figure. :lol:
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God bless the USA
If it doesn't deserve to be there why should it be left up any longer, and why should there be any conditions connected to taking it down?

Besides, if we applied your logic the monuments to racism would never have been placed.

Why doesn't it deserve to be there? And, those monuments weren't erected because of racism. Period. Africans sold their own into slavery to white people. Why isn't that talked about? Oh, and yeah, that is still going on in present time. As, you say, Google is your friend. I personally use bing.
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Well-Known Member
A direct quote from your "reference:"

"Shifting the responsibility for the violence onto those who live in the midst of it relieves others of responsibility. It allows you to sleep well at night, convinced that a murder in North Lawndale, Englewood, Roseland or Auburn Gresham is "their" problem, one that can only be solved by "them."

Geee... holding the people in the neighborhood accountable for trying to fix crime that happens in their neighborhood. What a novel idea!

So tell me genius.... who should be responsible? You, me, the people of Fiji?

BTW... still waiting for those responses to the questions. :tap:

EDIT: And it's not that they don't CARE about the crime. It's that they aren't doing SH!T that is worth while to fix it! I bet if there were white groups going through the town shooting up black neighborhoods that there would be every black political pundit and fame seeker condemning it!

Use your google. There are literally thousands of hits related to blacks organizing to stop crime in their neighborhoods. :bigwhoop:

Why doesn't it deserve to be there? And, those monuments weren't erected because of racism. Period. Africans sold their own into slavery to white people. Why isn't that talked about? Oh, and yeah, that is still going on in present time. As, you say, Google is your friend. I personally use bing.
You are retarded, and like the rest of the idiots here, you need to read up on why those particular monuments were erected.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
See I believe the Revolution was more important because we broke from the most powerful empire the modern world has ever seen, this started the unraveling of the British empire. .

Was that a good thing or simply inevitable? We BARELY broke free and we did so roughly divided then as now; 1/3 for, 1/3 against 1/3 sitting on the fence waiting to join the winners. And with foreign help. It can't be said England was fighting tooth and nail to keep us, agreed? So, I'd argue England was over extended and the fall was coming sooner or later. Whereas our civil war was neither inevitable or necessary. It was a choice and one that made very little sense. :buddies:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Drones don't get to leave the collective.

Secession, I assume, is what you're referring to. Secession HAS to be an option or belonging is meaningless. It's HOW they went about it that is the problem. Any number of times the South had secession in their hands and with the blessing of most Northerners. But, they threw it away, time after time. :buddies: